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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I had a thought.

Would £94m be the largest amount of unpaid tax fraud by a sporting institution?

Can someone who knows where to look check that out, there's potentially a new world record on the horizon. smile.gif

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1353370544[/url]' post='6823497']

Fair enough, your opinion and debate is reasonable. However, although you assert that I'd be surprised about the fans attitude re. Overspending, it's difficult to deny that you have went way OTT this year,and the team you have would probably hold it's own easily in the league my lot are in. So, rhetorically, why did your fans not speak up at the purchases of the (my words here) mercenaries like Sandaza, the Brazilian guy and the other guy (French bloke)? Long term planning and early, unnecessary spending baffles me in this case; the seaside league could be won quite easily using home grown talent - yes, even using the kids - playing in a full time capacity in what is essentially a part-time league.

Good money after bad, methinks?

Got to agree, and the whole, we didn't have enough time excuse that's been used before doesn't wash.

The fact is, and McCoist has admitted it himself... The squad wasn't built to win the league, it was built to win the cups. Well thats what he said publicly.

What it does tho' is reeks of the old rangers arrogance, it looks like a display of, how dare you make us play in the third, look at the wages we pay, the players we have. It came across as, we are going to piss all over this league to make you look foolish. We are too big for the third.

Rangers have wasted 7 mil on wages this season, probably 3 times that over the length of contracts... Infant, if rangers had a realistic wage budget, they would never have needed the share issue, the spare wage cash could be used to do everything they need to do.

But let's be honest, there is no way, rangers fans would have accepted players of the calibre of the first and second division. Their WATP attitude forced the hand, the club had to buy marque players, to sell season tickets... Crafty Charlie tho... He's given them the big names... And via the share issue... It's the fans that are paying for those signings.

Edited by dave.j
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That is some amount of business people that have been screwed over by the quintessential British club.

What a shower of fucking scumbags RFC were :angry:

Spot on m8 and i wonder how many small buisness had cash flow problems after being bumped off the oldco

And lest we forget the poor soldiers who could have had better equipment ( you know the ones they really care about ) :rolleyes:

Disgrace of a club so they were but at least they are no more and you should take some solace from that

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Tell it to the 'bloostained' Green Brigade.

The Green Brigade - hilariously named after Scottish mercenaries who slaughtered Irish mercenaries.

How does that song go? If you know your history... smile.gif

The word mercenary negates any nationality of that soldier, I'm sure you know this though but are just trying treat history as a malleable entity as usual.

The (Green) Brigade were known as The Brigade or Mackay's Regiment but the Swedes with whom they fought side by side gave them the description Green Brigade.

I think that proves Dhenny's last point.

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When is the big tax case results being announced getting tired of waiting also what's happening with the whole ebt investigation. This thread is becoming tiresome

Come On, Hector...

Come On, Hector...

Come On, Hector...

Come On, Hector...

Come On, Hector...

maybe he is waiting to give us all a big Christmas present...

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Tell it to the 'bloostained' Green Brigade.

The Green Brigade - hilariously named after Scottish mercenaries who slaughtered Irish mercenaries.

How does that song go? If you know your history... smile.gif

Mercenaries slaughtering mercenaries, who'd a thunk it?

Professional soldiers slaughtering un-armed civilians, where is your condemnation?

History revisionism - Sevco fans try to outdo the old Rangers fans

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Another crook? Mr King won his court battle so where you've got that he's a crook I'll never know.

He's got shit loads of money and is willing to invest into Rangers like he's done before, his money is welcome.

He might be our owner one day.

Hiya Dave King! Hiya pal!

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Judging by the history of this thread you're a complete w****r ...

I think it's safe to say you know the feeling is absolutely mutual. If it wasn't for the board WKR (© Dhensebhore) himself you would be the biggest turd in his slurry pit.

Criticism from a man who must hide his soldier-bhoy past when sitting amongst his IRA loving chumsters is water off a ducks back - coming as it does from the ultimate flyer of double standards.


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The word mercenary negates any nationality of that soldier, I'm sure you know this though but are just trying treat history as a malleable entity as usual.

The (Green) Brigade were known as The Brigade or Mackay's Regiment but the Swedes with whom they fought side by side gave them the description Green Brigade.

I think that proves Dhenny's last point.

Did you get the nationality excuse from a 17th century tome on the applicable international conventions for the national status of mercenaries?

Do tell us what international conventions defined national status (or its temporary suspension) at the time when The Green Brigade were running around slaughtering Irishmen?

If you know your history...

Which, of course, is the point. I think we all know the poisonous scab amongst the plastics don't have a clue about it or they would never have chosen that name. These are the guys who managed to object to 'bloostained poppies' after all.

And the very people Liewell refers to as a 'rogue element' whilst Lennon described them as 'a group of people who are just hellbent on damaging the reputation of the club.'


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Did you get the nationality excuse from a 17th century tome on the applicable international conventions for the national status of mercenaries?

Do tell us what international conventions defined national status (or its temporary suspension) at the time when The Green Brigade were running around slaughtering Irishmen?

If you know your history...

Which, of course, is the point. I think we all know the poisonous scab amongst the plastics don't have a clue about it or they would never have chosen that name. These are the guys who managed to object to 'bloostained poppies' after all.

And the very people Liewell refers to as a 'rogue element' whilst Lennon described them as 'a group of people who are just hellbent on damaging the reputation of the club.'


What does any of the above have to do with Rangers cheating people out of money? :huh:

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"Rangers, The quintessential british club"

Paid your debts yet?

I've told you repeatedly that I wont be playing your game. So, if you want to ask ridiculous questions then I think it's fair I do so of you.

"Plastics - the inclusive club." Are you one of the IRA loving scumbags that soldiers in your support must hide from?

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I've told you repeatedly that I wont be playing your game. So, if you want to ask ridiculous questions then I think it's fair I do so of you.

It's not a game, Rangers really did go under owing a lot of people money, and now have the cheek to claim they are debt free

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What does any of the above have to do with Rangers cheating people out of money? :huh:

As much as any of the other absolute pish thats poured out here with nothing to do with our club.

Do you want to cherry pick (heh heh) from posts when matters bearing no relation to the topic crop up?

Rico: "If it's f**k all to do with Rangers, but casts them in a poor light, then that's fine."

Rico: "If it's f**k all to do with Rangers, but I don't like it, then that's not fine."

Fly your double standards high wee man - just don't expect to have zero response in kind.


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It's not a game, Rangers really did go under owing a lot of people money, and now have the cheek to claim they are debt free

It's not a game, plastics really do have IRA lovers in their support who others must hide their day-job from and yet have the cheek to try and moralise to others.

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