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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No player may receive any payment of any description from or on behalf of a club in respect of that player’s participation in Association Football or in an activity connected with Association Football, other than in reimbursement of expenses actually incurred or to be actually incurred in playing or training for that Club, unless such payment is made in accordance with a Contract of Service between that Club and the Player concerned."

Dead Rangers are fucked - clear breach of the rules in each EBT case. Dead Rangers might have been able to make EBT payments tax free (subject to HMRC appeal) but those payments required to be declared to the SFA and the SPL. Rangers did not declare these payments and are therefore in breach of the relevant rules.

All titles and cups require to be stripped, in my view, as it's a completely separate issue to the tax liability (not that most of the Orcs will understand this and will be going on and on about but but but the tribunal...)

Edited by Cliche Guevara
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Hope it's someone who was leaking info.

A 37-year-old man has been arrested over allegations of "offensive" online material relating to Rangers tax case.

The man, from Glasgow, was arrested on Thursday after going to a police station in Glasgow. The man went voluntarily to Helen Street Police Office at 1.15pm and arrested by the Football Co-ordination Unit.

He was released on an undertaking and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal. It is expected that he will appear before Glasgow Sheriff Court in December.

Rangers won a significant battle against the HM Revenue and Customs earlier this week with a tax tribunal ruling that payments made to some Rangers players through trusts were loans.

The three-person First Tier Tax Tribunal could not reach a unanimous decision on the club's use of Employee Benefit Trusts between 2001 and 2010. Rangers still faces an investigation by the Scottish Premier League into whether the EBTs should have been declared to football authorities.

Dozens of online posts on social media sites and online blogs have been devoted to discussion of the case and its fallout.

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Hope it's someone who was leaking info.

A 37-year-old man has been arrested over allegations of "offensive" online material relating to Rangers tax case.

The man, from Glasgow, was arrested on Thursday after going to a police station in Glasgow. The man went voluntarily to Helen Street Police Office at 1.15pm and arrested by the Football Co-ordination Unit.

He was released on an undertaking and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal. It is expected that he will appear before Glasgow Sheriff Court in December.

Rangers won a significant battle against the HM Revenue and Customs earlier this week with a tax tribunal ruling that payments made to some Rangers players through trusts were loans.

The three-person First Tier Tax Tribunal could not reach a unanimous decision on the club's use of Employee Benefit Trusts between 2001 and 2010. Rangers still faces an investigation by the Scottish Premier League into whether the EBTs should have been declared to football authorities.

Dozens of online posts on social media sites and online blogs have been devoted to discussion of the case and its fallout.

Not Proven written all over it imo ;)

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Hope it's someone who was leaking info.

Clue's in the first line, surely - "A 37-year-old man has been arrested over allegations of "offensive" online material relating to Rangers tax case".

That says "arrested for sectarian offences" to me. Some brainless walloper shouting about Benian Fastards or Cun Hunts, you'd imagine.

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Hope it's someone who was leaking info.

A 37-year-old man has been arrested over allegations of "offensive" online material relating to Rangers tax case.

The man, from Glasgow, was arrested on Thursday after going to a police station in Glasgow. The man went voluntarily to Helen Street Police Office at 1.15pm and arrested by the Football Co-ordination Unit.

He was released on an undertaking and a report will be submitted to the procurator fiscal. It is expected that he will appear before Glasgow Sheriff Court in December.

Rangers won a significant battle against the HM Revenue and Customs earlier this week with a tax tribunal ruling that payments made to some Rangers players through trusts were loans.

The three-person First Tier Tax Tribunal could not reach a unanimous decision on the club's use of Employee Benefit Trusts between 2001 and 2010. Rangers still faces an investigation by the Scottish Premier League into whether the EBTs should have been declared to football authorities.

Dozens of online posts on social media sites and online blogs have been devoted to discussion of the case and its fallout.

Why would leaking info relating to rangers' cheating be classed as "offensive"?

Unless, of course, you're offended by someone bringing to light information regarding a club breaking the rules to gain a competitive advantage.........

There's been a load of posts (from all sides) on this thread which could be classed as "offensive" by some (hiya, Bennett!) - maybe even "dozens"laugh.gif - but I'm not sure most of them are on-topic enough to interest Strathclyde's Finest.

More likely someone's transgressed the Sectarian discrimation legislation, methinks. And, balance of probability? I'd say it's more likely to be someone going a bit further than "tarrier" or "plastic". Not that it matters either way, but It just might be one of your own, Bennett.

ETA: Doesn't read right - what I mean is, has anyone checked on the guys that run Follow Follow or zombieMedia? Even the rangers fans on here reckon they're a bunch of fuckin' mentalists - a minority of mentalists, mind, but still proper hatstand. I've seen a few posts there and on the other side (and that hibees thing Kincardine posted) which must be actionable.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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The tax expert who found against them said (and I paraphrase) that the whole scheme was a massive and obvious scam clearly aimed at intentionally ripping off the taxpayer and that the club dodged, ducked, dived, weaved and generally did everything within its power to avoid justice.

It changes nothing, of course - the verdict stands regardless.

Nonetheless, it's an interesting point to bear in mind if you're interested in discovering what actually happened rather than what HMRC were able to prove in court. The case, of course, adjudicated on the latter issue, rather than the former.

Rangers win their case. Plastics and diddies alike continue to straw-clutch and rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas would have been proud of you. Even though - as for his dying father - it ultimately changed nothing.

Rangers are still here, on the way back to the very top (nae luck internet bampots) and will soon enough be hoovering up trophies and adding ever more lustre to our glorious, record-setting history.

An (ever dwindling) few internet bampots will still rage - but no one will care. It will take little more than a few years, a blink of the eye. Indeed, if Sky/ESPN and the realist chairmen have their way, there will be substantial moves to accelerate the process this coming summer.

We can only hope the plastics and diddies have enjoyed their day in the sun.

As the worlds media continually gather at Ibrox to record and document the remarkable tale of survival and re-energising of our greatest of clubs, we should at least acknowledge the voice of those raging and their final cry in a tiny wee corner of Britain - it goes like this: "but, But, BUT, BUT!, but..."

And here's our collective guarantee, a reality that all Rangers supporters know to be true - should the SPL strip a title or two away, we'll win them back. Without question.

And that's a promise.


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Clue's in the first line, surely - "A 37-year-old man has been arrested over allegations of "offensive" online material relating to Rangers tax case".

That says "arrested for sectarian offences" to me. Some brainless walloper shouting about Benian Fastards or Cun Hunts, you'd imagine.

Probably :(

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[quote name='WhiteRoseKillie' timestamp='1353677703' post='6834476']

Why would leaking info relating to rangers' cheating be classed as "offensive"?

Unless, of course, you're offended by someone bringing to light information regarding a club breaking the rules to gain a competitive advantage.........

There's been a load of posts (from all sides) on this thread which could be classed as "offensive" by some (hiya, Bennett!) - maybe even "dozens"laugh.gif - but I'm not sure most of them are on-topic enough to interest Strathclyde's Finest.

More likely someone's transgressed the Sectarian discrimation legislation, methinks. And, balance of probability? I'd say it's more likely to be someone going a bit further than "tarrier" or "plastic". Not that it matters either way, but It just might be one of your own, Bennett.

ETA: Doesn't read right - what I mean is, has anyone checked on the guys that run Follow Follow or zombieMedia? Even the rangers fans on here reckon they're a bunch of fuckin' mentalists - a minority of mentalists, mind, but still proper hatstand. I've seen a few posts there and on the other side (and that hibees thing Kincardine posted) which must be actionable.

I never said it was ;)

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Rangers win their case. Plastics and diddies alike continue to straw-clutch and rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas would have been proud of you. Even though - as for his dying father - it ultimately changed nothing.

Rangers are still here, on the way back to the very top (nae luck internet bampots) and will soon enough be hoovering up trophies and adding ever more lustre to our glorious, record-setting history.

An (ever dwindling) few internet bampots will still rage - but no one will care. It will take little more than a few years, a blink of the eye. Indeed, if Sky/ESPN and the realist chairmen have their way, there will be substantial moves to accelerate the process this coming summer.

We can only hope the plastics and diddies have enjoyed their day in the sun.

As the worlds media continually gather at Ibrox to record and document the remarkable tale of survival and re-energising of our greatest of clubs, we should at least acknowledge the voice of those raging and their final cry in a tiny wee corner of Britain - it goes like this: "but, But, BUT, BUT!, but..."

And here's our collective guarantee, a reality that all Rangers supporters know to be true - should the SPL strip a title or two away, we'll win them back. Without question.

And that's a promise.


We Will Fight Them On The Beaches-esque imo.

I filled up a bit reading that. :(


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and it has been proved that HMRC`s original decision was wrong, Rangers were correct to appeal, HMRC were incorrect in issuing the tax bill

Even the judges that supported Dave's lawyers' argument acknowledged that there was a case to answer, and both praised HMRC for the rigour of their investigations. Hector joins the ever-expanding list of innocent punters blamed for your club's messy suicide.

On the other hand, all three judges noted that your club were obstructive and unhelpful; one actually concluded that your representatives intentionally attempted to mislead, delay and obstruct the inquiry.

Which is to say - HMRC actually look pretty good here, having argued in good faith and lost out only because they wrongly assumed that they could prove the whole thing was a scam, by proving that a substantial proportion of it was a scam. They were wrong.

Your old club, OTOH, stands accused of dishonestly attempting to hide the truth from the authorities, and that's just for starters.

I've asked before and I'll ask again - why not take out your anger on Sir Dave - the man chiefly responsible for killing your club - rather than joining a big circle-jerk of rage about Hector and some bloggers?

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You're not the only one who's noticed. A holocaust denial issue was a recent stink hanging around him.

And one person defended his holocaust denial at the time, the one and only Norman.

The pair of them are well suited.

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How can a lost case that cost taxpayers £5M be considered anything else but a complete and utter failure?

Think of all the schools and hospitals that could have been built

They also turned down a £10m offer from Rangers, so HMRC have cost the UK taxpayer a whopping £15 million.

Will nobody think of the poor hospitals and schools.

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How can a lost case that cost taxpayers £5M be considered anything else but a complete and utter failure?

Think of all the schools and hospitals that could have been built

It must have been the actions of one man and absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with HMRC.

Sound familiar?

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