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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

So you're not willing to offer an explanation as to why your fellow supporters have indulged in a vile and vindictive bigoted crusade over a small article in a programme?

How could I possibly offer an explanation? All I know about this is you getting your granny-knickers in a fankle over some image you got from twitter and then dissing me for asking a couple of questions about it.

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How could I possibly offer an explanation? All I know about this is you getting your granny-knickers in a fankle over some image you got from twitter and then dissing me for asking a couple of questions about it.

Once again it's your fellow "Bears" who have an issue with the image, not me. They are the ones aiming bigoted outbursts at the author, not me.

All I'm doing is attempting to the probe and understand the mind of bigots. I thought the "Bears" on here might help me the understand the thought process behind the abuse. After all you share a stadium with them every second week.

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Guest Kincardine

All I'm doing is attempting to the probe and understand the mind of bigots. I thought the "Bears" on here might help me the understand the thought process behind the abuse. After all you share a stadium with them every second week.

Another great example of backtracking. Show me where, in the posts you originally made about this, that indicated that you wanted "Bears" to, "help (you) understand the thought process".

On the match thread, eg, you posted:

"A certain paragraph in today's programme has apparently upset a few 'Bears' :)"

So don't do this 'just to help me understand' cant. It was nothing more that tittle-tattle.

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That just hasn't one iota of credibility and shame on you for backtracking.

Now had you really been interested in why there was outrage (and I don't know if there has) then you'd have asked something like, "Can any Bear explain why?"

You didn't. Instead you ran around like a dug with 2 dicks trumping the image of the programme that you downloaded from Twitter (or somewhere). You then made 2 cheap jibes about me when I just asked simple questions.

Please don't call me for an idiot. For you this has been nothing less that sensationalistic gossip.

^^^^^ in a fit of rage

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Guest Kincardine

I doubt any Rangers fan on this forum will care about it any more than i do

Jimmy cares so little that he posted it twice. How many times have you posted about a Dunfermline match programme today? I'd guess about as many times as me.

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Guest Kincardine

So you're not willing to help me understand the mind set of the bigots you share a stadium with every second week?

I'd be absolutely delighted to do that.

Just show me where, in your original 'programme' posts, you wanted to, "Understand the thought process behind the abuse" and I will give you as well thought-through a response as I can manage.

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OK let's be brutally frank. I love Rangers and I do not give a f**k about what was written. I don't use Twitter (apart from one time) and have not a jot of interest in it. Rangers is my team and has been for many decades but Twitter comments and copy in a programme is pretty meaningless to me.

You saying, "I'm at a loss as to why a measly paragraph in a match day programme can evoke a reaction" is utterly disingenuous.

You were so perplexed by the, "measly paragraph" that you had to post it on two threads. Not only that but you had to make a slur on someone who asked you honest questions.

This is why you are part of the problem.

Were for many decades?

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Guest Kincardine

Go on then...

You ignored the bit where I said, "Just show me where, in your original 'programme' posts, you wanted to, "Understand the thought process behind the abuse" and I will give you as well thought-through a response as I can manage."

It's a quid pro quo. Thats Latin. My second favourite language.

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If the rumours I am hearing are correct then the share issue has achieved its aim of £20M, however the vast majority of the investment has come from corporate bodies and not fans, i believe the figure is around 80%

The legions of P & Bers will no doubt take delight in telling these companies that they know better than the experts employed to carry out due diligence

I would be delighted if these rumours are true because if these corporate bodies have invested in the share issue they are going to want a lot more out of the club than they ever put in. Where do you think there is money to be made from Rangers apart from fleecing the fans, what kind of squad do you think will there be when only 33% of the income is used for wages?laugh.gif

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Looks like The People were offended to read that their club is "a Newco of the now-defunct Glasgow Rangers" in the match programme today...

Still, I suppose if their online contingent give Montrose enough grief about it, the writers will decide that factual statements aren't worth the hassle and won't repeat it. Which is the whole point of these freakouts, isn't it?

Montrose are now on The List.

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33% should still give us a wage of around 2 - 3 x what the other SPL teams (apart from celtic) are spending, quite happy with that

& happy to accept a perennial second place, if/when you get there? You may happy to accept that, but thousands of your fellow supporters wont.

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