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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Had a look at that Rangers ESPN thread and surprise, surprise it is ESPNs fault. You couldn't make it up. It is time these Neanderthals, along with those at Celtic and various other clubs, dragged themselves into the 21st Century.

The whole 'aye but they did this' excuse is totally played out. It is time for clubs to really pay for these kind of indiscretions with point penalties. Maybe then the braindead in various supports would get the message.

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St. Mirren are hoping to sell twice as many tickets for this season's League Cup Final as we did for the final against Rangers in 2010.

One of the main reasons why they believe this is possible is because of the absence of any Old Firm supporters.

Decent folk just don't want to mix with the social underclasses that follow the Old Firm.

Hope you don't lose to nine men again. :D

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Always amusing when you see someone paint the extreme scenario to try and justify themselves.

I take it you'd be ok if we went back to the days of monkey noises and calling black players n*****s?

We can always trust you to offer a response on behalf of the moron community.

Fancy - accepting the possibility of offence as a result of free speech is an 'extreme scenario' is it?


Edited by Bendarroch
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Go play your fkn flute elsewhere knobend. And yes I do find the whole religion/ football thing offensive. I wonder why you don't?

You find the 'whole religion/football thing' offensive? But I should go play a 'fkn flute' elsewhere'? I wonder what kind of person you assume would play a flute - let alone a 'fkn' one.


Have the fhuds been in secret meetings with the WKR somewhere?

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Nice attempt at belittling the issue Bendarroch but it shows why you condone it or, worse still, agree with it. Time we found a cure....or applied palliative care.....

Far from trying to belittle the issue of our freedoms being under attack - I'm deadly serious about why we should resist empowering the authorities with more tools to suppress our rights.

I don't like the plastics singing about the IRA, but I'd still rather have my nose out of joint about it than see their rights to express such views removed.

If you give me your address in a PM, I'll send you a serf-quality forelock to tug on. It'll suit you perfectly.

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We can always trust you to offer a response on behalf of the moron community.

Fancy - accepting the possibility of offence as a result of free speech is an 'extreme scenario' is it?


So making moneky chants and calling black players n*****s is free speech?

My response wasn't on the behalf of the The Rangers community btw.

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Coming from the guy who was banned for anti semitism.


Eh? I've never been banned from this or any other forum, in fact this is the first and only one I've ever been a part of. I would be interested to know what brought you to this conclusion. Is it my accent? For the record, I don't have any racial/religious prejudices and indeed, have always considered myself, to be a champion of the underdog. My interest in Native American culture, for instance, stems from my empathy with oppressed peoples. (I even had sympathy for you guys last summer, until the arrogant way your club and fans have dealt with the big demise, brought me to my senses). So, sorry Bennett, wrong guy.

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One of the things that I can't quite get my head around is why Sevco fans think that the tax tribunal decision lessens the possibility of LNS finding them guilty.

R*ngers deliberately didn't register the side letters to their players with the football authorities in order to make the EBTs work for them in avoiding tax. It was complete and uetter fraud on a grand scale for over a decade.

I can't see how how the punishment can be anything other than termination of Sevco's membership of the SFA and the repayment of all prize money. The stripping of titles won't be a punishment, that will be a natural consequence.

If Scottish football can get shot of Sevco then Celt*c will die a lingering death without their sectarian fuel.

UTOPIA! :thumsup2

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Far from trying to belittle the issue of our freedoms being under attack - I'm deadly serious about why we should resist empowering the authorities with more tools to suppress our rights.

I don't like the plastics singing about the IRA, but I'd still rather have my nose out of joint about it than see their rights to express such views removed.

If you give me your address in a PM, I'll send you a serf-quality forelock to tug on. It'll suit you perfectly.

Smoke n' Mirrors I'm afraid.

Your supposed 'freedom of speech' stance is fooling nobody other than others of your "persuasion" and has been shown up for what it is.... tacit approval of an obnoxious social disease. Unsurprising in all honesty.

What you protest about so vehemently, you are guilty of yourself.

Exactly HOW high are your double standards ?


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