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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Big Nimmo - both confirmed the club as ongoing and now rips into the hearts of diddies and plastics by simply refusing to strip a single, solitary title. Not even one. Zero. Nada. Zilch.


Pleasing - that's the phrase you were looking for.

Why are you so pleased about your old club being a confirmed as cheats. That's pretty low.

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Picking over a corpse all this it seems.

Rangers as confirmed will not be stripped of titles but the Dead Club Imposters have yet to win their first trophy, seems pretty clear to me.

Now we can all get on with the important stuff such as the football itself.

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It will only take us a few years to surpass 54 titles,you cant win any more as they are oldco,we will have won so many titles that ZombieZombie will never surpass us.

Newco will win their first title this season,congratulations.:)


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