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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I watch Aberdeen in the SPL and watch Peterhead in Div 3.

I know which one is turgid.

I have a feeling wee may have different opinions.

Can't believe you said the SPL is great though. Should subscribe to Sky TV...

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I have a feeling wee may have different opinions.

Can't believe you said the SPL is great though. Should subscribe to Sky TV...

Can't believe you lot now slag of the SPL as being shit, It's been a failure since day one, And It was just as shit when your former club was cheating it's way to title after title.

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The dispassionate view of an outsider.....


Excellent summary there - reflects and reinforces everything that was said on this very thread the day the judgement came through.

The short summary of the Commission's findings - guilty on almost every count; heavily criticised and handed a £250,000 fine for deliberate, serious and sustained rule-breaking, but avoided the ultimate sanction via a jaw-droppingly insane technicality - namely, that Rangers couldn't be found guilty of improperly registering players, because they didn't tell anyone that they were improperly registering players. Basically - so long as you keep your cheating secret, it isn't cheating.

Or, even shorter - guilty. Serious, sustained and deliberate rule breaking. Avoided title-stripping only via a ludicrous technicality.

You'll notice that this is pretty much the precise opposite of everything that anyone associated with Oldco or Newco has said about the verdict, which should give Rangers fans pause to reflect on whether their new owners are any more honest and honourable than the old ones.

"They aren't", is the answer to that one, BTW.

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Excellent summary there - reflects and reinforces everything that was said on this very thread the day the judgement came through.

Or, even shorter - guilty. Serious, sustained and deliberate rule breaking. Avoided title-stripping only via a ludicrous technicality.

You'll notice that this is pretty much the precise opposite of everything that anyone associated with Oldco or Newco has said about the verdict, which should give Rangers fans pause to reflect on whether their new owners are any more honest and honourable than the old ones.

"They aren't", is the answer to that one, BTW.

The very sad thing about this post is that 1. A fair few people agree with you and 2. You have to resort to 'technicality' as an excuse,

Honestly? I do not think you know what the f**k you're talking about.

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Excellent summary there - reflects and reinforces everything that was said on this very thread the day the judgement came through.

The short summary of the Commission's findings - guilty on almost every count; heavily criticised and handed a £250,000 fine for deliberate, serious and sustained rule-breaking, but avoided the ultimate sanction via a jaw-droppingly insane technicality - namely, that Rangers couldn't be found guilty of improperly registering players, because they didn't tell anyone that they were improperly registering players. Basically - so long as you keep your cheating secret, it isn't cheating.

Or, even shorter - guilty. Serious, sustained and deliberate rule breaking. Avoided title-stripping only via a ludicrous technicality.

You'll notice that this is pretty much the precise opposite of everything that anyone associated with Oldco or Newco has said about the verdict, which should give Rangers fans pause to reflect on whether their new owners are any more honest and honourable than the old ones.

"They aren't", is the answer to that one, BTW.

No competitive advantage was gained through the offences so it was fair that there was a fine and not a sporting punishment.

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