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You are quoting irrelevant non existent rules and claiming the SFA are all part of a big conspiracy :D

This was never a battle it was a slaughter.

and you wonder why you get called a knob?

:lol: and :lol: :lol:

I have to laugh at you at times claiming a victory even when you got a kicking,at no time have I ever said there was a conspiracy Tedi.You keep saying this like I've posted it somewhere on here so that makes you a fud as I've always said it was a collusion of associations bending and changing their rules to keep your club alive and they have.

You can't debunk what I've posted so it's more fun for you to make up that I have posted it's a conspiracy to deflect the fact that the associations helped keep your club alive !.

You only have the same club legally because of what the SPL & SFA done back in 2011,try to debunk that Tedi.

You claim that I have no idea why they changed their rules ? FFS Tedi can't you put it all together properly as it's no coincidence that the rules were changed just before ra mighty Rangers headed to the slaughterhouse.

Lastly your a huge knob :lol:

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I accept LNS's verdict 100% here and now. But, should Rangers lose the Upper Tier Tribunal appeal this decision will need to be revisited. The nuance of the case is that if these "payments" are not deemed to be "loans",

To accept that then you'd have to accept the corollary: That the LNS investigation was irrelevant given the result of the FTTT.

I tried to argue that weeks ago and was shouted down by many Ds&Ps.

What's your own view?

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After reading that why then should we have legal verdicts or decisions on anything or don't you accept the word of law.

That is soo unfair on Hellboy. He accepts every single legal opinion - as long as it's in accord with his own bitter world view.

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Very sane post Monkey. Yes, we've suffered. Yes, most of that suffering has been self-inflicted. Yes, our season so far hasn't been that glorious. At times we've looked inept and at other times we've been overly arrogant.

I agree, though, that we should be left to stew in our own juices. Now most sane people would agree with you, except we have opinions like this:

This is just a crazy post. Celtic fans clamoured for due process. We were subject to due process and the outcome did not suit the rhabid ones. Not once but twice.

They are saying, now, that due process matters not a jot because we are guilty whatever the law says.

To me the mentality of the average ***** on here seems to be, "Rangers should be investigated and if the outcome is one that we agree with then we'll accept it. If we disagree then they are cheating b*****ds whatever the enquiry says".

After reading that why then should we have legal verdicts or decisions on anything or don't you accept the word of law.

There are many and numerous occasions were a guilty person or party has got off almost Scot free only because of a legal technicality.The evidence was stacked against them but because there was a technical hitch somewhere along the chain it all fell apart.So would you consider them innocent even if you knew they did it but legally they are innocent ?.

As far as all that has happened I feel Rangers got what they deserved,they were chucked out of Scottish football and had to reform in the third division.

The only thing that pisses me off slightly is the way the associations colluded back in 2010 to keep Rangers alive.I'm not angry about it but feel that all clubs should be treated exactly in the same manner as equals and not have the red carpet put out for them just because their owners got them into big financial soapy.

So I really couldn't care less about the legal verdicts on Rangers shenanigans as Rangers have been dealt with,they got fucked over big time for all of us to point and laugh at for all time :) and I can say you died last year and got the club cloned and claim it to be the same club just because the corrupt SFA & SPL say so :lol:

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I agree with the above.

I was at pains to say that the FTTT verdict needn't dictate the LNS business and that remains the case - they were looking at different things.

I think the remaining fellow Rangers loathers on here are playing into the hands of the Rangers fans.

"You're deid" - "No we're no" has been replaced by "You cheated" - "No, we didny".

It's over guys. Rangers have suffered more beautifully in the last year than any of us could ever have imagined. It might have gone further, but it didn't. Take a step back and enjoy that they've lost £7m while dropping lots of points to tiny, tiny teams and failing to register any kind of impact in the Cups.

The more we seethe, the more they can convince themselves that what's befallen them isn't disgraceful, humiliating and hilarious.

Let it go guys.

That's a good post and point taken. Who would've thought rangers would've went out the game and ended up in the 3rd. That's the real laugh, anything else is a bonus. I'll stop jlaughing if the New club eventually manages to turn a profit. It's been good while it lasted Edited by AUFC90
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That's a good post and point taken. Who would've thought rangers would've went out the game and ended up in the 3rd. That's the real laugh, anything else is a bonus. I'll stop jlaughing if the New eventually manages to turn a profit. It's good while it lasted

I still don't understand why an Ayr fan would have such a hatred for Rangers, are you sure you're a Ayr fan?

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Why? We've been through what they're going through right now and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Your post does you no favours.

Maybe you don't, Bennett, but young Bendarroch (for one) wants the Four Horsemen to ride through the Scottish game, scattering Diddies and Plastics in their wake. Quite who he reckons rangers will be playing then, I don't think he's quite thought through....

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That's a good post and point taken. Who would've thought rangers would've went out the game and ended up in the 3rd. That's the real laugh, anything else is a bonus. I'll stop jlaughing if the New eventually manages to turn a profit. It's good while it lasted

One of those two points must be wrong, Shirley?

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I still don't understand why an Ayr fan would have such a hatred for Rangers, are you sure you're a Ayr fan?

You've asked me a hundred times. From now on your daft question will be met with a smiley face :)

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Where's this hatred came from though? You must have a reason?

Because your club has always been and always will be a refuge for the mindless bigot. Av lost count of the amount of times yous have been pulled up in front of UEFA or the SFA for singing disgusting songs. 2 major European finals and 2 riots. 1st team ever to have a European trophy presented to them in the dressing room. Couple this with a large portion of their fans having a superiority complex and an unhealthy fascination for child abuse. I could go on all night, the list is as long as my arm. I don't need to like your bigot brother to give me a reason to dislike your lot, over the years yous have managed that pretty well by yourselves

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the desperation from the obsessed on this thread is highly amusing, more interested in an appeal likely to take place in the next 18-24 months than their teams next game :lol:

54 and counting :thumsup2

Blue, it's amusing to see how the worm has turned on here this past week. The posts from The Rhabids is reflecting the attendance at The Glue Camp - pathetic and uninspiring.

The few diehards who bother to turn up are doing nothing more than embarrassing themselves with their pish about, "Well you are cheating bassas whatever exhaustive enquiries have said".

There is not one spark of originality from the D H I M fans on here - just bitterness.

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Because your club has always been and always will be a refuge for the mindless bigot. Av lost count of the amount of times yous have been pulled up in front of UEFA or the SFA for singing disgusting songs. 2 major European finals and 2 riots.


Edited to add: If you want to diss us then at least get the number of European finals we have played in right.

However, I suspect that accuracy isn't your strong suit: vitriol and ignorance come easier to you.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Because your club has always been and always will be a refuge for the mindless bigot. Av lost count of the amount of times yous have been pulled up in front of UEFA or the SFA for singing disgusting songs. 2 major European finals and 2 riots. 1st team ever to have a European trophy presented to them in the dressing room. Couple this with a large portion of their fans having a superiority complex and an unhealthy fascination for child abuse. I could go on all night, the list is as long as my arm. I don't need to like your bigot brother to give me a reason to dislike your lot, over the years yous have managed that pretty well by yourselves

What has this got to do with Ayr though? What we do doesn't affect your club in the slightest so I'm still confused over your hatred for us?

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How many more time do I have to say it.

You claimed the SFA changed an irrelevant rule to invent a club / company system that everybody already knows exist, I mean Bayern Munich cannot be wrong or are they also in collusion with the SFA?

Show me a letter or document that proves the SFA said lets change a rule to help Rangers should they go out of business in the next 2 years.

:lol: what a roaster Tedi :lol:

Deny,deflect,rubbish and any other method to make you look smart ! Bayern Munich ? now that's fucking desperation Tedi :lol:

Tedi if your so fucking smart then show any document or piece of information from the SFA or SPL before 2011 that contains that the club can be separated from the company in the event that a club faces insolvency problems.You won't find any as it doesn't exist.

It fucking hurts so badly to the core Tedi doesn't it knowing that the associations you hate so much and want to suffer have done you a real favour in making up the rules so you can claim same club shite and the company died. :lol: suck it up Tedi :lol:

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Maybe you don't, Bennett, but young Bendarroch (for one) wants the Four Horsemen to ride through the Scottish game, scattering Diddies and Plastics in their wake. Quite who he reckons rangers will be playing then, I don't think he's quite thought through....


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