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Getting a tax penalty isn't being "found guilty" in any remotely meaningful sense. Penalties get churned out automatically.

Plus the matter is under appeal.

Ugh. You don't get penalties unless you have done something wrong, whether it's trivial, like late payment, or near-criminal, like paying your employees through an offshore EBT for years on end. You have been found guilty of something, the end. There is nothing you can say that will change that.

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Ugh. You don't get penalties unless you have done something wrong, whether it's trivial, like late payment, or near-criminal, like paying your employees through an offshore EBT for years on end. You have been found guilty of something, the end. There is nothing you can say that will change that.

I'm not sure exactly what penalties are involved. The taxman tends to slap these on all over the place. And it's under appeal.

Edited by Bearwithme
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Bennett,we ripped the pish out of Celtic in the early nineties about them having no money. I particulary remember two weeks on the bounce in season 1991/92 when they beat us in the Scottish Cup and then the league they sang"always look on the bright side of life" after which at the partiton between the Rangers end and the jungle we were showing them what money looked like so it's fair to say that we would be giving them plenty if roles were reversed. I know i would,especially to that cunto,Henrik.

I'm going to disagree with you, theres "piss taking" and there's obsessive behaviour. I was in my teens then and it wasn't that big a deal, Rangers as always came first.

Are you being paid through an offshore Employee Benefit Trust and been investigated by HMRC? No? Shut the f**k up then.

Ooooh get her dry.gif

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Just read back through the todays/last nights posts and you have to give young Dhensboy credit for not needing sleep, give him a keyboard and he'll hammer away at it non stop while sorting out the Rangers problems.


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For an EBT to be legal they must be genuine loans. The question I would have to ask is why anyone whose earning 5 figure sums a week need them? More importantly we've had various slips of the tongue from former players that they've never paid any of it back.

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Are you in the habit of writing lists in public to confirm your thoughts - lest your mind plays tricks on you?


I don't believe you even know what the list of punishments is.

So, share it with us.

list them, i'm not asking you to do something difficult.

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I don't believe you even know what the list of punishments is.

So, share it with us.

list them, i'm not asking you to do something difficult.

Ball gag, wrist and leg restraints, whipping, c*ck cages, anal, pet play, pvc/rubber, blindfold, pins, furniture etc, take yer pick Rico baby you kinky bugger dry.gif .

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We've already done the rounds with regards to your ridiculous questions.

They aren't getting any better.


You feel your club has had enough unfair punishments.

Nothing ridiculous in asking you to list these punishements

So, list them

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I'm going to disagree with you, theres "piss taking" and there's obsessive behaviour. I was in my teens then and it wasn't that big a deal, Rangers as always came first


And this is no different, except for the fact you canny take it.

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You are simply incorrect

Tax avoidance is to avoid paying tax, paying money into an ISA is tax avoidance

Have a look at this article, it even covers EBT`s and Rangers who have appealed the bill ;)

There are many ways of avoiding tax but some are perceived in a dimmer light than others; paying money into an ISA is tax avoidance, as is paying money into a pension scheme these two examples are never questioned by those hunting down the tax avoiders and yet those two examples are as legally legitimate as a well run "tax avoidance" scheme


Still your not paying tax over a number of weeks and that is tax evasion. No matter what you keep trying to tell us HMRC will always view it as ILLEGAL!

Be Careful Posting Forms To Companies House – They Might Get Lost in the Mail

I posted about the recent Rangers announcement on the official website regarding the addition of two new non-executive Directors to the Board of the Rangers Football Club Limited. The name of Mr Imran Ahmad was missing from the list and this initially seemed odd, bearing in mind how highly Mr Green had spoken of him on 17th October when announcing that Mr Ahmad had left Zeus Capital to become Commercial Director at Ibrox.

Subsequent inquiries by Ecojon, reported here, suggested that we had been concerned regarding Mr Ahmad for no reason.

He remains involved with Zeus Capital.

In addition, his appointment as Commercial Director would render his position as a non-executive director redundant. He could have stayed as an executive director, but the suggestion is that he will take up a place on the football board (although there has been no announcement yet to my knowledge of any separate company to run the football business). As I have said before, it is a common structure to have a PLC which owns the limited company which in turn owns the football operation.

All will become clear of course when the Prospectus is issued, at which stage all interested parties can consult their financial advisers and stockbrokers to determine whether or not to purchase shares.

Why in the heading do I mention sending forms to Companies House?

Under Section 167 of the Companies Act 2006 there is a duty on a company to notify directorial changes to the Register of Companies.

The relevant part of the section states:-

A company must, within the period of 14 days from—

(a) a person becoming or ceasing to be a director…

give notice to the registrar of the change and of the date on which it occurred.

If Mr Ahmad stepped down on 17th October, when his appointment as Commercial Director was announced, as seems to be implied, then Companies House ought to have known by 1st November. As at this morning, there is no record of Mr Ahmad having resigned as a director.

As the organisation now running Rangers is a far more efficient outfit than its predecessor turned out to be, then the likely explanations are:-

  • That the paperwork has gone astray en route to Companies House;
  • That Companies House has not processed the information timeously (which is highly unlikely in my experience); or
  • That the resignation was only made effective when the new directors, Messrs Smith and Hart, were appointed, and it was felt appropriate not to make any announcement of Mr Ahmad’s change in status.

In the latter case, as a private limited company, there is no obligation to make a public announcement. That is why the notification to Companies House is required. In that event the time window is still open.

In theory, it is a criminal offence by the company and its officers to miss the 14-day time window. For that reason I have no doubt that the issue is simply one of paperwork being diverted in the post or the ether, and that the official records will be up to date imminently.

There is no possibility that, unlike Mr Whyte’s time in charge, the need to notify Companies House has simply been forgotten. After all, at the end of June when Messrs Murray, Stockbridge and Ahmad were appointed, the Companies House records were updated that very day.

Posted by Paul McConville

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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