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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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As much as any of the other absolute pish thats poured out here with nothing to do with our club.

Do you want to cherry pick (heh heh) from posts when matters bearing no relation to the topic crop up?

Rico: "If it's f**k all to do with Rangers, but casts them in a poor light, then that's fine."

Rico: "If it's f**k all to do with Rangers, but I don't like it, then that's not fine."

Fly your double standards high wee man - just don't expect to have zero response in kind.


So the tax case, or the creditors that are still out of pocket have nothing to do with Rangers? What about Charles Green claming they are debt free?

Can you tell me something since the club went into admin that has done anything but put Rangers in a poor light? I can't think of any positives

I don't think waiting for this list of punishements or enquiring when / if you'll ever pay back the monies owed in full is double standards at all.

You seem to be getting a bit angry, i'm guessing you are not angry about the posts on here, but the embarrassment of your "dignified" club dying owing a lot of people money and you struggle to face up to this fact.

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It's not a game, plastics really do have IRA lovers in their support who others must hide their day-job from and yet have the cheek to try and moralise to others.

Again, what does any of that have to do with Rangers cheating people out of money?

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It's not a game, plastics really do have IRA lovers in their support who others must hide their day-job from and yet have the cheek to try and moralise to others.

statement - 'Andy Murray won the US Open tennis tournament this year'

Bendy's reply - 'The Greek economy is in a bit of a mess'

another stunning debating point won.

(he is a master debater,eh?)

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It's not a game, plastics really do have IRA lovers in their support who others must hide their day-job from and yet have the cheek to try and moralise to others.

Can you honestly guarantee that there are no terrorist-supporting elements within your own support? Wasn't that long ago that I saw a guy selling "Combat 18" mags outside a Rangers away game. He wasn't there at other weeks, and the RFC top was a bit of a giveaway. And we are all (well, those of us in the West of Scotland, anyway) familiar with the drunken neds sporting RFC tops following Orange parades and peeing in gardens.

I expect that every club has an element of "fans" of which it is ashamed but, being highly vocal, have a public profile which far exceeds their number in terms of the overall fanbase. Can we all agree that, within our own support, there are certain elements which are formed from the dregs of society and with whom we wish to have nothing to do, and get back to posting about the RFC admin/liquidation?

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I've bookmarked the last few pages of this pish. If in the future I ever think, even just for a second, that my hatred for the fucking retards that follow the two Glasgow clubs that are obviously too big for Scottish football has wained, i'll be able to re-ignite by reading the last few pages here.

Thanks troops.

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I've bookmarked the last few pages of this pish. If in the future I ever think, even just for a second, that my hatred for the fucking retards that follow the two Glasgow clubs that are obviously too big for Scottish football has wained, i'll be able to re-ignite by reading the last few pages here.

Thanks troops.

Agreed, it's just the usual sh*te between the two cheeks, they really don't see that the rest of us don't give a phuck for their pseudo history. To be fair, they are conditioned to it and there is a lot of them!

I continue to read this forum on the off chance it gets on topic now and then.

ETA, diddy fans, what are we like?

Edited by Fasda
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I've bookmarked the last few pages of this pish. If in the future I ever think, even just for a second, that my hatred for the fucking retards that follow the two Glasgow clubs that are obviously too big for Scottish football has wained, i'll be able to re-ignite by reading the last few pages here.

Thanks troops.

An excellent point by someone with the best username I've seen on here thus far.

"Women like you are the reason this chicken's late in the first place."

But seriously, will SevCo die? It seems to be wishful thinking that even if they were placed in admin again and again, they would be allowed to rise and phoenix again.

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Also, as this forum has been used as an example how we can stand up to our chairmen, stand up to the SFL and so forth, has anyone thought about sending HMRC a letter using all the evidence from here?

Perhaps some of the more sensible posters can create a shared google doc that can be edited and then sent.

This is not about killing Rangers/Sevco or whatever.

This is about giving back compensation to people and businesses that were stiffed so people would have something to do on a Saturday afternoon.

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I can't think of any positives.

There's a surprise laugh.gif

Record crowds, an unwavering support, the club standing on it's own two feet again - despite facing attacks from all sides and those who worked to kill us. The wonderful experiences of playing in a league devoid of hate. A renewed energy to see our club never fall again. I could go on and on. And on.

We're still here. And on the way back to where we belong.

I understand the frustrations - your wettest dreams produced a premature-ejaculation instead of the desired result. The very best efforts of the plastics and diddies did not kill us (never stood a chance in reality) and here we still are. Seeing your hate for what is - more to be scorned than pitied.

All of that - and so much more - has been very, very pleasing.


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There's a surprise laugh.gif

Record crowds, an unwavering support, the club standing on it's own two feet again - despite facing attacks from all sides and those who worked to kill us. The wonderful experiences of playing in a league devoid of hate. A renewed energy to see our club never fall again. I could go on and on. And on.

We're still here. And on the way back to where we belong.

I understand the frustrations - your wettest dreams produced a premature-ejaculation instead of the desired result. The very best efforts of the plastics and diddies did not kill us (never stood a chance in reality) and here we still are. Seeing your hate for what is - more to be scorned than pitied.

All of that - and so much more - has been very, very pleasing.


None of which is a positive when you compare it to what the club has done. obviously you have no shame when you consider the amount of people you have cheated out of money and all you can say is "has been very, very pleasing."

"despite facing attacks from all sides and those who worked to kill us"

Who worked against you?

Rangers going under was the fault of nobody else apart from Rangers, it wasnt some conspiracy.

Record crowds? must have missed that one, record debts for a scottish football club more like.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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There's a surprise laugh.gif

Record crowds, an unwavering support, the club standing on it's own two feet again - despite facing attacks from all sides and those who worked to kill us. The wonderful experiences of playing in a league devoid of hate. A renewed energy to see our club never fall again. I could go on and on. And on.

We're still here. And on the way back to where we belong.

I understand the frustrations - your wettest dreams produced a premature-ejaculation instead of the desired result. The very best efforts of the plastics and diddies did not kill us (never stood a chance in reality) and here we still are. Seeing your hate for what is - more to be scorned than pitied.

All of that - and so much more - has been very, very pleasing.


Unfortunately there are thousands of bigoted fuckwits out there, still desperate to poison football with their hatred and bile. So yeah you are probably right, some form of franchise/tribute act will probably live on to give people like yourself some kind of validation. Still doesn't change the fact...

Rangers cheated, then they died.

You can wave your Sevco scarf all you like. We won't stop you, but we will laugh.

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statement - 'Andy Murray won the US Open tennis tournament this year'

Bendy's reply - 'The Greek economy is in a bit of a mess'

another stunning debating point won.

(he is a master debater,eh?)

Here's an honest and fair interpretation of your post.

1. Diddy clubber - we reserve the right to rip the pish about anything at any time as long as it's directed at Rangers. It need have zero relation to the subject matter of the thread.

I'm fine with that.

2. Diddy clubber - we don't accept Rangers supporters responses in kind.

As the famous saying goes - 'Roon ye. And ram your double standards, dolly, ram them.


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There's a surprise laugh.gif

Record crowds, an unwavering support, the club standing on it's own two feet again - despite facing attacks from all sides and those who worked to kill us. The wonderful experiences of playing in a league devoid of hate. A renewed energy to see our club never fall again. I could go on and on. And on.

We're still here. And on the way back to where we belong.

I understand the frustrations - your wettest dreams produced a premature-ejaculation instead of the desired result. The very best efforts of the plastics and diddies did not kill us (never stood a chance in reality) and here we still are. Seeing your hate for what is - more to be scorned than pitied.

All of that - and so much more - has been very, very pleasing.


I'm calling 'house' (Big house?) on Bendarroch Bingo - I had pleasing, plastics and diddies, wet dream and more to be scorned than pitied.

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I expect that every club has an element of "fans" of which it is ashamed but, being highly vocal, have a public profile which far exceeds their number in terms of the overall fanbase. Can we all agree that, within our own support, there are certain elements which are formed from the dregs of society and with whom we wish to have nothing to do, and get back to posting about the RFC admin/liquidation?

I know every club has moron in their rank and file.

I would happily stick to the topic at hand. We both know the diddies and plastic will not and, therefore, it's fair game to respond in kind. As I'm sure a fair-minded man like you would surely agree.

Unless, of course, you too want to engage in the flying of double standards so popular on this thread. I'll gladly give you the benefit of the doubt - let's see how your appeal to the diddy clubbers and plastic goes when you suggest they stick to the topic at hand.

Good luck!

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I've bookmarked the last few pages of this pish. If in the future I ever think, even just for a second, that my hatred for the fucking retards that follow the two Glasgow clubs that are obviously too big for Scottish football has wained, i'll be able to re-ignite by reading the last few pages here.

Thanks troops.

Ah - yet another reworking of the diddy clubber classic - why their hate is so much more acceptable than any other hate.


I wont need to book-mark anything - Stevie Wonder can see the chip on your shoulder.

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I know every club has moron in their rank and file.

I would happily stick to the topic at hand. We both know the diddies and plastic will not and, therefore, it's fair game to respond in kind. As I'm sure a fair-minded man like you would surely agree.

Unless, of course, you too want to engage in the flying of double standards so popular on this thread. I'll gladly give you the benefit of the doubt - let's see how your appeal to the diddy clubbers and plastic goes when you suggest they stick to the topic at hand.

Good luck!

Calling other posters "diddies" and "plastics" doesn't help your argument....and the plea was to all posters, not just the "plastics and diddies"....

It would be interesting to find out how many pages the thread ran to if all the off-topic messages were stripped out.

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None of which is a positive when you compare it to what the club has done. obviously you have no shame when you consider the amount of people you have cheated out of money and all you can say is "has been very, very pleasing."

You have no idea just how pleasing it is when your telingly obvious hate and frustration is so regularly poured out.


PS: There are many more positive things happening at The Rangers than the brief list (oops!) I offered. Just ask any Rangers supporter about the truth of how things are going for us these days.

Next up in pleasing stakes - The FTTT finds in our favour and every shambolic claim and guesstimate from diddies and plastics is shown for what it is really worth - f**k all.

Or - and equally pleasing - the FTTT goes against us and the diddies and plastic implode as they see us marching back to the top as if nothing ever happened.


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Calling other posters "diddies" and "plastics" doesn't help your argument....and the plea was to all posters, not just the "plastics and diddies"....

It would be interesting to find out how many pages the thread ran to if all the off-topic messages were stripped out.

I'm sure you would agree that calling others 'orcs', '****' and more doesn't help either.

I can't begin to imagine why you chose to highlight the diddies and plastics when making a plea to all posters.

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