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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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:1eye 14th of June Rangers PLC entered into a form of liquidation as the administrators said the CVA failed and liquidation was a dead certainty.You even posted a link to show how thick you were !.

Administrators Duff and Phelps, who took over

the running of the former SPL club on February 14, have instructed a

formal application be made to place the company into liquidation in the

Court of Session.

Being placed into liquidation is a form of liquidation fud :1eye and if this happened on 6th of June 2011 your club would be declared dead by the SFA :lol:

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Even your fellow Celtic fan mentioned the newspaper article

ETA to add

Google Neil Alexander 11K, loads of results come up including quotes from KDS, as I said his salary is common knowledge.

KDS is now a form of gospel for information now TEDI ? :1eye see only happy to quote any source as long as it suits your agenda :lol: what knobjockey.Why don't you google for an official source and then post it !.

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But a definitive verdict in either direction will not stop people seeing things in a way which suits.

For me, titles either get removed, or Rangers have escaped scot-free from the whole player registration situation.

We'll all continue to snipe regardless of what's found, I suppose. The point is that the stripping, or the leaving well alone, of titles, are the only verdicts which matter. Something more nuanced is almost irrelevant - it's which of the two it falls on, which counts.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was swept under the carpet allowing a club that should have died to continue and carry on as if their systematic corruption over a decade meant feck all.

Every person who follows football in Scotland even the Rangers fans know Rangers cheated by offering dual contracts to pay their star players,but that is just dismissed by the Rangers fans even evidence of them was shown in the FTT as if they don't exist.

If justice is to prevail Rangers will lose trophies and titles and will be punished by bans and monetary fines will be handed out.

It will be a big slap in the faces of all fans who are not supporters of Rangers if they get off Scot free and then they surely will be the worst fans ever seen in Scottish football with "WE GOT AWAY WITH IT GIRFUY & WATP"

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1. Again you have no idea of this, you have 1 rule book last updated in 2009, and a rule book created in June 2011, for all we know there could have been a different rulebook in between these periods, you are just guessing here but passing it off as fact

2. Again this assumes that there was not another rulebook in place between 2009 and 2011, you have no idea of this. You did not speculate about the Feb 2012 amendment, you tried to pass it off as fact, you even renamed the jpeg with Feb 2012 is some stupid attempt to validate it.

You have absolutely no idea when this rule was deleted, you made this up to suit your agenda when Rangers went into admin, which is total pish, the SFA had no idea how things would pan out. Unless you can post definite proof that this rule was omitted in Feb 2012 you are talking shite.

3. Tic fan in paranoia shocker.

4. Rangers PLC were in administration until October 2012 FACT Rangers were not in the liquidation Process Until October 2012 FACT The Transfer of SFA Membership happened with the SFA rule 14.1 in July 2012 FACT this makes the rule that you lied about existing in 2012 completely and utterly irrelevant FACT

5. Once you dig that hole and reach Australia there is no place to left for you to dig Hellbhoy.



What the fucking hell do you think this is Tedi ? this is an amendment inserted after Rangers went into admin.URL search showed this was updated on 7th May 2012 and inserted into the webpage as amended.

Your rule book came into being on the 7th of June 2011 last amended in May 7th 2012 and the one I quoted was the SFA rulebook up until 6th of June 2011 ! what's not to understand as no rules were amended from 2099 to 2011 then the whole rule book was changed completely !.

Why would the SFA completely rewrite their handbook that served it's purpose for 17 years and months before Rangers went into admin ? you tell me I'm all ears here Tedi ? I mean it could be complete coincidence bub but looks totally iffy to me with the timing and sweeping changes that killed off many a club but somehow appears by magic and low and behold it protects Rangers FC the club but has a shelf life up until the end of 2013.

I know for a fact that article 17.7 was SFA law until 7th of June 2011 ! the one that would have certainly killed your club off completely Tedi.Last amended in 2009 ! two years before the sweeping changes Tedi ! two years maximum !

Fact is you can't explain why the SFA made all their changes but it looks pretty darn compelling that they knew Rangers were heading into BIG trouble and hastely changed the goal posts for it.In early 2011 and even before that rumours were rife that Rangers were going to die because of the BTC and it came true.

Do you actually read my posts or do you look just to debunk them ? I have amended my position that the rule changes came into effect months before Rangers went tits up and not on Feb 2012 but on 7th June 2011 with amendments soon after.Last amended 7th May 2012 for a club to change from one debt ridden company to a debt free company.

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Except that is total bollox, liquidation follows administration.

Thats why we have D & P administrators appointed Feb 2012

followed by

BDO appointed in October 2012 Liquidators

A form of liquidation :lol:and :lol: and :lol: more made up lies from you.

Tedi once again edits posts to say something the OP didn't mean !

Applying for liquidation Tedi as I stated in my original post is actually the club entering into a form of liquidation,I didn't say it was liquidated on 14th of June.You even posted info on NUFF n HELPS even quoted as the club is now entering the liquidation process.

Article 17.7 in the SFA handbook "any member club entering any form of liquidation" and applying for liquidation is entering into liquidation.

Do keep up and stop messing with peoples posts.

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You still have absolutely no idea when that COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT rule was omitted.

You have a link to a rule book last updated in 2009 and a link to the current rulebook dated Jun 2011, there may well be a rule book inbetween this stage that has the rule in place, you just do not know.

The SFA constantly change rules that is there Job they meet often to discuss rule changes for the benefit of the game.

Your clearly tried to pass it off as fact in all your quotes above that it was amened in Feb 2012.....You just made this up, you now say you are shifting your position, is this finally an admission that you lied? Feb 2012 was hugely significant for your argument and you knew that all along.

The rule is utterly irrelevant as it only applies to to liquidation not administration and no matter what shite you try to make up The Liquidation process did not begin till admin ended in OCTOBER 2012.

So basically all you have left in your argument is some mad conspiracy theory, well if that is the case I can simply point and laugh.

You imply I have no clue but don't supply any evidence to the contrary yourself ! you know the rule was in place for season 2009/2010 but then go on to debunk that I do not know when the rule was rewritten ? :1eye I'll go for sometime between 2010/2011 Tedi ! hows that ? that's a good ball park guess.One year without a rule change is very well a good probability isn't it ?.

And I'll damn well change my opinion when needed when new facts come to light bub.Like when you posted your new rewritten SFA handbook.

Conspiracy theory ? that's the orcs party political line these days.

1, I pointed out that rules were changed months before Rangers demise that would see the club Rangers FC s the only ever club to escape death by liquidation.FACT.

2, Showed you a rule in a previous rulebook that would have killed Rangers FC that was law up until 7th June 2011.FACT.

Now if you actually have anything with a reliable source to debunk me then post it instead off saying I just made that up.

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The quote from D & P was dated 17th October.

There is no form of liquidation,

There is administration





Unlocking the differences between administration and liquidation

So let me get this correct ! you are saying that applying for liquidation is not entering the liquidation process ? :lol: So Duff & Phelps applying on the 14th of June for liquidation is not entering into the liquidation process ? :1eye the liquidation process starts when a company/club files for liquidation like what D&P on the 14th of June.

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You know i don't just hate or dislike Celtic, i detest them.

In H's eyes that makes an uber bigot :lol:

Love Celtic or be damned as a bigot for all eternity :angel

Good for you. But that's not what we were discussing with your wee mate Ally88 at the time when you jumped in as usual. He hates Celtic fans unconditionally, remember? Do you, ben? Do you hate Celtic fans unconditionally? You dodged the question then and you'll dodge it now. It's what you do. It's sad really.

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Brilliant :lol: they still believe the BBC are out to get them! http://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/article.php?i=16&a=twelve-months-of-hell-and-the-bbc Plus, we have another one who can't come to say rangers went into admin "Today, on the anniversary of Rangers' former corporate shell entering administration,"

Cheers Scoop.

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