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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Employed by the company to play for the club.

Would that be rangers, the club that became a company in 1899, then? The company currently (laugh.gif) undergoing liquidation?

So if they were playing for that company, which company owned the company they were playing for?

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Employed by the company to play for the club.



Be fair, lads - it's a slow night. I'm just keeping my hand in. Bennett displayed his inability to answer a simple 50/50 question without making ridiculous, deflective posts; Tedi's about to undergo the daily twisted-in-knots session, and Bendarroch's warming up for another fiesta of bigoted abuse.

Just another day in the BRALT.

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Thats not what I said

I know it's not. Unfortunately, Tedi, some of us can think independently, and don't repeat what's spouted from Orc central. The club founded in 1872 (or 1873, or whenever you want) was incorporated in 1899. This means the club became a company. In law. Ask Lord Glennie or yer old mate Nimmo if this is too hard to grasp.

So, if the players in 1972 were playing for that company, which company was being represented by that company?

Fuckit, as you're obviously struggling - Why would a company employ (i.e. pay) someone to play (i.e. work) for another company?

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Same answer as before, that is not what I said.

ETA , I am not struggling you are.


If you're not struggling, why start with the old "cherry-picking" and edit my post? I can't help but think it's an attempt to avoid the fact that rangers became a company in 1899. Do you deny this fact?

Yer rattled, wee man.

Here's a question for you, then -

Why would a company ask its employees to represent another company? Why pay money as wages for a workforce to play (i.e. work) for another company? And what company was it which asked its employees to perform for the company incorporated in 1899?

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I know it's not. Unfortunately, Tedi, some of us can think independently, and don't repeat what's spouted from Orc central. The club founded in 1872 (or 1873, or whenever you want) was incorporated in 1899. This means the club became a company. In law. Ask Lord Glennie or yer old mate Nimmo if this is too hard to grasp.

So, if the players in 1972 were playing for that company, which company was being represented by that company?

Fuckit, as you're obviously struggling - Why would a company employ (i.e. pay) someone to play (i.e. work) for another company?

Both Glennie and Nimmo Smith have made it clear that a company operates the club.

Companies often run things. It's really not difficult to grasp.

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1359068424[/url]' post='7014625']

I fail to see how, try enlightening me, oh I forgot you never do debate just pass comment.

Debating with you is fucking boring. Been there. Done that. Headered the desk.

^^ Passing comment.

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The fact remains, Charles green bought the assets from the liquidating company, incorporated over 100 years ago when it stopped being a club.

He uses these assets to assist in the running of his company.

Charles green would have been well within his rights to call his company Govan FC, but that doesn't make good business sense. He therefore took the option of naming them in tribute, to the liquidating company in an attempt to get a grasp of rangers customers.

Edited by dave.j
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Yes, it says he'll deal with people as he sees fit, without running their credentials through P&B's Moral Defender's Database first.

I don't rate the rocket (and I think he knows that), but at the same time he's done me no harm. I assume the same applies to Dave J.

For f**k's sake, I even reply to you and the other Amigos civilly once in a while. Doesn't mean I wouldn't set the three of you on fire just so I can not piss on you. laugh.gif

I believe you said he was one of the better posters on P&B, around the same time as he bitch slapped you over KDS :)

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Both Glennie and Nimmo Smith have made it clear that a company operates the club.

Companies often run things. It's really not difficult to grasp.

And they were around in 1899, of course. "Incorporated" can be defined as "taken into the body", i.e. to become part of, not a separately held entity. The club was not bought or acquired by the company, it became the company, as one corporate body. That body is currently being finished off, and the remains disposed of.

For those of us of independent mind, that is not difficult to grasp. For those in the denial phase of mourning the entity which validated their lives, I can see the problem.

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1359068943[/url]' post='7014667']

We have never debated, you are mistaken.

You are a nice guy HT, but you already admitted to me you only ever come here for the wind up, nothing else.

We debated not long after you joined in the OF forum about the club/company thing.

I fell asleep. ;)

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And they were around in 1899, of course. "Incorporated" can be defined as "taken into the body", i.e. to become part of, not a separately held entity. The club was not bought or acquired by the company, it became the company, as one corporate body. That body is currently being finished off, and the remains disposed of.

For those of us of independent mind, that is not difficult to grasp. For those in the denial phase of mourning the entity which validated their lives, I can see the problem.

You know better than Lords Glennie and Nimmo Smith. Fine. :)

Edited by Bearwithme
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