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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I heard that because the hearing is now upper tier if hmrc win it means they can go after anyone who got an EBT and can go after any other club that exploited the same loophole.

Maybe that's their intention all along

Now, wouldn't that be nice? :whistle

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Rapid have released a statement saying they have settled with the Rangers and have been paid, they are still pursuing the oldco over a few hundred thousand euros but Rangers are no longer due them anything ;)

Source STV

Rapid's accounts team should be sacked. The Rangers agreed to pay all of Rangers footballing debts but instead Rapid are going to chase a liquidated club for the money? Nutters.

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T- 176 Hours till Meltdown day

I can't wait for this.

I reckon if they are stripped of the titles, all The Rangers fans will disappear and not post on here for a wee while.

If they aren't, the seethe from WRK, yourself, hellbhoy and so forth will be entertaining if nothing else.

Personally, I reckon they will be dished out a punishment - which won't be title stripping - but will be something far less severe. I reckon it'll be a fine to the new company.

Everyone will then be in uproar, which will be justified.

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Again, Tedi, you fall into the trap of avoiding the major issue with some spurious concerns over a minor detail. The responsibility of assessing any buyer's character rested with the club, not the Association. The rule has been posted on here and, with your lack of challenge to the actual rule's wording, I have to assume you accept that this is the ruling in the SFA rulebook.

Flawed or not - it was, if your statement about 2007 is correct, deliberately broken by rangers. Not by Murray, not by Whyte, not by the SFA - by rangers. The club has either failed to carry out due diligence, shameful in itself; or, having carried out the relevant checks, has lied in order to carry out their preferred course of action.

If there is a flaw, it is that the Association assumes, by the method described in their rule book, that their member clubs will act in an open and honest manner. The sense of trust is what has failed - because one of those members lied.

That would be my take on it, too.

And have I? No, Bennett, I haven't. I've tried to explain that the responsibility for the FAPP test lay with the Board of the club. As per the rule book. If, as Tedi claims, that rule was flawed, why did rangers not at a previous juncture act, as a member club, to amend it? The club was responsible, and either failed in its duty as an SFA member or lied about Whyte.

Maybe somebody from the company as opposed to the club filled in the form. Just a suggestion.

If somethings fails in its purpose then IMO its flawed.

Like your old team, then?

Edited by Jacksgranda
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Rapid's accounts team should be sacked. The Rangers agreed to pay all of Rangers footballing debts but instead Rapid are going to chase a liquidated club for the money? Nutters.

Well..... Not really. They're just another victim of business reality in the modern era.

Chuckie needed a license for his team.

To achieve this the SFA told him to "settle" the football debts. (Note the lack of "pay in full" direction here.)

Being the hard-nosed business opportunist he is he put down his offer, as derisory as it was, with the warning that it was take this cash now, off me, or chase your whole amount from the ghost if the OldCo. (cue gruff Yorkshire laughter)

Rapide took the pragmatic view of 'some now and possibly some later'.

Chuckie gets his license at a knockdown price.

Debts been 'settled"......but not really HONOURED..... ;)

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You failed to answer my question.

Again, Tedi, you fall into the trap of avoiding the major issue with some spurious concerns over a minor detail. The responsibility of assessing any buyer's character rested with the club, not the Association. The rule has been posted on here and, with your lack of challenge to the actual rule's wording, I have to assume you accept that this is the ruling in the SFA rulebook.

Flawed or not - it was, if your statement about 2007 is correct, deliberately broken by rangers. Not by Murray, not by Whyte, not by the SFA - by rangers. The club has either failed to carry out due diligence, shameful in itself; or, having carried out the relevant checks, has lied in order to carry out their preferred course of action.

If there is a flaw, it is that the Association assumes, by the method described in their rule book, that their member clubs will act in an open and honest manner. The sense of trust is what has failed - because one of those members lied.

Nearly saved me the bother there WRK ;)

The SFA`s FAPP has a purpose, it failed in this purpose, this really cannot be disputed.

Yes Norman everyone is blessed with the gift of foresight and can foretell these things in advance.

The rule is obviously flawed if the footballing authorities were powerless to stop the sale of the club to Whyte. I assume they have finally put in place measures to stop such a situation from ever happening again.

Tedi is quite correct and your 'fishing' posts are getting tiresome now.

With tens of millions at stake dishonesty will always be an issue, the SFA's rules were outdated and out of place. There should be safeguards in place at association level to ensure this doesn;t happen again. Whyte broke the rules, did Murray? I'm 50/50ish on that one, though i reckon it'll come out in the wash soon enough Norm.

Yes restrict it to the speed limit and the bennett mobile can only manage 96 mph ya dick :angry: (thats banter by the way)

Did any of the Amigo's actually read my posted JPEG on the fit and proper test ?

1, SFA ruling authority has in place a test for FaPP and these are handed out to it's member clubs.

2, The member clubs have already signed an agreement to the SFA that they WILL ADHERE to the association's laws/rulings that they will never break them.The fit and proper test is one of them.

3, The FaPP test is actually the clubs responsibility to carry out this FaPP test themselves as it will only affect the club.It is in the clubs best interests to make sure any person buying 30% or more shares in the club are fit and proper person.

4, The club then applies the FaPP to any potential buyer by asking them questions ! it is not the SFA's fault if the potential buyer lies through his fucking teeth to the club is it ?.

5, The potential buyer is asked to show proof of funding "clearly in Whyte's case here he had the TICKETUS money in the bank" to show he had the funding to pay of Rangers PLC bank debt.

6, The club is then responsible to do a background check themselves on any potential buyer,and if Rangers had done a simple background check they would have found out quite easily that Whyte had been banned from holding a directorship.Maybe they did and just ignored it to offload the debt ridden club anyway.

7, After the potential buyer passing the FaPP test carried out by the club itself by the way ! that was given to the club ! by the SFA to be carried out by the club that the club agreed to carry out under the SFA's rules ! that they would do a stringent FaPP on any potential investor into the club themselves.

8, After the club itself is satisfied by the potential buyer/investor into the club,they then fill out a form supplied by the SFA and fill it out that they have done a FaPP test on the buyer/investor into THEIR CLUB.That this person is fit and proper and that the club has made sure the buyer/investor has passed the FaPP test carried out stringently by the club.

Clearly the fault is on Rangers here because they did not themselves carry out a proper background check on Whyte,a couple of hundred quid to a private investigator would have shown up Whyte's obvious cash flow problem.

The SFA supply the clubs with a FaPP test guideline to which the club Rangers failed to carry out to the letter.

Murray with all his money and influence claiming he was duped is surely laughable now because Murray would have found out within days how skint and dubious Whyte was.Murray even made a promise to the fans that he would make sure the club would be only sold to the right sort of Rangers minded person that would have the clubs best interests at heart and the money to run the club ! what happened there then ?.

Murray himself did not make sure the FaPP test was carried out properly and sold the club to the first mug that came along IMO.

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With almost a week to go before the verdict is allegedly due, I think we should all say what we think is likely to happen.

My guess and it's only a guess since this saga has had so many twists and turns so far, Rangers to be found guilty but no titles stripped, large fine but this will go to Oldco as it'll be judged to be a different club. A legal storm to follow from other clubs kicked out of competitions for incorrect paperwork and supporters from all sides to complain about the result for either being too harsh or too lenient!

Over to you lot.

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With almost a week to go before the verdict is allegedly due, I think we should all say what we think is likely to happen.

My guess and it's only a guess since this saga has had so many twists and turns so far, Rangers to be found guilty but no titles stripped, large fine but this will go to Oldco as it'll be judged to be a different club. A legal storm to follow from other clubs kicked out of competitions for incorrect paperwork and supporters from all sides to complain about the result for either being too harsh or too lenient!

Over to you lot.

To make you feel better Statts ! the only punishment for fielding and improperly registered player for each game played is a three nil defeat in said game this player was a part off.

Then the points are removed from whatever season the club was part off in the final league standings.

Then the only option there after is to remove any honours the club won because the final revised league table has the club on lower points total below the 1st position.

So it's either guilty and cups & titles removed or they are not guilty to which they keep their tainted honours.

Fines will now be handed over to Chucky to pay off as he agreed to any punishments from the commission findings if guilty.

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Rapid have released a statement saying they have settled with the Rangers and have been paid, they are still pursuing the oldco over a few hundred thousand euros but Rangers are no longer due them anything ;)

Source STV

So..Chuckie was lying through his teeth a few weeks back when he said all football debts had been paid then?

Who'd have guessed ? :lol:

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To make you feel better Statts ! the only punishment for fielding and improperly registered player for each game played is a three nil defeat in said game this player was a part off.

Then the points are removed from whatever season the club was part off in the final league standings.

Then the only option there after is to remove any honours the club won because the final revised league table has the club on lower points total below the 1st position.

So it's either guilty and cups & titles removed or they are not guilty to which they keep their tainted honours.

Fines will now be handed over to Chucky to pay off as he agreed to any punishments from the commission findings if guilty.

Is that why it's taking so long to publish the findings? having to recalculate all those seasons where they cheated?

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