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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Roll on the title stripping hearing (when is that? Bendy seemed to think it was April Fool's Day).

YIP Dheny roll on the stripping and it won't be sexy either :lol: The Clone Rangers fans can shout yer no taking ower titles all they like because they don't have any :) ? just thought there ! I think that'll mean that the old Rangers PLC will not have ever won the SPL title ever if the stripping happens 8)

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Ignore the plastics, they will never be convinced and they don't need to be, UEFA updated our club page on the same day we were celebrating 140 years of glorious history, they became the latest in a long line of footballing authorities to confirm that we are indeed the same club, they did the same thing for Hearts, Middlesborough and Fiorentina all clubs who are now operated by different company`s after liquidation events.

Leave them writing their pathetic blogs alongside their tear stained letters to Trading Standards 8)

? so what happened to all the debt then if your the same club and who supplied the info for UEFA to have the page updated ? :) and happy new year Tedi :P

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Nuff n Helps voted on whether to allow Green's new club straight into the SPL while Rangers PLC were still an active member you nugget which meant Rangers PLC were voting to allow a new club straight into the SPL when the PLC club was to be liquidated into the history books because the CVA failed.Which part can't you understand ?.

And it is clear cut ! Green wanted the SPL berth at any cost and had made a bid to have his new club admitted at the highest tier but instead the diddy clubs revolted and voted not to have a new club enter the senior leagues other than the 3rd division.

Lastly when the embargo was enforced before the voting you Rangers fans were greetin yer eyes oot that ye wur gonna get relegated and forced to watch the worst Rangers team ever to play in either the SPL or the SFL 1st division and why you all wanted the 3rd because you all felt your youth players would pump all the teams in the 3rd rotten.Fucking glory hunters.

This is the problem you get on here, some folk read stuff on a blog and take it as gospel without truly understanding it.

The administrators were running the club and were entitled to vote in any way they saw fit, you're anger at this simple point being made clear is :lol:

Ofcourse Green would have wanted the SPL, talk about pointing out the obvious.

You have completely lost the plot and went off on a tangent here.

The simple fact is that the team which i watch play at Ibrox is the same team that i've always watched, no if's and no buts.

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Apart from the assets which were stripped from the old club.

Show us where the entity the 'club' was bought by Charles Green.

It was not.

Charles Green bought the assets and not any entity which owned the assets. Let me repeat that ... he bought the assets.

Nowhere will you find a document from Duffer and Felts stating that they sold Rangers FC for x million (including all it assets listed) to Green. The reason being they cannot as the club is being liquidated .. they could only legally sell the assets being stripped.

For the company being the club see my previous post on the subject of unincorporated associations and companies which still stands ... I can repost it if you missed it. Funny how you all avoided that particular post and gave it a body swerve. But a nonsensical nothing post and the bears are all over it like rash ... why?

Roll on the title stripping hearing (when is that? Bendy seemed to think it was April Fool's Day).

He's now a buisness expert and knows all the ins and outs of company laws :lol:

Feel free to screenshot this and add it to your collection young sir.

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Ignore the plastics, they will never be convinced and they don't need to be, UEFA updated our club page on the same day we were celebrating 140 years of glorious history, they became the latest in a long line of footballing authorities to confirm that we are indeed the same club, they did the same thing for Hearts, Middlesborough and Fiorentina all clubs who are now operated by different company`s after liquidation events.

Leave them writing their pathetic blogs alongside their tear stained letters to Trading Standards 8)

Talking about pathetic blogs, what happened to Bhairn and his endless C&P's from that dodgy lawyer?

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This is the problem you get on here, some folk read stuff on a blog and take it as gospel without truly understanding it.

The administrators were running the club and were entitled to vote in any way they saw fit, you're anger at this simple point being made clear is :lol:

Ofcourse Green would have wanted the SPL, talk about pointing out the obvious.

You have completely lost the plot and went off on a tangent here.

The simple fact is that the team which i watch play at Ibrox is the same team that i've always watched, no if's and no buts.

:lol: nice twist and you only replied because Tedi is online to back you up.

My point was Benny Rangers PLC est 1872 voted on letting a new club into the SPL when the PLC was being ejected from senior football as it was being liquidated and this new club was called Sevco Scotland.So how can you as you claim that Rangers were relegated when they relinquished their place in Scottish football to accommodate a new club called Sevco Scotland which then took the dying clubs name to complete the cloning ?.

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Happy new year Rangers obsessor.

Rangers supplied the info and UEFA correctly obliged and part of the debt is to be paid as part of the 5 way agreement, that amount will add up to a lot more than the 6% Dundee negotiated through the CVA both in % and £.

Face it just like Fiorentina and the other clubs UEFA know when a club continuation is a reality, they care nothing for tic conspiracy theories.

Complete pish Tedi as it's the associations that supply the info to the ruling authorities.

And for the record Rangers were dead and were reformed as stated in all kinds of sources.I'll let you away with a continuation of "A" Rangers team playing football at Ibrox but it is not the same club but you'll just claim to be because you want to shout 54 titles WATP.

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:lol: nice twist and you only replied because Tedi is online to back you up.

My point was Benny Rangers PLC est 1872 voted on letting a new club into the SPL when the PLC was being ejected from senior football as it was being liquidated and this new club was called Sevco Scotland.So how can you as you claim that Rangers were relegated when they relinquished their place in Scottish football to accommodate a new club called Sevco Scotland which then took the dying clubs name to complete the cloning ?.

You're putting words in my mouth here, i've used no such phrase.

Pointless continuing with this if this is way you're going to go.

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Perhaps you should quote page 17 of the three man commission instead.

"In common speech a club is treated as a recognisable entitiy which is capable of being owned and operated,and which continues in existance despite it's transfer to another owner and operator. In legal terms it appears to us to be no different from any other undertaking which is capable of being carried on,bought and sold"

Rangers weren't transferred to another owner or operator however. They are in liquidation!

Perhaps you should also take into account the finding of Lord Glennie,

Lod Glennie's ruling came before Sevco bought Rangers assets

as well as that of the ECA an organisation

ECA terminated the membership of Rangers

that is fully funded by UEFA and has no gain for recognising the club continuity.

And it didn't recognise your continuity - and neither did UEFA

Add to that the SFL recognising the continuity.

The SFL put you in the 3rd Division, not the 1st and didn't seed you in the League Cup.

As i've said before the club continuity is recognised by the appropiate football authorities

Its not, hence why a brand new club called The Rangers has started life in the 3rd Division

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Unfortunately that is wishing thinking as the tribute act will return one day .. but I suspect the glory hunters will have deserted by then.

Just as the gloryhunting bogots have deserted Parkhead this season?

Celtic fans recognise that, without Rangers, any trophies they win this season are tarnished and worthless.

Celtic fans are only interested in a sectarian rivalry.

Two cheeks of the same arse.

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Unfortunately that is wishing thinking as the tribute act will return one day .. but I suspect the glory hunters will have deserted by then.

Just as the gloryhunting bogots have deserted Parkhead this season?

Celtic fans recognise that, without Rangers, any trophies they win this season are tarnished and worthless.

Celtic fans are only interested in a sectarian rivalry.

Two cheeks of the same arse.

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You're putting words in my mouth here, i've used no such phrase.

Pointless continuing with this if this is way you're going to go.

I'd say it is, if we were out of football for a while and then came back after a year or two then i'd maybe agree with you. Rules were broken and we're now in the bottom tier thats all.

The above statement since you claim to be the same club would have you state that your club was relegated wouldn't it ? so I'm not putting words in your mouth am I ? and if you claim that statement otherwise then you would have to say that it is a new club in the 3rd division then Benny :rolleyes:

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Ah so the SFA and UEFA are all part of the establishment now, along with Karl-Heinz Rummenigge :lol: :lol: :lol: Tic conspiracy`s gotta luv them

The cockwomble claimed your new club was a continuance of a member club did he not and would supply UEFA with that exact same info.

And it's not a tic conspiracy you roaster it's fact.

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Just as the gloryhunting bogots have deserted Parkhead this season?

Celtic fans recognise that, without Rangers, any trophies they win this season are tarnished and worthless.

Celtic fans are only interested in a sectarian rivalry.

Two cheeks of the same arse.

ABSOLUTE FUCKING PISH and happy new year Cap'n :P

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The above statement since you claim to be the same club would have you state that your club was relegated wouldn't it ? so I'm not putting words in your mouth am I ? and if you claim that statement otherwise then you would have to say that it is a new club in the 3rd division then Benny :rolleyes:

I'm not stating that at all, you maybe but i most certainly are not.

How many times, i've gave opinion on whether it's a new club or not and seeing as it's been done to death, i'm leaving it at that.

Hell i've even bypassed the best bit of double entendre i've ever seen on here. (2nd highlighted bit)

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are bogots the same thing as pigots?

The Captain is combining bogtrotters and bigots in a tasty little dig aimed at the green and greys.

Credit where it's due, it's quite funny.

Edited by bennett
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Is this the same as when you claimed that you never called me Dhensebhoy or are you trying to claim you are telling the truth now?

You remember the post from before .. where you swear blind you have not done something but it's a big fat lie?


That'll be another screenshot added to his secret file on me then.

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and here is the classic plastic logic :lol: the whole world is against you.

Do explain your post Tedi ? I couldn't care fucking less about another phoenixed Rangers team masquerading as the old club.I just like to have a laff about your clubs situation ! IT DIED and then REFORMED :lol:

And on a serious note Tedi ! before Rangers went tits up ! what was your thoughts on clubs that were liquidated and then reformed ?

A, They are not the original club and are a new club.


B, They are a continuance of the very same club even if there are name changes and strips & badges were even changed.

And we will all know on P&B if you pick "B" you are a fucking liar :)

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