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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You can ask, but you are too thick to take it in.

Having more money than the clubs we are competing with is having an advantage. Celtic have this advantage and that is why the are going to win the SPL this year.

EBT`s gave us more money.

EBT`s were not illegal, get your thick head round that.

That was always going to be a problem down here and kind of makes a mockery of the league we're in. Nothing we can do about it but our resources were always going to create an unfair situation down here. As you said it's similar to the situation in the SPL with one club having a huge advantage over the other teams.

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If my club had cheated for years and caused untold damage to the game, yes I would give a f**k

This is even better than Hellboy and flyingmoose/rats rage over the verdicts :lol::lol: :lol:

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Tell it to the judge.

And we did participate in the competitions 'just like everybody else'. They declared we had no sporting advantage. Just like everybody else.

And you want to talk about arrogance whilst declaring you know better than the law lords and two QC's?

A WTF from a plumber, librarian, truck driver or jannie isn't cutting it in the credibility stakes.


do you seriously believe all this pish that you post?

Fingers in the ears going 'la-la-la-la' then wandering off to attend this week's meeting of the Flat Earth Society.

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This is even better than Hellboy and flyingmoose/rats rage over the verdicts :lol::lol: :lol:

Rage? Why would I be ? The whole point of it for me was to confirm yous are cheats. The verdict confirmed it. Just because yous didn't get maximum punishment because the rules aren't in line with uefas doesn't meant a think in the grand scheme of things. Pretty sure the spl could go to cas and win comfortably. They wouldn't have the stomach for it though. At the end of the day I don't give 2 shits about titles. Yous are confirmed cheats and they way the fans have reacted to being found guilty is even more startling. Because a rapist got off on a technicality doesn't make him any less a rapist.

Also what will u guys say if upper tier rules yous were acting illegally ?

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Tell it to the judge.

And we did participate in the competitions 'just like everybody else'. They declared we had no sporting advantage. Just like everybody else.

And you want to talk about arrogance whilst declaring you know better than the law lords and two QC's?

A WTF from a plumber, librarian, truck driver or jannie isn't cutting it in the credibility stakes.


Isn't that the line up for your next opponents?

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The inferiority of their opponents has allowed them to play free flowing passing football though so not all bad ;)


I'm sure I did catch a glimpse of them using their old tried and trusted hoofball on a few occasions.

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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Like your fanbase then.

Like a say. we have never claimed to be anything else other than a small club from ayrshire. A twelfth of the world support your club and yous still died :D. Raising only a million odd, the same as hearts.

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it was £22M and as I said Nimmo sorted the death thing, sorry old chap.

I was talkin about the money yous raised to stop your club dying. So nimmo said yous didn't die. I have more quotes from others saying differently. Including chuckles, watty and jabba. Temporary licence? Associate members with no vote? Different company and tax number from the once that existed for over a 100 years despite various owners coming and going ? Smells like a new club to me. Good day to you, I have work to do

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