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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I find it very confusing.

Rangers fans are always extremely quick to attack other clubs, but never criticize their own club.

Are they really that brainwashed that everything done by the Rangers management and board is perfect and they should blindly show their support for the club, regardless of evidence to the contrary?

Reminds me of the North Koreans and their "dear leader". Quite cute, but it's not logical.

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So i never mentioned boycotting our own games.

Another lie brough to you, courtesy of Norman the liar.

Did I mention boycotting games, Bennett? No. So where is my lie, here?

I've tried to help you out before - leave a page or so between these posts, then it won't be so easy for others to see how fucking stupid you are, and how desperate to deflect from your own idiocy.

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He was the only game in town, and you couldn't stop that wave of defiant ST purchasers wanting to give Scottish football a big GIRFUY if you'd provided proof that he used to be an altar boy at St.Peter's.


And another. Oh, this is the best day on this thread in a while. It just requires a little activity.

Today's developments have seen WRK again unearth his gift for imagey, while dear old Bennett has actually started adopting a stance and saying things.

Don't let it descend into abuse lads. Let's debate the issues. At long last, there appears to be some.

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In my experience, they come from the OF. When glory calls a little more locally however, they're happy to jump aboard.

You do find a number of neutrals and people who wouldn't normally go to a football match will go along. A bit harsh to claim them all as OF fans.

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Whatever the braying of fans of other clubs, Rangers fans have asked questions all along. But fans are often relatively powerless against owners. Answers are given, you might be dubious about them, but often nobody on the outside (including the fans) knows what really went on. Should fans boycott the club? Or would that merely damage it? The fans would have to be absolutely sure before taking drastic action - rather as should have happened with the aforementioned invasion of Iraq.

Should we take the word of Whyte? Surely not, even though what Green says should be scrutinised.

You're right, BWM, fans would have to be sure. The problem that rangers fans had was that all a majority of them were concerned with last summer was getting some kind of team playing in blue at ibrox, and in the league at whatever level. Had they looked outside this tunnel vision, and maybe listened to some of the "enemies of rangers", they may well have found serious issues to address.

What Murray, Whyte and Green have been up to is shameful, but you have to ask yourself how the environment was created that allowed them to behave as they did.

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You do find a number of neutrals and people who wouldn't normally go to a football match will go along. A bit harsh to claim them all as OF fans.

Yes absolutely.

I was merely making the point that our clubs don't realistically have lots of fans waiting to be tempted back on any kind of regular basis.

A little glory attracts lots of people who wouldn't otherwise be interested, unless said glory is virtually guaranteed.

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Did I mention boycotting games, Bennett? No. So where is my lie, here?

I've tried to help you out before - leave a page or so between these posts, then it won't be so easy for others to see how fucking stupid you are, and how desperate to deflect from your own idiocy.

You claimed that i'd be advocating boycotts, so seeing as i never mentioned anything like that.

You are a liar.

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Yes absolutely.

I was merely making the point that our clubs don't realistically have lots of fans waiting to be tempted back on any kind of regular basis.

A little glory attracts lots of people who wouldn't otherwise be interested, unless said glory is virtually guaranteed.

There's also the exiles - you're always going to get those who can't make games regularly due to having moved from the area coming back for the big matches. Some of us even bring family members who would never otherwise attend games.

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Whatever the braying of fans of other clubs, Rangers fans have asked questions all along. But fans are often relatively powerless against owners. Answers are given, you might be dubious about them, but often nobody on the outside (including the fans) knows what really went on. Should fans boycott the club? Or would that merely damage it? The fans would have to be absolutely sure before taking drastic action - rather as should have happened with the aforementioned invasion of Iraq.

Should we take the word of Whyte? Surely not, even though what Green says should be scrutinised.

Mate, I've got plenty of sympathy with the line that fans are pretty powerless. It shouldn't be thus, but it is, especially amidst such turmoil.

However, we never see any kind of concerted fans' voice which expresses concern or doubt about what's happening inside the club. The only evidence we see of fans expressing a stance is when that stance is focused outwards and addressed at 'enemies'.

It makes it hard for many of us to find much sympathy. It's easier to do so for individuals, but for the collective, the fanbase, it all looks kind of deserved. Perhaps that's unfair, but it's to do with the the way Rangers fans are generally projected.

It's where any comparison with Dunfermline breaks down.

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There's also the exiles - you're always going to get those who can't make games regularly due to having moved from the area coming back for the big matches. Some of us even bring family members who would never otherwise attend games.

Only you could have the sheer brass neck to post that.

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Whatever the braying of fans of other clubs, Rangers fans have asked questions all along. But fans are often relatively powerless against owners. Answers are given, you might be dubious about them, but often nobody on the outside (including the fans) knows what really went on. Should fans boycott the club? Or would that merely damage it? The fans would have to be absolutely sure before taking drastic action - rather as should have happened with the aforementioned invasion of Iraq.

Should we take the word of Whyte? Surely not, even though what Green says should be scrutinised.

This is true.

What also happens is that those who start to ask the difficult questions or mobilise some kind of movement against the board are often seen to be troublemakers and are shouted down by others. Often the majority and especially on fans forms. "Bed-wetters", is a particular favourite phrase on the Hibs forums for anyone who dares to question Petrie or Farmer. There seems to be a blissful ignorance that fans of many clubs adopt and they don't do anything until it is far too late. Then they blame others for their predicament.

Only when, or rather if, more clubs are put into fan ownership are we likely to see a more open and transparent situation where we can at least be confident that those in power have what's best for the club at heart. Although I suspect that with that comes the massaging of egos, power struggles and massive arguments on policy.

What is true, though, is that Scottish football and the clubs therein would be wholly better off without the likes of Whyte, Green, Masterton, Romanov and even Brooks Mileson (sometimes a dream should remain just that!).

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Imagine one of those family members wanted to support Rangers... :lol: ....just imagine the moral dilemma :lol:

Dad Dad take me to Ibrox please.

I remember he posted a while ago that his own 'faither' wouldn't let him mix with the "prods" when he was growing up. If one of his kids (thats if he has any) wanted support Rangers he'd have a fit :lol:

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Ok that went off topic rapidly, any more deflecting from Rangers supporters away from the current issue in the news today?. :lol:

The Rangers fans going on and on about SPL clubs support only shows an envy of not being in the SPL. The unconcern from Rangers fans right now over their clubs plight is remarkably familiar ground. ;)

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You claimed that i'd be advocating boycotts, so seeing as i never mentioned anything like that.

You are a liar.

Yes I did, and you did. How else would you describe a mass refusal to withhold ST money? In one word?

I'm not a liar, Bennett. I just have a better command of language than you. HTH. Weasel.

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Heh, heh. Picking up a Bennett accusation and embellishing it. After Bendarroch's place if he resigns from the Amigos, are we? :lol:

I live in a world where football isn;t the only thing - strange to tell, for most of us it IS only a game, and we don't need to immerse ourselves in a "culture" of 17th century history and "folk songs" to validate our existences.

My attendance or not in the recent past has no relevance. I suggest you concentrate on your own club/company/institution/clumpany, as it looks like things are going to get interesting again. Meanwhile, the rest of us can enjoy your uncertainty and continuing travails as light relief.

Of all the utter shite ypu have posted this right up there with the best.

Firstly i have more in my life than football ... you have little in yours outside this one thread.

As for ME concentrating on MY team Bwahahahahahaha. Excellent big chap.

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