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Interview with Alex Thomson..... http://www.thecoplandroad.org/2013/02/the-cro-exclusive-tomointerview.html?m=1 "He likened his obsession with the Rangers story to his previous journalistic crusades over the Chinook crash on the Mull of Kintyre and his notorious reporting on Bloody Sunday – something unlikely to endear him to many Rangers fans." "I also accused him of being part of this deferential media pack in not wanting to probe stories involving Celtic FC." :lol: Why is it they are always so keen to find out about everyone else, but yet when it came to David Murray, Craig Whyte and not Chuckie Green they seen to turn a blind eye

"With the perfectly understandable cries of thousands of Rangers fans ringing in my ears to string up Channel 4's Alex Thomson, I tried to stay calm and interview the man who speaks so much about our club."

Oh yeah perfectly understandable. Well done for not hanging him Bill, amazing restraint shown by an orc there.

BTW didn't watch "the rising" as I assumed it was some kind of sick baking pornography a la Fru T Bunn of Viz. Or at least something with a similar level of factual content.

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Difference in offering and honouring a contract made in the 3rd before the end of the season.

He should never have been offered it in the first place, and now pennies are tight the Rangers want to change it now.

As far as I know, Alexander's contract is up in the summer.

If he really has a longer contract he is free to see it out.

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As far as I know, Alexander's contract is up in the summer.

If he really has a longer contract he is free to see it out.

Aye that is how the article says it will probably play out, though it was the immediate pay cut as part of the 1/2 price extension offering, that I was meaning.

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That interview provided next to no insight. All McMurdo does is go on about his obession with celtic and the conspiracy theories the zombies have on them, which is amazingly ironic when he's accusing Thompson of being obsessed with their club.

The whole 'but what about Celtic???' thing is pretty tiresome. Rangers would be happy to be the second most despicable collection of people on the planet, provided it was Celtic who were worse than them

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If Cammy Bell is on his way then it is a thank you and goodbye to Alexander. TBH I would like to see our young keeper given a couple of starts. The league is all but over and McCoist has talked him up this season but we have yet to see him get a run of games.

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Difference in offering and honouring a contract made in the 3rd before the end of the season.

He should never have been offered it in the first place, and now pennies are tight the Rangers want to change it now.

We can't win with some on here.

Rangers should not be paying players thousands per week in the 3rd division is the usual line.

Rangers should be paying a player £10k per week in the 3rd division, seems to be the new line.


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If Cammy Bell is on his way then it is a thank you and goodbye to Alexander. TBH I would like to see our young keeper given a couple of starts. The league is all but over and McCoist has talked him up this season but we have yet to see him get a run of games.

This ^^^, i'd give Gallacher or Currie a run for the rest of the season once the leagues secured. I'd also give our other fringe players their chance too and take advantage of this chance to blood players.

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"With the perfectly understandable cries of thousands of Rangers fans ringing in my ears to string up Channel 4's Alex Thomson, I tried to stay calm and interview the man who speaks so much about our club."

Oh yeah perfectly understandable. Well done for not hanging him Bill, amazing restraint shown by an orc there.

BTW didn't watch "the rising" as I assumed it was some kind of sick baking pornography a la Fru T Bunn of Viz. Or at least something with a similar level of factual content.

I like this part.

"Rangers were one of the biggest teams in the world, and by the way, I do believe its history is firmly intact. I don't

want to get in that argument."

How does this fit in with the P & Bers view "Alex Thomson is the purveyor of Truth" and "the only people that think Rangers have all their history is Rangers fans"


Dunno, how does it fit in with Rangers fans that he is a "proven liar" who like many others are only out to get you.

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and the second part of his statement?

I do believe its history is firmly intact. I don't want to get in that argument

I take it you agree with this too? or is he now part of the succulent lamb brigade?

Of course Rangers history is intact. It just stopped when they died. Never doubted or disputed that. The new guise are on course for their first trophy. History in the making. Enjoy the ride. ;)

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Nice play on words, does not quite work though, its, suggests something in the here and now not something that is dead or no longer exists.

So if I said - Rangers FC, Its history died when the club died, that would suggest something in the here and now? :unsure:

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Not when one of his next sentences contains;

"I want the best for Rangers. I want Rangers to succeed." He also said he wanted to watch Rangers-Celtic games again. :whistle


I'm good at play on words. You're good at goal post moving.

Score draw ;)

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Or when he says

"I want Rangers back in the SPL as fast as possible; I want them back in the Champions League or the European Cup as I prefer to call it, as fast as possible. I think that's good for everybody and it's good for Scottish football."

Oh, so now we're addressing his whole statement? :lol:

Scenario: A guys mother dies. She moved here from America years a go. Her dying wish was to have her ashes scattered in her town of birth. The guy would take his mother BACK there to scatter her ashes. His poor dead Mother :(


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Except his mother would still be dead not running about back playing old firm games ;)

Tedi, the Holy Roman Empire's history is intact. So is Elizabeth I's. So is Bill Struth's, Davie Cooper's, Ian Fallis', and Johnny Doyle's.

As for Thommo saying he wants to see them "back" in the SPL, what do you think Charlie will have to say about that? ;)

When did you and yours start treating "Timmy" Thomson as if he were Moses down from Sinai? I must have missed that meeting....

This makes the contortions over Jabba's "impartiality" look tame.

Typical proddy blog/ger wet dream, if you ask me. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Tedi, the Holy Roman Empire's history is intact. So is Elizabeth I's. So is Bill Struth's, Davie Cooper's, Ian Fallis', and Johnny Doyle's.

As for Thommo saying he wants to see them "back" in the SPL, what do you think Charlie will have to say about that? ;)

When did you and yours start treating "Timmy" Thomson as if he were Moses down from Sinai? I must have missed that meeting....

This makes the contortions over Jabba's "impartiality" look tame.

Typical proddy blog/ger wet dream, if you ask me. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Thommo, what sort of fanny calls himself Thommo?

That says enough about him in my book.

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