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Quick glance but nothing that overly worries me here.

£16.5M income

£8M deferred income not included in the above figure, sponsorship, st sales, match days sales ect ect

Operating costs £15.75M for year, huge drop.

Healthy bank balance.

Exceptional Items make up the vast bulk of that £7.5M

These figures are slightly better than I expected.

More information here than the scraps that have been posted on this thread


I though the revenue was 9mill?

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You do realise that our total operating costs are below our income, he is 100% correct to predict a profit based on those figures.

No, your operating costs are higher than your operating income, that's why you showed an operating loss

The accounting procedure that includes the £20M in the books has nothing to do with your P&L

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Quick glance but nothing that overly worries me here.

£16.5M income

£8M deferred income not included in the above figure, sponsorship, st sales, match days sales ect ect

Operating costs £15.75M for year, huge drop.

Healthy bank balance.

Exceptional Items make up the vast bulk of that £7.5M

These figures are slightly better than I expected.

More information here than the scraps that have been posted on this thread


Tedi,you fo realise that the debt isnt wiped clean at the end of every season.:)

For once in your life admit Zombie FC are up shit creek,Ticketus wont go away either,you dont just say ta ta to £27 million,the wolves are snarling,ready for the kill,they smell zombie flesh.

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“@BBCDouglsFraser: #Rangers says operating costs down from c £22m for May-Dec 2011 to £15.7m last year #rfc”

Looks like those predictions about clubs being in a financial mess with no Rangers in the SPL were correct :lol:

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I just said that, I am absolutely aware the the share option has nothing to do with P & L

I am fully aware that the operating costs so far this year also include numerous exceptional items and is not reflective of the ongoing position.

I am also aware the income so far is not our actual income for the year, you do did read the deferred Income part yes?

As I said I have just quickly skimmed over these figures and they do not look that bad, they are 6 month figures and also include a number of things that simply will not be there next year, anybody that claims we are loosing £1M a month is a zoomer.

Claim ? More like u have been. Whether that keeps us we won't know until the time. No share issue next season and no extra income being in division 2. Also the inevitable call from the orcs to strengthen in the summer. The future is certainly bright my friend

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Could of things that need some clarifying in the interim accounts. Maybe Tedi can help?

Loss before non-recurring items and finance costs of £7.0m

· Finance leases of £1.9m at 31 December 2012

It talks about a loss before non-recurring items and 'finance costs'. What finance costs? Also 'finance leases' at 1.9M.

These don't relate to payments on (non-existent of course) debts do they?

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I just said that, I am absolutely aware the the share option has nothing to do with P & L

I am fully aware that the operating costs so far this year also include numerous exceptional items and is not reflective of the ongoing position.

I am also aware the income so far is not our actual income for the year, you do did read the deferred Income part yes?

As I said I have just quickly skimmed over these figures and they do not look that bad, they are 6 month figures and also include a number of things that simply will not be there next year, anybody that claims we are loosing £1M a month is a zoomer.

According to your link they are 7 month figures.

If that is correct that means they only have 5 months to the yearly results and there is no more income except for league game pay-at-the-gate customers and match day services. I cannot see these results improving that much.

Does this not worry you?

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OK, so total revenue was 9.5M to the end of December.

Jan to May has 9 additional home games, which brings in around 1.2M in pay at the gate money.

Let's be generous and project 12.5M in total revenue for the season, but there's that 1M loss per month, so the 3M of extra revenue is offset by 5M in costs.

Year end cannot possibly look any better, only much, much worse.

Or maybe the online subscriptions to Jabba's ramblings will make up the difference?

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We already know how much it costs to run Ibrox and Murray Park (including staff) thanks to D&P during Admin I'm in work so i can't get the file.

But at the time the club was losing around £1m a month also, and that was with the players wages deferred

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The year end will look much healthier but again cannot be relied on as it will include 2 sets of ST sales - deferments.

RANGERS owner Charles Green last night insisted the Ibrox club would be in a stronger financial position than Celtic in a year.

The battered and bruised club began life as a newco with an edgy extra-time 2-1 Ramsdens Cup win at Brechin but the new chief executive was bullish about the clubs future and claimed within 12 months their balance sheet would be stronger than the SPL champions.

Green said: If you look at the balance sheets at the end of next season you should see the strength of the two companies.

We are in the Third Division and Celtic are in the SPL and what Id like you to do is promise me at the end of this season, when all the games are played, examine the balance sheets of the clubs and tell me which one is the strongest?

Then lets see who has got the strongest balance sheet.

Weve not got the debt that any of these clubs have and on the last day of the season I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.

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Also, it is interested they haven't released the info on the deals with Puma and Blackthorn, I can only assume they will be earning less than the previous deals with Umbro and Tennent's

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