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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So when is this thread heading to gold?

Shortly.............from TSFM

The fact that the Scotsman has printed the Tom English article – which was brilliant – speaks volumes for where we are. If there was the slightest chance of a successful launch or of SEVCO living long and prospering it would not have been published. The MSM now know that the gemme’s a bogey for SEVCO. The FTTT is coming out – it is damning ( I suspect many many individuals will by now have seen its contents) and from it, it will be clear that the HMRC will chase the perpetrators of the scam and the beneficiaries – disgrace to all – and even the MSM would not be able to hide this one.

I believe the share issue and even the private “Rangers family” version cannot now raise enough cash to keep the club going till the end of the season. The attempted sale of assets and lease back has again proved to be non-viable and there is now nowhere left for them to go.

Jabba’s absence yesterday from Your Call is indicative – I think. My fag packet calculation of their income v expenses was 11.5 mill versus 20 mill – CENKOS has expenditure at 28.8 million – therefore my assumption that they could sail until February now appeared over optimistic. they have pretty much run out of the readies right now!

Jabba will come back with a sudden and shocking exclusive this week on how close to death “Rangers” are and the need for Ibrox men of old ( who he will conveniently forget got them into the present state of deidness in the first place) to save the club is urgent.

Expect a quick sale of the club privately to King (or a proxy) in the coming days and weeks after an administration event and CVA . Expect all hell to break loose – the SFA and SPL and SFL leaderships at that point will be holed beneath the water line and mass resignations will follow. Doncaster, Regan, Ogilvie, Ballantyne and Longmuir will all be forced to go.At that point someone will released the 5-way agreement and the true extent of the corruption will be revealed.

An Armageddon then – for the perpetrators. Scottish football will emerge cleansed and hopefully a little bit wiser.

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Have to disagree - he does look at things from his club's (or company's - does that help me get it right?) perspective, but don't we all.

Kincardine, Knightswood Bear and a couple of others with 'Rangers' as their team I like reading, just for a bit of balance. Even Bennett, in posts where he's not taunting WRK, is readable.

Rarer than an albino Unicorn.

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Sorry if posted before but he does make me laugh


I know by my email in-box and from the text messages I get from old press pals on both sides of Hadrian's Wall, just how well read LeggoLand is by journalists.
For I believe Lawwell will use the Scottish Football League's entirely honourable and visionary plans to shake up Scottish football and curb the power of the Scottish Premier League, as an excuse to add impetus to long term Parkhead plans for Celtic to play in England

Even though Lawwell's plan would need Government backing and by that I mean the UK Government, which means Lawwell would have to treat with and make promises to Prime Minister David Cameron and the Conservatives.


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http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Rangers fans who attack Leggo are a small minority who are the extreme of the extremists as Odius Creep plans to finish off Rangers :lol: :lol:

Well, I’ve got news for him. He is 20 years too late. Now, if his name had been appearing on back page leads in the Sunday Mail 20 years ago, back when my name was doing just that, it would have meant something.


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Any chance of a copy and paste please?

Best be quick - the bungling lawyer blog has been losing posts of late.


Still, you'll be delighted to learn he intends to repackage his blog and flog it to the already converted in a book just as Mac Goebbels did previously.

I wonder if he'll need to be more honest than Mac Goebbels mind you - whose publisher revealed that the IRA writers book only had 'around' 40% new material with the rest being a rehash/regurgitation of his hate-filled blog.

The self-same book was also reviewed by Kevin McKenna - who felt compelled to let his readers know the IRA writer has an intensely bitter approach to his subject.

No shit, Kev laugh.gif

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Best be quick - the bungling lawyer blog has been losing posts of late.


Still, you'll be delighted to learn he intends to repackage his blog and flog it to the already converted in a book just as Mac Goebbels did previously.

I wonder if he'll need to be more honest than Mac Goebbels mind you - whose publisher revealed that the IRA writers book only had 'around' 40% new material with the rest being a rehash/regurgitation of his hate-filled blog.

The self-same book was also reviewed by Kevin McKenna - who felt compelled to let his readers know the IRA writer has an intensely bitter approach to his subject.

No shit, Kev laugh.gif

That was a bit if a strange, random rant

Anyways, the important questions are

Have you paid back the creditors yet?

Can you list the punishments Rangers have suffered this year?

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That was a bit if a strange, random rant

Anyways, the important questions are

Have you paid back the creditors yet?

Can you list the punishments Rangers have suffered this year?

As I already told you - the £20 a head whip-round sorted everything out.

The answer that cures all.

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As I already told you - the £20 a head whip-round sorted everything out.

The answer that cures all.

So you think it's ok to rip off people for thousands of pounds, and a £20 head whip round will sort everything out?

No wonder you truly are "the people"

Got that list yet?

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