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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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True, straight from the mason only section :whistle

Well at least you are getting a clearer picture now.

There's no point in Rangers fans raging at the SPL & SFA when they are the idiots who came up with the club is separate from the company malarky and put it in their rules & regulation handbooks in 2011.

I've been laughing my head off at the march to Hampden by the orcs complaining that they the SFA were out to kill or cripple your club when they the SFA actually made it all possible for the Rangers fans in a legal sense to bang on about "same club" pish.



What a bunch of dafties !


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They listened because they were forced to. I'm not denying sporting integrity was a convenient excuse. The right thing can happen for the wrong reasons i.e. chairman being terrified of losing 50% of there fanbase, and zombies wanting D3 so they can "punish" others. I've followed Dunfermline's situation considerably closer than you likely have over the last 6 months and I can tell you their inevitable liquidation in the coming months has nothing to do with your former club. Its due to historic debts they started running up over 10 years ago. They were spending 170% of their income on players wages in a fit of hubris by Masterton (you know Minty's former banker) to establish themselves as a "big team".

One of the most prolific posters on RFF is a Tim. I'm starting to think it might be you.

Your paying a fraction of the price compared to your green and white neighbours. We'll see what happens next season when the prices get jacked up. While being treated to more or less the same product.

Generous gesture, but it doesn't pay the bills

You were found guilty of deliberate wrong doing. You're celebrating a pyrrhic victory Billy Big Time.

We were not found gulity where it mattered,on the field of play and that is the whole crux of the matter,something which you and many others can't come to terms with no matter how you try to dress it all up.

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It's a funny world is Scottish Football. I'm still struggling for this verdict to sink in however, reading the report thoroughly last night I certainly understand LNS logic. His report, for me, is a damning indictment of the SFA's rules.

Rangers fans are proving that nothing matters to them as long as club continuity is recognised and titles aren't stripped. Despite being liquidated and being found guilty of not disclosing all payments to players as per SFA rules, the club continues in the eyes of the authorities and all titles have been kept as there was "no competitive advantage" as the players were all registered. As a diddy club fan, this reality is difficult to accept as we know it wouldn't have been the case for us. Rangers fans are jubilant, despite the guilty verdict.

I accept the findings of LNS as he is the law but, yet again in this saga, Rangers and their supporters are showing the rest of the game up here absolutely zero respect. The "Newco when it suits" attitude is particularly galling in that all the good things with liquidation are accepted and the bad things are left with the oldco. Unfortunately for the rest of us we just have to suck it up as the Authorities are clearly happy for this or their regulations and laws are not capable of doing anything about it. The £250k fine is one of the highest (if not the highest) ever dished out by the SFA and shows the extent of the deception but is totally symbolic as New Rangers won't be paying it. Again Rangers fans, rather than being embarrassed at this, think its great that they have dodged their responsibility and their club and titles are intact.

The ruling yesterday further deteriorated my interest in Scottish Football. I'm not going to say I'll never go to another game because I probably will but the incompetence of the overseeing organisations means that it will move further down my priority list for what to spend my time/ cash on during my precious free time. I want to watch competetive sport, not dodgy, morally corrupt businesses fighting it out over technicalities in the rulebook. This, coupled with the deterioration of sporting integrity on the pitch (diving etc) are not what I want to watch.

I'm even less interested in hearing about what the pope or catholic priests are up to....

I think the only thing that will renew my interest in the professional game is if the Old Firm were to secure a move elsewhere. At this point in time, it is clear to me that they are all that matter to the footballing authorities in Scotland and the rest of us are simply here as "Harlem Globetrotter opposition".

I expect accusations of seethe, they may have been warranted yesterday. Today I've definitely moved on to despair. The game I love is currently a bogey.

Almost 100% how I feel about it all too. I love Hearts and genuinely don't want them to go bust but at the same time I actually think at least if they did I could turn my back on this shite for good. We all used to point fingers at the italians etc when our country is more corrupt by far. It's Rangers and their fans at the moment who have really sickened me but Celtic also make me want to spew they are two festering boils on the same filthy arse. I've really had my fill of them both of them. Reading through this thread of tit for tat and accusation and counter accusation I wish some league somewhere far away would take them to f**k away from us and let us just have something slightly resembling a competition without blatant cheating and breathtaking arrogance from their followers.

When you consider Mr Romanov has paid more than the paltry £250k fine that incidently we all know won't be paid, just for basically telling everybody what the Rangers saga has proved, that its as bent as a bottle of crisps, and also for us receiving yellow and red cards it rams home the fact that the authorities only care for two teams and to hell with the rest of us.

I've played the game since I could walk and I've watched Hearts and Scotland for nearly 30 years but I go less and less these days. What is the fucking point?

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We we not found gulity where it mattered,on the field of play and that is the whole crux of the matter,something which you and many others can't come to terms with no matter how you try to dress it all up.


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You should take your head out your arse once in a while and smell the shite your posting on here yourself and remove the anger and read the post for what it really was before replying.

My post was about the time from before Whyte placed Rangers PLC into administration and goes back to 2010 onwards and the events that happened before administration !.Then you will understand why and how you claim continuance today instead of uncontrollably sobbing at the death of your beloved club.

It's all about the rule changes implemented just before administration happened to save your corrupt to the core club from death as they would have you believe.And you have lapped up every piece of shite they changed just because it suits your needs and don't even know how and why you can boast n brag about 54 WATP uk.gif

So all your law lord pish and legal crap about continuance comes from the SFA & SPL because your club was on it's knees and needed mega help from the rule changes.Yes you now say this and that said this and the courts say that nowadays only because of what happened before February last year.

As i've said many times it's all shite and nonsense you post on here because put quite simply the club had the FTT found in it's favour but you as per usual tried to spin that as a negative against the club instead of accepting the rule of law, then again we have the SPL Commission which clearly states that the club did not play any ineligible players at any time and did not gain any sporting advantage at any time. Those are the facts of the summation and it's accepted by the Rangers support that the club was negligent over non-disclosure.

Unfortunately your bitterness cannot accept the Commisions findings but added to that the club continuation is recognised and is ongoing,something that you and many others will have to accept,no matter your own personal opinion,because your own personal opinion does not matter. That's the facts on this whether you like it or not.

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We were not found gulity where it mattered,on the field of play and that is the whole crux of the matter,something which you and many others can't come to terms with no matter how you try to dress it all up.


Stick the face palm on all you like,it won't change the facts and findings of the SPL Commission,something that obviously grates at you. So just to remind you,the club,in the SPL Commission summation,was found to not have played ineligible players at anytime so therefore no titles were forfeited. Too bad if you can't accept that.

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Would you accept mate that had you not been worried about title striping, the verdict would be quite damning and embarrassing?

I accept that for the same reasons, I'm disappointed.

It's poor from a Rangers fan's perspective though, isn't it? Your club has behaved badly and received censure. Obviously it could have been worse, but doesn't the negative stuff bother you?

Since all this came to the fore on here in any debate i stated that i would accept the SPL Commissions findings,which i have done. I have accepted the ruling on non-disclosure without argument but i have and always will be vocal on the fact that the club was found to not have cheated in anyway on the field of play,which let's be honest was the main crux of this to decide whether to remove titles or not.

So leaving aside the fact that there has been no fielding of ineligible players and no sporting advantage because of which players we played then yes i accept that the report was embarrassing in that sense. However perhaps many on here would have the backbone to accept the findings of the Commission, although as they could not accept the lawful findings of the FTT EBT case i won't hold my breath.

Add to that, yes indeed as a Rangers supporter for many,many years certainly the negative stuff embarrasses me and now that all this is nearing an end i would hope we can get back to debating the game without all the negativity but somehow i doubt it.

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Nevermind, if all they can muster is facepalms and conspiracy theories then this kinda tells its own story, we won.

Dunno if you were at the game today? I was, there was not a cloud in the sky ;)

Wasn't at the game today,Tedi,i was with my non-league club here in Cheshire but i would expect the atmosphere would be very relaxed knowing that all of this is nearing it's end.

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We were not found gulity where it mattered,on the field of play and that is the whole crux of the matter,something which you and many others can't come to terms with no matter how you try to dress it all up.

Belter,what a zoomer you are,tell me what your tipple is so i can stay well clear of it.

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They declared they were using and EBT scheme in their accounts yeah but they didn't declare that the way they were using it was borderline legal.

They hid details from the SPL for fear it may expose their grand money spinner. And all this to support one club.

There is no such thing as borderline legal,something is either legal or illegal,in this case the EBTs were declared legal. Not borderline,not nearly borderline,just legal. Can you understand that.

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Belter,what a zoomer you are,tell me what your tipple is so i can stay well clear of it.

So come on then,point out in the SPL Commission summation where it states that Rangers played ineligible players and as such gained a sporting advantage. Floor's all yours' now.

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There is no such thing as borderline legal,something is either legal or illegal,in this case the EBTs were declared legal. Not borderline,not nearly borderline,just legal. Can you understand that.

Well, look. Even the most die-hard partisan has to accept that there was a clear and obvious attempt to gain off-the-park advantage here, and a proven attempt to cover up that gambit. They're highlighted in the Commision's verdict, which means - according to Rangers fans - that they're not up for debate.

If I was a Rangers fan, two things would worry me. First, the fact that everyone still thinks you're guilty as f**k. Court cases usually resolve these issues, but not in this case which means either a) 99% of non-Rangers football fans are wrong or b) you're guilty as f**k. It's not just us Celtic fans who think it - everyone believes it. Everyone thinks you're cheats and fraudsters, regardless of any verdict.

Secondly, David Murray has had the audacity to issue a statement pretending that he has been unfairly treated. Surely every Rangers fan in the land knows that their club's woes are entirely due to SDM's financial fuckery?

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We were guilty as f**k, just not of incorrect player registration, LNS agrees with you.

Virtually the whole of Ibrox was singing "fcuk murray" at Ibrox today so I think that argument is won too.

You weren't guilty on player registration on a technicality, but we'll let that slide, in the interests of seeking consensus.

I've said this from the start - football itself is a secondary issue here. First and foremost, David Murray should be in the dock facing a vengeful and intolerant jury.

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Almost 100% how I feel about it all too. I love Hearts and genuinely don't want them to go bust but at the same time I actually think at least if they did I could turn my back on this shite for good. We all used to point fingers at the italians etc when our country is more corrupt by far. It's Rangers and their fans at the moment who have really sickened me but Celtic also make me want to spew they are two festering boils on the same filthy arse. I've really had my fill of them both of them. Reading through this thread of tit for tat and accusation and counter accusation I wish some league somewhere far away would take them to f**k away from us and let us just have something slightly resembling a competition without blatant cheating and breathtaking arrogance from their followers.

When you consider Mr Romanov has paid more than the paltry £250k fine that incidently we all know won't be paid, just for basically telling everybody what the Rangers saga has proved, that its as bent as a bottle of crisps, and also for us receiving yellow and red cards it rams home the fact that the authorities only care for two teams and to hell with the rest of us.

I've played the game since I could walk and I've watched Hearts and Scotland for nearly 30 years but I go less and less these days. What is the fucking point?

Good post.. sums up my feeling as well.

Edit - Apart from the hearts bits obviously :)

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The green and greys won't be happy with Davie Provan...

IF Lord Nimmo Smith’s tribunal had stripped Rangers of five titles we might have needed the army on the streets of Glasgow, so a big thank you to m’lud this morning.

On their hourly rates, our learned friends will have done very nicely out of this investigation, but you can bet they’ll be glad it’s over. It’s always a relief to leave the nuthouse.

Nimmo Smith was damned if he did, damned if he didn’t.

The day before the tribunal announced it’s findings it was described as a “kangaroo court” by former Rangers striker Mark Hateley.

A bit harsh on Nimmo Smith who graduated from Eton and Oxford to become a Supreme Court judge, but I doubt he’ll have lost sleep over it.

Inevitably, in the land of the full moon, the verdict has upset everyone. Celtic fans see it as a whitewash, Rangers punters are demanding apologies and the heads of Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan. In the meantime, the race for the moral high ground has become a stampede.

Despite Rangers oldco being found guilty of breaching disclosure regulations, Sir David Murray was quick to break cover.

During Rangers slide into liquidation you couldn’t have found Sir David with the Hubble telescope, but you can’t keep a good man down.

Murray claims Rangers have been victims of a “retrospective witch-hunt.”

More likely Gers are victims of Murray’s deal with Craig Whyte, despite him being well warned against it by Alastair Johnston.

Murray though is yesterday’s man and with some justification Charles Green spoke on behalf of the club.

Whatever you think of Green, his decision to refuse the plea bargain that would have seen Rangers trade titles for a place in the First Division, has been vindicated.

Despite the £250,000 non-disclosure fine, Nimmo Smith ruled that Rangers had gained “no sporting advantage” through their use of EBTs.

If that’s good enough for the man who tried the Lockerbie bomber, it should be good enough for the rest of us.

Green is the man who’ll decide where Rangers go from here and his reaction to the verdict was refreshing.

When he could have promised a pursuit of Doncaster and Regan he instead chose to draw a line under the EBT issue and promised to help rebuild the Scottish game.

It won’t be easy. The commercial madness that saw Rangers relegated to Division Three is coming home to roost.

Nowhere more so than at Celtic Park where supporters are struggling to stay awake on match days.

With no credible opposition for at least another two years, Peter Lawwell will have his work cut out selling season tickets.

Spare me the idea that Neil Lennon’s boys will take the same satisfaction from clinching this season’s title. In Rangers’ absence this championship was a gimme.

This week Jose Mourinho said his Real Madrid players “live for the games against Barcelona”.

It’s no different at the Old Firm where nothing matches the satisfaction of beating the other lot.

With a one-horse title race until at least 2015, how does the SPL sell itself to punters and sponsors?

On Wednesday, first played fourth in the SPL at Fir Park with James McFadden’s homecoming thrown in. Less than 9,000 fans fancied it.

Where are the chocolate gladiators of cyberspace who threatened to boycott their clubs unless they voted Rangers out of the SPL? Didn’t they promise they’d turn out every week to make up the shortfall?

Aberdeen had 6,000 for the midweek game against Ross County for heaven’s sake.

Scottish football is heading for rigor mortis unless someone has the balls to say the bleeding obvious.

Without the Old Firm at each other’s throat the SPL is a busted flush.

It’s time to boot “sporting integrity” into touch and bring Rangers back into the top flight.

Reconstructing the leagues to accommodate Rangers might upset the Luddites but it’ll send 30,000 volts through the top division.

If it means switching to a 14-team league to squeeze Rangers in, why not?

The return of four Old Firm games would bring hard cash and competition into the game in its hour of need.

Charles Green eyeballing Peter Lawwell in the boardroom? Neil Lennon and Ally McCoist in each other’s faces on the track in front of a baying mob?

Bring it on.

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Well, look. Even the most die-hard partisan has to accept that there was a clear and obvious attempt to gain off-the-park advantage here, and a proven attempt to cover up that gambit. They're highlighted in the Commision's verdict, which means - according to Rangers fans - that they're not up for debate.

If I was a Rangers fan, two things would worry me. First, the fact that everyone still thinks you're guilty as f**k. Court cases usually resolve these issues, but not in this case which means either a) 99% of non-Rangers football fans are wrong or b) you're guilty as f**k. It's not just us Celtic fans who think it - everyone believes it. Everyone thinks you're cheats and fraudsters,regardless of any verdict.

Secondly, David Murray has had the audacity to issue a statement pretending that he has been unfairly treated. Surely every Rangers fan in the land knows that their club's woes are entirely due to SDM's financial fuckery?

First of all the report; the only thing that worries me here is the fact that the club failed to disclose relevant information for over a decade on administration issues that would and did put the club in a precarious position financially for years on end with the EBTcase hanging over the club.

That most people look on the club as guilty is not an issue for me as let's be honest here no matter the outcome,whether it was a fine,no fine,cleared of every charge or whatever people,such as yourself,would always take that view,whether there was findings of not guilty or otherwise.

You've just stated that yourself in the bold part of your post which tells me that you were only willing to accept the outcome if it favoured only what you and others were hoping for,the removal of honours won during the period in question. I've stated many times that i was willing to accept the outcome,whatever it may be,shame others can't accept the same. As for David Murray,yes we are all well aware his part in all of this over the piece and how his use of finance piushed the club to this situation,no Rangers supporter to my knowledge doesn't acknowledge his part in it all.

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