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My point was that a city the size of Glasgow would have 2 huge clubs who would be rivals and have huge supports drawn from all over Scotland.

Tell me this, in your fantasy Scotland without religion (and, it seems, with a completely different set of clubs from what we have today -- silly me and various others for not automatically realising this from your original post), how many fans would each your two Glasgow Giants have, expressed as a percentage of what Rangers and Celtic have today? Let me know if the question isn't clear enough, I am very keen to know whether you feel religion has any effect on attendances.

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No, I felt it necessary to print hard copies of your output from today (as seen above) and retire to my library with a fine Armagnac and a Cohiba in order to peruse your contribution and appreciate the fine and subtle points you bring to this thread. I concluded that you're a buffoon, if you're interested.

Thanks for asking, mind.

I like the idea of WRK in 'his library'. Bound copies of The Beano and The Dandy with the odd, plain-bound copy of the 1963 Playboy that his Daddy pretends not to know about.


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If we look back it's obvious that D&P were only going to sell to one group, Green himself has admitted that he knew in Febuary that he was getting the club, while D&P were stringing everyone else along.

Should we as fans send a message to Green and not renew our season tickets? (I went to games on a game by game basis this season but was considering getting an ST again)

Well fcuk me silly Benny that was bar far your best post in ages and got a well deserved greenie :blink:

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Tell me this, in your fantasy Scotland without religion (and, it seems, with a completely different set of clubs from what we have today -- silly me and various others for not automatically realising this from your original post), how many fans would each your two Glasgow Giants have, expressed as a percentage of what Rangers and Celtic have today? Let me know if the question isn't clear enough, I am very keen to know whether you feel religion has any effect on attendances.

Kudos for keeping going. I couldn't be bothered with him.

He won't answer, just like the other amigos when you ask a hard question which requires a definitive answer.

Best of luck.

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Manchester has a population of less than Glasgow, it supports 2 huge teams with massive followings that draw support from all over England (and beyond), this was caused by religion I suppose?

Only one Manchester club has this following and it was brought about in the modern age by marketing of the glamour of the club.

Not as reprehensible as using religion as a marketing tool!

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Manchester has a population of less than Glasgow, it supports 2 huge teams with massive followings that draw support from all over England (and beyond), this was caused by religion I suppose?

No it wasn't. Religion isn't the only thing that affects crowds. There are a myriad of factors and hey are not mutually exclusive.

Can you answer my question please, rather than deflecting onto England?

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Kudos for keeping going. I couldn't be bothered with him.

He won't answer, just like the other amigos when you ask a hard question which requires a definitive answer.

Best of luck.

Trying my best, I cannot sit and watch someone make such a ridiculous claim then refuse to acknowledge they maybe got it a bit wrong.

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Ah right you are now admitting that a City can have 2 huge clubs with huge fanbases which are rivals not fuelled by religion then?

High probablity that the % would be the same, football clubs use a myriad of factors to promote rivalry, rivalry sells.

Yes a city can have 2 huge clubs with 2 huge fanbases... I have never (repeat never) said otherwise. You seem to be inventing things I've not said then arguing against them. Interesting tactic.

We have however got to the crux of your point after your initial attempt not to answer... you believe in an alternate universe that 2 clubs in Glasgow without religion would be supported by the same number of people as support Rangers and Celtic today. On the basis that they would be rivals, and somehow this rivalry would "fill in" for the religious angle. I'll say that I do understand the point you are making here but I believe it is grossly naïve and wishful. So many fans from all over Scotland -- especially for Celtic -- default based on religion. You cannot replace that huge pull with simple "rivalry", and if you weren't so insistent on defending your point then hopefully you could see that.

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Tell me this, in your fantasy Scotland without religion (and, it seems, with a completely different set of clubs from what we have today -- silly me and various others for not automatically realising this from your original post), how many fans would each your two Glasgow Giants have, expressed as a percentage of what Rangers and Celtic have today? Let me know if the question isn't clear enough, I am very keen to know whether you feel religion has any effect on attendances.

Why is, "Scotland without religion" a fantasy? Most Bears on here have no religion. Most of us could not give a toss about stuff like this.

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I am not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of religion to sell football, you are.

Ah right, so when Man Utd won the euro cup in the 60`s they were not a huge club then, or are you counting this as the modern era?

My mate who I met in 1990 had supported them since a child, he was brought up in Burton upon Trent, so by my reckoning he started supporting them in the early seventies, was this the modern era?

So Man City are not Man Utd`s rival then?

I would say united see Liverpool as bigger rivals.

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I am not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of religion to sell football, you are.

He is pointing out that religion has upwardly affected your attendances, which is key to your original assertion that, in a world without religion, Glasgow would have 2 clubs just as well supported as Rangers & Celtic. Is it possible for you to grasp this without referring to Manchester constantly? I am going to take a wild guess here that you don't work in any sort of scientific field, because the comparison with Manchester is futile on many levels.

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Why is, "Scotland without religion" a fantasy? Most Bears on here have no religion. Most of us could not give a toss about stuff like this.

And yet your avatar focuses on Ulster Unionism - a cause which is not solely political in its roots or motives.

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He is pointing out that religion has upwardly affected your attendances, which is key to your original assertion that, in a world without religion, Glasgow would have 2 clubs just as well supported as Rangers & Celtic. Is it possible for you to grasp this without referring to Manchester constantly? I am going to take a wild guess here that you don't work in any sort of scientific field, because the comparison with Manchester is futile on many levels.

Comparison with Manchester is ridiculous on the one level he keeps banging on about - while a few clubs have been footballing challengers and often bested Man U in recent years, if you asked 100 fans at OT on a Saturday who their rivals are, I guarantee 80% plus would say Liverpool. The other 20% would be under thirty, and not fans of long-standing.

It's not long since Man City were Third tier, and Man U fans (ironically) dismiss them and Chelski as "buying success". The attempt by the media to manufacture a rivalry with Arsenal in the 90s never really took off.

Nope, when it comes down to it, they really don't like the Mickey Mousers.

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Manchester has a population of less than Glasgow, it supports 2 huge teams with massive followings that draw support from all over England (and beyond), this was caused by religion I suppose?

Would you like a larger shovel so you can dig a bigger hole at a much faster rate Tedi ? :lol:

100 years ago over 90% of the UK population were religious and went to church every Sunday,do the math.

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And yet your avatar focuses on Ulster Unionism - a cause which is not solely political in its roots or motives.

My avatar focuses on Kincardine. I'd wager you'd use a banner saying 'Monkey Tennis Loyal' if you could find one.

I chose my avator as a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun. A sort of gauche joke.

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Exactly, i was never even christened, the chip is bigger than the shoulder that it sits on.

Tedders, dead right. We realy do not care what a person's religion is. Somehow this bothers folk as we are meant to be demonised as Catholic-hating bigots. In truth we do not give a f**k.

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