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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Who cares your club died :lol: Half you clowns on here don't even know your clubs offical title :1eye

Does Charlie get money back if titles are stripped?? He bought 54.

Oh for fuxace. Why do we have to put up with this ignorance from The Plastics? Get your fucking facts right or go away.

He bought 53 1/2 titles. Get it?

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Ben, most of The Plastics are like weans on Christmas Eve- cannae sleep in anticipation of Lord Nimmo Santa bringing them a wee present in the morning.

I'd be very entertained indeed if they decide we had a case to answer, but can do f**k all about it.

I'd be dining out on such a result to plastics for the rest of my days. E S T A B L I S H M E N T.


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Who cares your club died :lol: Half you clowns on here don't even know your clubs offical title :1eye

Does Charlie get money back if titles are stripped?? He bought 54.

Word is that the judgement from the FTT said that Rangers directors hid files (side letters and so on) in a deliberate act to stop the SFA knowing about the payments, they deliberate withheld the facts from the SFA by not putting them in the contracts submitted.

This was not a clerical error it was says the FTT a deliberate act to deceive the Scottish Footballing Authorities.

If this is the case then the only outcome is GUILTY.

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I'd be very entertained indeed if they decide we had a case to answer, but can do f**k all about it.

I'd be dining out on such a result to plastics for the rest of my days. E S T A B L I S H M E N T.


I will laugh like a fucking drain when Lord 'Finding Nemo' Smith returns his anticipated 'not proven' verdict and we all go back to square one..

Cue a myriad of Plastics and their diddy fellow-travellers making 100 posts a minute on here.

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As I said mate, I am not really that bothered, their club died and the new even scummier version is on its knees. The rebels won. ;)

The SFA's aim for commercial reasons was to keep a club playing in blue at Ibrox stadium. That has been done, the rest is fluff.

Agreed,but then again if the above statement is correct then each match must be judged as a 3-0 scoreline against Oldco Rangers.

I sincerelly hope all the clubs who have been the victim of this crime,and it is a crime,shall take Oldco to court,if this mean's Murray in court then so be it.

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It's pretty straightforward, I would've said. If the allegations against Rangers are true, then you've intentionally deceived all the other teams and the governing authorities, and benefited handsomely from it, at least in the short term.

By saying that the logical outcome of punishing Rangers for being crooks is that those they deceived should be punished also - national teams who benefited from using Rangers players, for example - you're saying that both the crooks and their victims should be punished equally.

There's no reason at all to believe that anyone outside the club was complicit in Rangers' malfeasance, which means that everyone else acted in good faith by selecting Rangers players for national teams.

Since that's clearly the case, then why should national teams be punished for Rangers malfeasance? We don't punish little old ladies because conmen used their bank cards or chequebooks - that would be insane and deranged. If robbers manage to evade the police, we don't decide that the police are in cahoots with the criminals. We accept that criminals make huge efforts to evade the law, and so the police can't always catch them.

So why should Rangers' fraud extend guilt to anyone else?

If you "intentionally deceive" someone, you don't put the money you're supposed to be hiding in your published accounts then submit those accounts to the football authorities. We're not talking about cash in boots or the like here. How the money in this case fits in with the SPL's regulations is a diferent question of course....

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As I said mate, I am not really that bothered, their club died and the new even scummier version is on its knees. The rebels won. ;)

The SFA's aim for commercial reasons was to keep a club playing in blue at Ibrox stadium. That has been done, the rest is fluff.

Aye johnny - the number of posts you make about The Rangers just shows how 'not bothered' you are!

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Really? You have a loyalist slogan on your avatar and your mate bendaroch.... thinks the vangaurd bears are just dandy, you know as well as I what that particular group of fans are about. You call me Plastic, I call you loyalist, I thought thats how this works?

I have an avator showing an image from a group calling themselves Kincardine Loyal.

When I can afford a new spool for my camera I'll take a pic of their updated new flag. It now says, "The Kincardine Loyal"

BTW - It's a fucking joke.

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How was I supposed to know it was a "joke"? You just typed proclaiming you don't bring up loyalism and all that nonsense and you have a loyalist slogan in your avatar.

Lets move on. ;)

You're just jealous because there isn't a Vol. Johnnyc13 flag whereas I have Kincardine Loyal.

This is the first example of avator envy ;)

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Might not have all that much catching up to do after tomorrow ;)

Good Night.

Thus we go round full circle. As I said to Ben, "most of The Plastics are like weans on Christmas Eve- cannae sleep in anticipation of Lord Nimmo Santa bringing them a wee present in the morning."

Let's hope Rudolph doesn't leave a shite in your stocking ;)

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Thus we go round full circle. As I said to Ben, "most of The Plastics are like weans on Christmas Eve- cannae sleep in anticipation of Lord Nimmo Santa bringing them a wee present in the morning."

Let's hope Rudolph doesn't leave a shite in your stocking ;)

That means you are waiting for the prophet of doom then ? :lol:

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Secretly I believe Chucky will want to see his teams titles stripped so he can claim Ragers fans were "robbed" and increase paranoia and siege mentality levels even further. Witnessing the meltdown from Sevco fans will be worth the price of an admission ticket alone


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