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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Too fucking right we will. Aberdeen Fans For Sporting integrity - did you forget? Or just want to forget.

Sponsored an Annan player and a mascot or two for fellow diddy clubs. Then chucked it.

Now, of course, your club of ne'er-do-wells are busy sucking Liewell's boaby - that's scoffing integrity.


naw, it iznae

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Again i'll ask;if the money is irrelevant why this big furore about Rangers not accepting tickets and the support groups asking for a boycott? All you're watching is fans of other clubs,your own included,getting wound up about something that at the moment doesn't affect them,why is that?

As stated above, there wouldn't be an issue if it was a section of the fans who chose to boycott and that was it.

The fact is your club, from boardroom to playing staff have decided to take the step of:

1. Refusing tickets for a game. Making it potentially impossible for a Rangers fan to attend the game.

2. Asking Rangers fans not to travel to Dundee for the game.

3. Asking Dundee United not to sell Rangers fans any tickets.

The reason people are getting wound up is the see a club tarnishing the name of the Scottish game through their actions. They see a club so arrogant, showing disrespect to the premier cup competition in Scotland. Bringing the game into disrepute.

Lets not forget how your club has acted over the last 25 years, the blatant diregard for other clubs, opposition fans and the game in general. With what has happenned in the last year, in the internet age, do you honestly expect the rest of scottish football just to sit back and chuckle away saying "oh those silly bears, aren't they such a giggle with their boycott."

What gives the club any sort of right to stand in the way and do everything it can, to prevent fans who want to attend, attending the game?

The club should have an obligation to its fans to provide the tickets to those who want to attend.

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I'm finding it utterly astonishing how quickly the P&Bers have changed their minds on fans boycotts :lol:

United wouldn't let it go and a section of our fan base has decided not to go to a game of football, no big deal so get over it P&Bers.

Besides with the help of their SPL friends they'll still manage to fill Tannadice so whats the f**king issue?

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As stated above, there wouldn't be an issue if it was a section of the fans who chose to boycott and that was it.

The fact is your club, from boardroom to playing staff have decided to take the step of:

1. Refusing tickets for a game. Making it potentially impossible for a Rangers fan to attend the game.

2. Asking Rangers fans not to travel to Dundee for the game.

3. Asking Dundee United not to sell Rangers fans any tickets.

The reason people are getting wound up is the see a club tarnishing the name of the Scottish game through their actions. They see a club so arrogant, showing disrespect to the premier cup competition in Scotland. Bringing the game into disrepute.

Lets not forget how your club has acted over the last 25 years, the blatant diregard for other clubs, opposition fans and the game in general. With what has happenned in the last year, in the internet age, do you honestly expect the rest of scottish football just to sit back and chuckle away saying "oh those silly bears, aren't they such a giggle with their boycott."

What gives the club any sort of right to stand in the way and do everything it can, to prevent fans who want to attend, attending the game?

The club should have an obligation to its fans to provide the tickets to those who want to attend.

You've put it more eloquently than me, Dave, but I think we agree. This situation is not one to be giggling about. This club has arrogantly decided that its wounded pride, victim status, or whatever entitles them to ride roughshod over our National Game. If the club's statement isn't seen as bringing the game into disrepute, then I don't know what is. Maybe they're too busy chasing the likes of Kenny Shiels for telling the truth...wink.gif

Youngsy, understand what I say. The actions over the years by rangers have defined the club as a bigoted institution. The actions of the new club seem even more targeted at currying favour with the "minority". Anyone who supports this behaviour tarnishes themselves by association.

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I'm finding it utterly astonishing how quickly the P&Bers have changed their minds on fans boycotts :lol:

United wouldn't let it go and a section of our fan base has decided not to go to a game of football, no big deal so get over it P&Bers.

Besides with the help of their SPL friends they'll still manage to fill Tannadice so whats the f**king issue?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Sorry Dave (not Dhens) but as our CEO said, there are issues regarding crowd trouble and safety concerns with this game. Dundee United was recently fined by Uefa i believe because of their fans beahviour in a Europa cup 'qualification' match. Refusing tickets is the correct decision here, safety has to come first.

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(image deleted)

Nice one, but we did that one hours ago. Those of us who remember the album had a giggle. Others won't give a shit.

Norman having a laugh with his anti semitic chum, why doesn't that surprise me.

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I'm finding it utterly astonishing how quickly the P&Bers have changed their minds on fans boycotts :lol:

United wouldn't let it go and a section of our fan base has decided not to go to a game of football, no big deal so get over it P&Bers.

Besides with the help of their SPL friends they'll still manage to fill Tannadice so whats the f**king issue?

no f**king issue - as long as New Rangers FC don't get a f**king 50% split of the gate after this latest f**king scumbaggery episode.

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Nice twist on words,as well as a bigoted,hate filled post. So we're all bigots are we? So what you're saying that if something doesn't meet with your opinion as re; Rangers boycott that person is a bigot and vicious. You've let your feelings get in front of you there. Anyway as far as supporting my team,again i'll say,without a shadow of a doubt i'll watch them at Ibrox in a Scottish Cup game v an SPL team,knowing full well that the other team gets 50%,i won't like giving it too them but i will accept that. What i won't do is go to these grounds in the same cokpetition or indeed a league game irrespective of whether they get 50% or not. Hope that sits ok with you,if it doesn't too bad. Lost the place a bit there haven't you with your rant.

Yes, every single one of you. You support a club that, for the better part of a century, operated a sectarian signing policy.

A club whose practices have brought nothing but shame to this country.


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Sorry Dave (not Dhens) but as our CEO said, there are issues regarding crowd trouble and safety concerns with this game. Dundee United was recently fined by Uefa i believe because of their fans beahviour in a Europa cup 'qualification' match. Refusing tickets is the correct decision here, safety has to come first.

He didn't say that.

I'd also question why you are infering that Rangers aren't taking up their allocation because of safety fears for their fans

Infact you aren't even infering, you are stating that rangers refused tickets over safety fears.

Edited by dave.j
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I don't mean this personally, but collectively - most people learn that, if you act like petulant cvnts, you'll be treated like petulant cvnts when they're at primary school.

How come so many folk on here have never learned this lesson?

If you deliberately go out of your way to deliver a totally unmerited F*ck You to innocent punters who have done you no wrong - and remember, it was your owners that killed your club, not the SPL - then everyone in the entire country is going to conclude that you're spiteful and not a little dense.

If your club and fans also follow up that F*ck You with a series of extended lectures about how The Rangers Will Wreak Vengeance On All Who Have Wronged Them* and so on, people will conclude that you are even more spiteful and dense than they had previously suspected.

And it's the going out of your way to be dicks part that's especially hilarious. Most folk will forgive people for occasionally acting like dicks, since we all have our foibles. Nobody likes people who go out of their way to act like dicks, though, and will avoid them if they have the chance.

*The only people who have wronged them are their former owners, but they're conspicuously quiet about that - almost as if they'd rather gang up on some innocent punter than face up to their personal responsibilities. There's a few word sin the dictionary to describe that kind of behaviour.

I liked this so much I greenied them both :)

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Yer old club died. The shyster in charge of the new club wants you to buy shares in the company which will take over the holding company which owns the bricks and mortar of the old club (but not the players because he's a fuckwit). There are a load of known names/companies willing to underwrite the offer with a miniscule percentage of their investment budget should there not be enough DLA/crisis loans to cover. Charlie is going to f**k off sharpish in the new year. Enjoy next season (whichever honest team you decide to follow)*

*Just don't make it Killie. We could do without the increased cleaning budget.


I've had your team on the phone to me to see if i'd go to the Celtic game, they even tried to flog me a calender.

They're worse than the PPI tpyes.

(Typo's added for Norms benefit)

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40% of the gate goes to the visiting club whether they have no fans or 10,000 at the game . It is up to the individual if they want to attend or not.

What's really needed then is for Dundee United fans to boycott the game as well, so Rangers get 40% of diddly squat.

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He didn't say that.

I'd also question why you are infering that Rangers aren't taking up their allocation because of safety fears for their fans

Infact you aren't even infering, you are stating that rangers refused tickets over safety fears.

Obviously not verbatim Dave, stop being pedantic.

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Sorry Dave (not Dhens) but as our CEO said, there are issues regarding crowd trouble and safety concerns with this game. Dundee United was recently fined by Uefa i believe because of their fans beahviour in a Europa cup 'qualification' match. Refusing tickets is the correct decision here, safety has to come first.

Isn't this about your 3rd 'explanation' in 3 days for this?

First it was them using a "The". Then it was cash being tight, can't afford to go, etc. Now its concern over DU hooliganism?

None of those matters were the focus of Green's or USP's statements.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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