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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why is there still no committee list or constitution of this club that hasn't been listed in the asset purchase by Sevco? And more importantly, how does one go about owning, either wholly or partially, a club - which by definition has no mechanism to offer a shareholding?

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You mean Rangers.

No matter how many times you try and tell yourself this, Rangers died.

If not, then why didn't Green simple buy the "club" debt free to begin with, why did he want a CVA?.......................


48428ebabb15e7e909c7dcffff826279_normal.Rangers FC OfficialVerified account@RFC_Official

CG: "We have always wanted a CVA in order to preserve that history

So, was he just wanted the CVA to help the creditors out of the goodness of his heart? You know a businessman who has admitted he was only in it to make money

Why didn't David Murray simple offer the "club" for sale without the "company" that way it could have been liquidated and he would have saved a lot of cash

Why didn't Craig Whyte (another money making businessman) simply offer to buy the "club" without the "company" ? that way he would have had the club debt free, and sold it on for a pretty penny?

Why didn't Bill Miller simply offer to buy the "club" without the "company"? That way he would not have inherited the debt and save a lot of money

Why didn't the Blue Knights offer to buy the "club" without the "company" That way they would not have inherited the debt

Why didn't Dave King offer to buy the "club" without the "company" that way he would not have inherited the debt.

Why didn't Walter Smith offer to buy the "club" without the "company" that way he would have not inherited the debt

Why didn't D&P every mention to any potential buyers, you could simple buy the "club" without the "company" and that way they would not have inherited the debt? I'm sure a lot more people would have stepped forward

Why was this never mentioned by anyone at all?

What was so important about the "company" that all these people wanted to save it so badly through a CVA?

How can "Rangers" make a vote at the SPL meeting to allow "Newco" Rangers directly into the SPL, if Charles Green had bought the club and history?

These are pretty simple question, and i know i won't get a answer for them, just more deflection and finger pointing. because you all know the reasons why and just do not want to admit it.


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It matters not a jot to me anymore for the reasons I have just given, this is about history and the record books state we retain the lot, welcome to reality.

It's not about history, though, Tedi. History can be a vague and untrustworthy beast - just look at Soviet Russia, Communist China, or the retrospective line we're fed about Iraq. FFS, we were around and reading/watching/listening to the media, and still people now believe Iraq was an Al Qua'eda stronghold. You and yours are trying to forget that even Jabba said your club was dead.

It's about the law. The club you followed was founded in the 1870s. In 1899 it was incorporated - that is became a company. That company is currently undergoing the liquidation process. No matter how long and how loud you squeal, that is the situation. You still go and watch a team in blue, playing at ibrox, calling themselves rangers or something like it, but you and the rest of the Horde are only fooling yourselves.

The bootleg Beatles have been together for four times as long as the real thing; the Australian Pink Floyd Show gives note-perfect renditions of all the favourites - but they're not real, and they have the honesty to admit as such.

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Clicked on one of Tedi's links there and i have to admit i got it wrong about the SPL. Just looked at the top and the bottom of the league and there's still all to play for, it's super competitive this year.

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Something you have also be guilty of many times HT, in fact you usually shy away from the debate, perhaps the argument put forward by bitter bloggers and forum posters is starting to look kinda weak against the footballing authorities viewpoint.

I'm not looking for a debate. I'd just like you to answer one question. You said you could.

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To be fair, youngsy, I can't remember you admitting you were wrong about Whyte anytime before, say, 19:22 this evening.

You're not Jabba, are you? ;)

Perhaps you should peruse the thread from months ago then. As i said i've no problem stating i was wrong about Whyte when he first took over the club.

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It is about history, I know what club I support and the footballing authorities in Scotland agree with my version, if they change their mind I will agree with it, but I will always be a Rangers supporter, something you are just going to have to put up with I am afraid.

Is that the same, "CORRUPT" football authorities that booted your old club out through no fault of their own, that are run as a fiefdom by Liewell and his chronies, and loathe the very ground that Green walks on? The ones that failed in their duty to cast Craig Whyte into a dungeon? The ones that are rigging the leagues to make sure your lot stay in the bottom tier?

Those authorities? Just for once, pick a position and stick to it. Fucksake, have you ever HAD an independent opinion?

You will always be a rangers supporter, that much is clear. The sad thing is you don't have a rangers to support. Did you watch Black Mirror the other night? Made me think of you lot.

Now, off you trot, some of the other lads have a question they'd like you to answer. I'm fairly interested myself, to be fair.

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Perhaps you should peruse the thread from months ago then. As i said i've no problem stating i was wrong about Whyte when he first took over the club.

Youngsy, do you have any opinion on why no one bought the club on its own? It's a seperate entity from the company isn't it?

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