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That'll be the Financial Times on 'The List'.

This is a better one ...

aussie fan pledges £1m

Started by spireblue , Mar 03 2012 10:30 AM


True Blue

462 posts



Posted 03 March 2012 - 10:30 AM

apologies if this is a repost....

but this is what being a rangers supporter is all about....well done that man.

£1m Pledge Takes SaveRangers.com Above £12m

SaveRangers.com was delighted to receive a £1m pledge from Alan MacKenzie in Western Australia. Alan, who runs his own manufacturing company Down Under, contacted the site admin with his pledge and the picture below of his grandkids “handing over” their pledge to the campaign from Perth, WA.

Alan stated,

“Why am I doing this? the players and fans don’t deserve to be in this position. I’m doing it for the proud history and the legends no longer with us. For my Dad, my son who is true blue and the kids of today’s supporters. To ensure future generations, like my Grandkids, come to know the history of their family background and why we wear this strip with pride and honour, the blue jersey of Rangers, especially down under or when travelling!”

So what happened to that £12m ?! laugh.gif

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It took 4 posts for it to be dismissed because a Woman wrote it and for her e-mail address to be shared.

She'll have some nice bedtime stories to read tonight.

you just knew it was a women after this wee ditty. back in the top league in a year or so :lol:

obviously cannae count,or what determines so numerically

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Two clubs merged and still continue as a joint entity. The only reason they use 1994 as their foundation date I'm guessing is because there were two clubs involved in the merger. Rangers continued as one club just in a different administrative form. Hence the history is in tact. As I have said many times before on here I support a football team not a company.

Not according to ICT, their fans or the former fans of Caley and Thistle. You keep making up new rules to suit your own agenda though. Check the history of Aberdeen FC for confirmation, there was an Aberdeen FC prior to 1903 but their history ceased when they merged with two other Aberdeen teams in order to gain admission to the national league.

I used to think of Caledonian Thistle as a continuation of Caley and was as determined it was true as you former Rangers fans are that Sevco are the same entity as Rangers. I was as wrong then as you are now.

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I've not got around to changing it yet as I only joined yesterday and I'm on my phone.

Weasel? Is this the sort of "insults" to be expected from the not so intelligent P&Bers. :lol:

No, it's the kind of insult to be expected when you try to hide behind a different team name. Scotland or a junior side, supporters of both arse cheeks reckon nobody will suss their allegiance.

Why would it need changing? How have you suddenly managed to work out how to change it?


Oh, we're going to have fun with this one.

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Two clubs merged and still continue as a joint entity. The only reason they use 1994 as their foundation date I'm guessing is because there were two clubs involved in the merger. Rangers continued as one club just in a different administrative form. Hence the history is in tact. As I have said many times before on here I support a football team not a company.

Ask Tedi about the "transfer"......you're half way there already by acknowledging what kind of entity the SFA deal with. Baby steps, and you'll get there in the end...

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This is a better one ...

aussie fan pledges £1m

Started by spireblue , Mar 03 2012 10:30 AM

So what happened to that £12m ?! laugh.gif

They could have bought the club and served free Buckie all season for that kind of money.

They're right though, that is what being a true rangers fan is all about. Spout bollox and yell WATP to show how "true blue" they are, then when it's time to put the hands in the pockets........


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No, it's the kind of insult to be expected when you try to hide behind a different team name. Scotland or a junior side, supporters of both arse cheeks reckon nobody will suss their allegiance.

Why would it need changing? How have you suddenly managed to work out how to change it?


Oh, we're going to have fun with this one.

Have you got something wrong with you? It came up Scotland when I registered on here and I just left it for now before changing it, why would I be hiding behind another team name? When I joined I was posting on Rangers posts.

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Have you got something wrong with you? It came up Scotland when I registered on here and I just left it for now before changing it, why would I be hiding behind another team name? When I joined I was posting on Rangers posts.

If you didn't understand the mechanics of a drop-down menu when joining, and only suddenly realised how to change it when pulled up on your honest mistake, then I wholeheartedly apologise.

Of course, that's nonsense, or you wouldn't have pulled out the phone excuse at the drop of a hat. You can ask your fellow sevconians and followers of the other cheek why they hide behind "Scotland". Maybe that's the default team (I can't remember), and it's one less thing to slow them down when another alias hits the forum. wink.gif

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If you didn't understand the mechanics of a drop-down menu when joining, and only suddenly realised how to change it when pulled up on your honest mistake, then I wholeheartedly apologise.

Of course, that's nonsense, or you wouldn't have pulled out the phone excuse at the drop of a hat. You can ask your fellow sevconians and followers of the other cheek why they hide behind "Scotland". Maybe that's the default team (I can't remember), and it's one less thing to slow them down when another alias hits the forum. wink.gif

Scotland is the default team, I couldn't be arsed scrolling all the way down to Rangers yesterday when I joined so I left it till today.

Please tell me you've understood that as I can't make it any more simpler for you.

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Two clubs merged and still continue as a joint entity. The only reason they use 1994 as their foundation date I'm guessing is because there were two clubs involved in the merger. Rangers continued as one club just in a different administrative form. Hence the history is in tact. As I have said many times before on here I support a football team not a company.

I'll try to put it in simple terms for you. ICT are like the offspring (mongrelised as the C*unt* fans put it) of Caley and the other lot. Rangers (Sevco) are the offspring of the dead Rangers (a purer version than ICT in comparison to their parentage but offspring nonetheless).

Which also goes to prove that since there was only one parent in Rangers case that they were indeed a bunch of w@nkers.

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Ask Tedi about the "transfer"......you're half way there already by acknowledging what kind of entity the SFA deal with. Baby steps, and you'll get there in the end...

Click on 'Signed in as WRK' in the top left of your screen (be sure to sign in under the correct alias) , then click 'My Settings', then 'Profile' then scroll down to 'My Team' then change from 'Kilmarnock' to 'Celtic'

Baby steps mind, and you'll get there in the end.

I've just noticed the mods have listened and accepted the truth after all, see my team, below my avatar.

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I'm not sure if STV news or Keith Jackson ever accused Rangers of owing HMRC over 100 million quid, so no. I think they reported and in Jackson's case possibly opined.

Happy to be proved wrong of course.

I don't think anyone has offered the 2 million figure as a fact yet. It's speculation. That's why we're speculating.


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Click on 'Signed in as WRK' in the top left of your screen (be sure to sign in under the correct alias) , then click 'My Settings', then 'Profile' then scroll down to 'My Team' then change from 'Kilmarnock' to 'Celtic'

Baby steps mind, and you'll get there in the end.

I've just noticed the mods have listened and accepted the truth after all, see my team, below my avatar.

The mods realise that it's Xmas, if they nail up their letterboxes how will their cards get delivered?

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I'll try to put it in simple terms for you. ICT are like the offspring (mongrelised as the C*unt* fans put it) of Caley and the other lot. Rangers (Sevco) are the offspring of the dead Rangers (a purer version than ICT in comparison to their parentage but offspring nonetheless).

Which also goes to prove that since there was only one parent in Rangers case that they were indeed a bunch of w@nkers.

There is no similarity between Rangers and this mongrel offspring that you speak of. As for the Aberdeen example that you mention in your previous reply they were also the merger of more than one club. They couldn't have kept three clubs histories could they?

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Click on 'Signed in as WRK' in the top left of your screen (be sure to sign in under the correct alias) , then click 'My Settings', then 'Profile' then scroll down to 'My Team' then change from 'Kilmarnock' to 'Celtic'

Baby steps mind, and you'll get there in the end.

I've just noticed the mods have listened and accepted the truth after all, see my team, below my avatar.

I had the opportunity to support either arse cheek for years. I could still follow the one that's still alive, but not quite as popular (for some reasonwink.gif). I chose not to.

If I wanted to validate my existence by attaching myself to a club which I had no connection to, in order to take vicarious satisfaction in their big fish/small pool bullying, I would have done so. I chose not to.

Who knows? Maybe that mystery bid for Killie recently was actually Charlie Boy? Then we could be the world's most successful team until he'd sucked every penny he could out of the club. They're his titles, after all. He paid for them. He said so. And he never lies, right?laugh.gif

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1) In the last 16 of the champions league, 2) the league title handed to them on a plate but they still talk about Rangers :lol: words fail to desrcibe how bitter and twisted Celtic fans are and 3) along with the clubs of other teams in Scotland who seem to have a hard on for Celtic these days.

1) Fair play to Celtic for getting through the Group Stages of the Champions League - bit unexpected yes but they did it.

2) Didn't your former team do the same last season ?

Lost a 15 point lead - then when they fell behind Celtic they then elected to take an automatic 10 point deduction for CHOOSING to enter Administration

knowing they were f*cked and would not catch Celtic given Swally's managerial expertise ?

3) "along with the clubs of other teams" Eh ? Don't think you will find too many fans of 'other teams' having a 'hard on for Celtic' - most Non-OF fans look on both halves with equal disdain.

Glad to see you worked out how to show your true colours ;)

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