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They were also singing songs like that in their first game of the season against brechin in the challenge cup. A banner saying paedo free in div 3 is one I can remember very clearly. Very classy

I thought it was a tad crass myself but each to their own.
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Except we are speaking about the Berwick game, we can open up a can of whataboutery if you wish?[/quote

I meant to quote johnny c when he was listing all the times your fans have disgrace themselves. And u can enter into a game of whataboutery if u want. My club v your club in the bigotry stakes is a no contest

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Except we are speaking about the Berwick game, we can open up a can of whataboutery if you wish?[/quote

I meant to quote johnny c when he was listing all the times your fans have disgrace themselves. And u can enter into a game of whataboutery if u want. My club v your club in the bigotry stakes is a no contest

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Of course it is, he is talking about a game played 7 Months ago, I can show plenty of links that show this is not a problem unique to Rangers, this would also be whataboutery

What, other fans in Scotland celebrate paedophilia? :huh:

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Thats simply a fact, I never blamed them.

They had a large furry microphone on a pole at the section that were singing banned songs, it was around 50 fans...

50 fans who should not have been singing banned songs, who should be banned (at least 2 of them are)

There were 1000`s of Rangers fans at the match, 50 represents a tiny minority.

The vast majority of the fans want nothing to do with these assholes.

The best and only to deal with these clowns is to let the club and police deal with them.

They keep on singing sectarian stuff = they keep on getting lifted and banned from Ibrox.

Eventually we'll get rid of them.

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Of course not all the pedo stuff is embarrassing as hell, I wish they would shut the f**k up about it.

Most bears that i know feel the same way about it, i cringe everytime i hear the big jock """" style chants.

Football fans have never been know for their sensitivity and will go out of their way to cause offense to others. An issue which affects every club i'd say, apart from Celtic ofcourse.

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The same club who's owner told the world that people were trying to destroy rangers because of bigotry or is that more whataboutery?

The club bans anyone who has committed a sectarian offense, your point as usual makes no sense.

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Typical arrogant English journalist. Man U, Barcelona and Bayern are romping there leagues in an even more convincing fashion than Celtic are atm. You can't become a "joke" if you're already been labelled as a "joke" beforehand. Maybe if he (and other journalists) actually looked into the reasons why nearly every league in Europe is a one/two race then you might be able to come up with solutions. The most obvious one being 8/3 rule which simply means 8 European national players and 3 foreigners. When pre 96 it meant 8 Home nationals and 3 foreigners. It has devalued international football over the years. Man U, Bayern, Juve, PSG, Porto and Barcelona are all stronger than their respective national team.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Another one at it.

When you have a big furry microphone boom stuck up the arses of 50 fans, this is what it sounds like.

Those are the facts, so when you said bollix you were in fact speaking bollix.

It was the furry microphones fault. Priceless

If you sing the billy boys in a forest and no-one is around to hear, are your fans still scum?

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