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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This isn't over yet Rangers HMRC won't go down that easy and they will win the case so come HMRC gun them down!

That remains to be seen.

There is also the issue of the possible criminal investigation into the leaks of confidential information from HMRC as formally requested by Murray and MIH. Could be very embarrassing for HMRC and very uncomfortable for the leaker and the recipients of those leaks.

In the circumstances, HMRC might prefer to go quietly.

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Any thoughts on the side letters?

I'd like to think the SPL will be sensible enough to realise this ruling vindicates Rangers assertion that we loaned money to individuals and they were never contracted payments.

That, after all, is what the judges have ruled. However, little of any sense has been forthcoming from the SPL for a very long time indeed.

If they don't agree and do pursue the matter, then I'm certain this will end up in court again.

That didn't go well for the SPL at the last time of asking as I'm sure you'll recall.

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Genuine question here to Rangers fans.

If the players are chased for large sums of money, and are unable to stump up. Will you attend any benefit match set up in order to help them through it?

Will be interesting to see how players and agents react to this, and if any further agreements or allegations come out.

Also, I expect the pro Rangers PR machine will go into overdrive telling us it's morally wrong that Rangers are no longer in the top flight. Fun and games starting on that one.

In answer to your question re; players and a benefit match,i can't speak for others but not a chance of myself attending any benefit match for anyone. Not a chance.

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Rangers Tribunal: "payments are loans, not earnings, and so are recoverable from the employee or his estate."

Serious question here, does this mean that part of the tax money they owe, they can claim from old players who used the EBT's to pay part of this off?

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The BBC reports

Rangers Football Club wins Big Tax Case appeal

STV reporting that any bill is likely to be "substantially reduced" from the initial £46.2m assessment.

WKR Bond is displeased.

I fucking bet you are laugh.gif

Rangers are still dead. Liquidated. Deceased. The only people HMRC could get money from are the beneficiaries of the EBT payments. So, as quite a few have posted, HMRC have probably got at least a bit of a result. As for rangers, they no longer exist, so hard to see why the berrz are gloating.

so, rangers football club wins appeal doesn't really affect Sevco/The rangers/ICBINR, does it? What you should be concerned with is the repeated view in the document that the EBT loans were, in fact, contractual payments. And that they were not declared to the relevant authorities. And that they were even concealed by the club's auditors. It'll be interesting to see what excuses the SFA dreams up for not kicking them out this time round.

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In answer to your question re; players and a benefit match,i can't speak for others but not a chance of myself attending any benefit match for anyone. Not a chance.

Again, genuinely interested here. Why would you not attend. If players have to pay back the loans, then they will essentially have played for Rangers for next to nothing(In relative terms).

Also, with regards to the liquidation, can someone clarify.... If it is challenged and reversed, the players will have to stump up everything they earned from the "loans". If it is not challenged the players only need to pay tax. Is this correct?

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Watching the Celtic supporters in work break down ! Bliss

I dont anybody thats all upset over this because the club that was in the crosshairs of the BTC is gone. Let me ask you this, theres were reports for months that people inside of Ibrox were confident of winning the appeal, so why did you go down the route of liquidation? Unless there was something else it looks like that move was one that perhaps didnt have to be made.

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Rangers Tribunal: "payments are loans, not earnings, and so are recoverable from the employee or his estate."

Serious question here, does this mean that part of the tax money they owe, they can claim from old players who used the EBT's to pay part of this off?

You do not pay tax on a loan. By recoverable they mean that the sum of money loaned is recoverable by the person or entity that loaned it.

There is no tax owed.

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biggrin.gif No appeal

236. This document contains full findings of fact and reasons for the decision. Any

party dissatisfied with this decision has a right to apply for permission to appeal

against it pursuant to Rule 39 of the Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (Tax

Chamber) Rules 2009. The application must be received by this Tribunal not later

15 than 56 days after this decision is sent to that party

Enjoy GloatFest 2012 though :)

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I dont anybody thats all upset over this because the club that was in the crosshairs of the BTC is gone. Let me ask you this, theres were reports for months that people inside of Ibrox were confident of winning the appeal, so why did you go down the route of liquidation? Unless there was something else it looks like that move was one that perhaps didnt have to be made.

Line 1 lol

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some 'victory'

some bizarre spinning from the bluenosed masses.....

The SFA / SPL couldn't really proceed with the 'illegally registered players' angle till now. Today they have proof. Not that there was any real doubt.

win or lose the HMRC case, the fact remains that every game they played during the EBT 'loan':lol: period should now be retrospectively marked down as a 0-3 defeat. So that's 54 titles, minus how many?

(it's not even 54 - the first was shared with Dumbarton - make it 53 and a half)

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