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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You started your post with a incorrect statement, it got what it deserved

No he didn't, he started it with an opinion; here's his opening lines;

"In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same."

There are many people, not least HMRC, with the same opinion.

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No he didn't, he started it with an opinion; here's his opening lines;

"In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same."

There are many people, not least HMRC, with the same opinion.

Unfortunately, there are many orcs, not least Tedi, with this level of language skills. laugh.gif

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Fine but if this were the case then you would have equal number of posts rejecting all things Celtic in Celtic threads, are you saying this is the case?

You'll have to trust me that if Celtic were in similar trouble, I'd take a similar interest.

Seriously Tedi, you do get people, lots of them in fact, that have contempt for both bits of the OF. One of the reasons for this is the view emanating from so many of their fans that we're all secretly fans of one or the other.

You're needing to grow up a bit on this one.

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In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same. This is not some nameless, faceless corporation you ripped off, or cleverly outmaneuvered Its you. Its me. Its him over there and the guy sitting next to him, It is your country you didn't pay for.

The Sevco-ites make a great show of their poppy, help for heroes and veterans work and it is commendable. They raise a huge amount of money and highlight excellent charities that offer support to veterans and families. All excellent and beyond criticism.

The final tax bill is / will be / is estimated at £94,000,000.

Osprey body armour costs about a £1000.

There are about 100,000 troops in the regular British Army.

So thats not far off 1 each. So maybe if you paid your fucking taxes we wouldn't have required an Urgent Operational Requirement Order years after deployment, so that all of our troops were protected.

So how many names were chiseled into the marble so you could have Torre Andre Flo? Think about that when you accuse the sellllik of hating our troops and not doing enough for remembrance day. Think about that when you say "ah but what have we ACTUALLY been found guilty of?" Think about that when you snigger at plastics and diddies, shouting we are ra peeple and spending £7million a year on wages in the 3rd Division.

Hint of a guilty conscience? Making up for something? Can't be. Silly of me. A conscience, what was i thinking. Bunch of arrogant, irredeemable, cheating c*nts.

Well said that man, though you're wasting your time if you think any rangers fans will do anything other than ignore the decent points you made and pick up on something irrelevant or call you names.

At least you tried but you do know they are the thickest fans this side of the Mississippi ?

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The gullible ones here are The SPL fans. You may have a few viable clubs but you don't have a viable league without Rangers.

Please, Kincardine, you're better than that type of shit. All year we've had nothing but Murray did it, Whyte shafted us, we can't help what these people did. Now you expect the rest of us to answer for the behaviour of those in charge of our clubs?

We are Killie, Motherwell, St Johnstone, Hearts, Hibs, Inverness, Ross County fans. We support our teams. You may understand it as "loyalty"

I am pleased with some of the stuff Johnston has done for Killie. I was unhappy with some events during the Fleeting era. Chairmen and boards come and go, but the team on the park is what counts for the fans.

As for not having a viable league, I remain unconvinced Charlie Boy has a viable club, whatever they're called. Or that he really wants one.

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No he didn't, he started it with an opinion; here's his opening lines;

"In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same."

There are many people, not least HMRC, with the same opinion.

Unfortunately, there are many orcs, not least Tedi, with this level of language skills. laugh.gif

To be fair maybe there should have been a semi - colon rather than a comma in there. Grammar was a bit half-arsed.smile.gif

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Guest Kincardine

The gullible ones here are The SPL fans. You may have a few viable clubs but you don't have a viable league without Rangers.

Please, Kincardine, you're better than that type of shit. All year we've had nothing but Murray did it, Whyte shafted us, we can't help what these people did. Now you expect the rest of us to answer for the behaviour of those in charge of our clubs?

I don't mean that at all. I also said that The SPL have viable clubs.

However, the only reason that The SPl is extant is because The SFL sold our media right to them in order for The SPL to renew their Sky deal.

Please note that, by saying this, I am not dissing individual clubs.

Note, too, that your club's league is still in business because of Rangers.

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In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same

He ties them all up in one statement and says they, in his mind are all the same

And you defend him :lol:

Take these 2 examples

I pay money into a private pension scheme directly via my employer, I am avoiding paying the tax that I would been due to pay should I have decided to receive this money through my salary, later when I retire, I then take some of this cash as a tax free lump sum, I have avoided paying tax, this is legal and is tax efficient

I fill in a tax return as a 40% tax payer, but omit the fact that I have been paid interest through by bank account which was only taxed at 20%, I have evaded tax, this is illegal

You cannot tie tax avoidance and tax evasion up in one statement and say they are the same as cheating

" "

(After joining P&B on 27 July 2012, Tedi's comprehension skills finally leave me totally fucking speechless)

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In my mind, legal / illegal, avoidance / evasion, shielding / cheating. Its all the same. This is not some nameless, faceless corporation you ripped off, or cleverly outmaneuvered Its you. Its me. Its him over there and the guy sitting next to him, It is your country you didn't pay for.

The Sevco-ites make a great show of their poppy, help for heroes and veterans work and it is commendable. They raise a huge amount of money and highlight excellent charities that offer support to veterans and families. All excellent and beyond criticism.

The final tax bill is / will be / is estimated at £94,000,000.

Osprey body armour costs about a £1000.

There are about 100,000 troops in the regular British Army.

So thats not far off 1 each. So maybe if you paid your fucking taxes we wouldn't have required an Urgent Operational Requirement Order years after deployment, so that all of our troops were protected.

So how many names were chiseled into the marble so you could have Torre Andre Flo? Think about that when you accuse the sellllik of hating our troops and not doing enough for remembrance day. Think about that when you say "ah but what have we ACTUALLY been found guilty of?" Think about that when you snigger at plastics and diddies, shouting we are ra peeple and spending £7million a year on wages in the 3rd Division.

Hint of a guilty conscience? Making up for something? Can't be. Silly of me. A conscience, what was i thinking. Bunch of arrogant, irredeemable, cheating c*nts.

Great post.

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Guest Kincardine

So how many names were chiseled into the marble so you could have Torre Andre Flo?

Shite like this just should not be posted.

To connect people being killed because Rangers spent over the odds for a footballer is nothing more than crass.

Flo's signing just did not cause deaths. Get a fucking grip.

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I don't mean that at all. I also said that The SPL have viable clubs.

However, the only reason that The SPl is extant is because The SFL sold our media right to them in order for The SPL to renew their Sky deal.

Please note that, by saying this, I am not dissing individual clubs.

Note, too, that your club's league is still in business because of Rangers.

And if they (the SPL) went out of business, I'd still be supporting Killie, no matter where they played, or in whatever league. Some of us know that the spectre of part-time football is not a death sentence - most of the clubs providing opposition for the Tribute Act, for instance.

You appear to have swallowed the MSM myth that rangers supported the Scottish game all on their own, rather than hoovering up every penny they could (possibly by cheating) in order to chase the one trophy that would satisfy their fans - and failing to do so, dying in the process.

There's only one club suffering from your team's death, and it must be nice for you to know that they're missing you too.

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Shite like this just should not be posted.

To connect people being killed because Rangers spent over the odds for a footballer is nothing more than crass.

Flo's signing just did not cause deaths. Get a fucking grip.

It's no more far fetched than some of the club/company shite put forward by the Rangers contingent on here.

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Guest Kincardine

Great post.

Actually a car-crash of a post.

So fewer people would have been killed had we not signed Tore Andre Flo? Is this the sort of mindlessness that you want want to read on here?

Blame Rangers for plenty. Please don't blame us for having people killed.

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I don't mean that at all. I also said that The SPL have viable clubs.

However, the only reason that The SPl is extant is because The SFL sold our media right to them in order for The SPL to renew their Sky deal.

Please note that, by saying this, I am not dissing individual clubs.

Note, too, that your club's league is still in business because of Rangers.

You're right in that the SPL as a body as it was conceived, is indeed reliant on Rangers, which is why most chairman would have had the Newco back, had their fans not spoken up. It's also why they attempted to bully SFL clubs into putting them in their top flight.

Your original point was a little misleading though in implying that there can't be a viable top league without Rangers. Clearly there can, as plenty small countries manage without one massive club, let alone two. A more sensible model than the SPL has ever represented, would leave a situation where no clubs need depend on the presence of a specific other, regardless of its conduct.

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To be fair maybe there should have been a semi - colon rather than a comma in there. Grammar was a bit half-arsed.smile.gif

Nah, the front end's fine. Maybe a colon instead of the full-stop near the back end. Although to get the message through to Tedi, you'll have to use crayons.

Or get Bennett to post it.

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The gullible ones here are The SPL fans. You may have a few viable clubs but you don't have a viable league without Rangers.

Those clubs were not viable with Rangers, as far as I can see many were in difficulty but they were not involved in trying to avoid tax using an EBT scheme or having dual contracts.

Motherwell, Dumfy, Hibs , Hearts all had previous monetary woes the way your mob talk is that you bankroll the whole shebang.

Clubs are responsible for their own survival if any other club goes to the wall it will be by their own actions not because of your regurgitation. So unlike your own support no one will be looking for outside scapegoating or meaningless revenge.

It has been the failure of supporters at the defunct Rangers to admit and accept all blame lays with Murray, the board and Whyte but you would never have been able to pay the EBT tax bill and HMRC would not have accepted the CVA so you were always going to crash and burn.

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Actually a car-crash of a post.

So fewer people would have been killed had we not signed Tore Andre Flo? Is this the sort of mindlessness that you want want to read on here?

Blame Rangers for plenty. Please don't blame us for having people killed.

As I said, no more far fetched than the club/company stuff.

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Guest Kincardine

Those clubs were not viable with Rangers, as far as I can see many were in difficulty but they were not involved in trying to avoid tax using an EBT scheme

You didn't read my post(s).

I went out of my way to talk about the league rather than the clubs.

The SPL is only financially viable this year because of Rangers. I don't see how you or anyone can disagree with this.

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Shite like this just should not be posted.

To connect people being killed because Rangers spent over the odds for a footballer is nothing more than crass.

Flo's signing just did not cause deaths. Get a fucking grip.

Quite agree, Kincardine. It's in the same ballpark as a lot of the knee-jerk terrorist/child abuse shite some of your mob fling around, and is completely unnecessary.

the non-payment of taxes DID leave a multi-million pound hole in the Treasury, but that could just as easily have been the maintenance bills for the Royal Parks, or the redecorating costs of Buck House. Still a massive fucking theft, however you dress it up. Especially from the crown that a lot of rangers fans think more of than is healthy, in their twisted wee minds.

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Guest Kincardine

Your original point was a little misleading though in implying that there can't be a viable top league without Rangers.

My point was not misleading. My point was very simple. The SPL negotiated a deal with Sky after buying Rangers' media rights.

Has the SPL had any sense of shame then that would not have happened.

Had fans of SPL clubs had any shame then they would have eschewed it.

The fact remains that The SPL is propped up by Rangers.

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