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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Dude, you are a weirdo, you have lost it, next you will be asking for a picture of my kids getting breastfed.

Anyway since you obviously have nothing to add to the fact Stirling Albion are a club with zero ambition and now want to talk about kids, i will leave you alone, good luck with that.

But what about the Stirling Albion company?

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lol what a halfwit, you even went to Wiki and still could not get it right, fud.

The bit of wikipedia I quoted from agrees with other sources, Pelucia, including those Football Authorities you put so much faith in.

So, to address your insult:

Where did you get your figures from?

Did you get it right?

Mmmmm.... Self-abuse then.


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Hey WRK!

f***ing Dundee United,eh?

(I know, SPL bottom six thread for this pish)

Aye, it was a sair yin, especially with Harkins and Boulding applying the finishing touches. Fucking gutted I am, and proper unhappy. I should really thank Pelucia for putting in a five-star meltdown - it's fair cheered me up.

Still fucking hurts, though. :(

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Aye, it was a sair yin, especially with Harkins and Boulding applying the finishing touches. Fucking gutted I am, and proper unhappy. I should really thank Pelucia for putting in a five-star meltdown - it's fair cheered me up.

Still fucking hurts, though. :(

Cue Tedi /Pelucia (ha!)

Meltdown? Naw it wiznae / you just made that up / Lord Nimmo Smith clearly stated that the definition of 'meltdown' is blah blah.....

and what about the diddy clubs don't have ambition?

Ambition Number One - Don't get f***ing liquidated

(edited - some weird shit going on with either p'n'b or this creaky puter)

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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next you will be asking for a picture of my kids getting breastfed.

Jesus fucking Christ no thanks. I think that's what they call taking things to far. Good to see you taking your latest embarrassing gaffe well though :lol:

Your whole "Stirling Albion have no ambition even though I can't articulate how they get ambitious without referring to other clubs" argument is laughably superficial. I am well aware of where my club sits in Scottish football, but we are trying to better ourselves in every way we can. Alas this isn't the thread for it.

As for the latest revelations, Whyte is a seriously deluded man (possibly mentally ill in some capacity, given how many lies he has told), and even though Green is shady, if I were a Rangers fan, I would not be concerning myself with anything Whyte says.

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Last couple of pages on this thread are a complete mess. :huh:

Had a quick scan through the news and found this, you've probably have read this if you read the Daily Record yesterday, but I though it relevant to the recent cuts at Ibrox. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/former-sheffield-united-boss-dave-1814597

Had a read of that statement from Charles Green and Ally McCoist and although I believe Whyte to be a liar I doubt there are no substance to his claim, since there quite obviously has been some deal at least in Whyte's mind since the sale.

Will this ownership have to be settled in court?.

Why the dig at the media?.

What have the media got to do with this, they are just reporting the news and Craig Whyte is news?.

Is Charles Green hiding something he doesn't want the media to reveal ?.

How is everyone this morning?.

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Reaction on the swamp is one of shock.

Quote: Originally Posted by Ghana Maestro View Post Its on FF. Their begging for it to be a hoax Quote: Originally Posted by soapysoutar View Post Thats got to be a spoof, right?? Quote: Originally Posted by iamblueman View Post Is this a wind up? Quote: Originally Posted by DjurgardenBear View Post Just shut your ****ing mouth FFS.

Sick and tired of the Green show. Quote: Originally Posted by glasgowrangersno1 View Post Good grief Quote: Originally Posted by SvenE View Post Goodness me, whit? Quote: Originally Posted by Dave1873 View Post His "statements" are getting progressively worse. Quote: Originally Posted by Jiiee99 View Post Charlie likes the sound of his own voice. Quote: Originally Posted by ayrblu1 View Post FFS, what is he on? Quote: Originally Posted by apollo View Post Tell me thats a joke please !!! Quote: Originally Posted by Daveger44 View Post What a load of pish, imagine talking like that to the press. Or anyone for that matter Quote: Originally Posted by maidencity View Post christ almighty this has to be a piss take Quote: Originally Posted by briggsblue View Post Why is Green talking about Di Canio? Wish he would stop talking and start acting, I am fed up with his snide remarks as that's all they are. Quote: Originally Posted by Scrubs UK View Post Sometimes he can be a little TOO honest.... Quote: Originally Posted by weebear View Post Somebody spiked his Pawn Cocktail tonight. Quote: Originally Posted by Albertz Was King View Post I don't usually get to uptight or whatever with regards him speaking to the media as much as he does but this is the biggest load of shit he has put out yet. Quote: Originally Posted by TrueBlueSFO View Post Unfortunately not:-


Got to admit, that is pretty cringeworthy for a CEO Quote: Originally Posted by hagi bear View Post Expect him to be charged for the "paki" remark Quote: Originally Posted by d505 View Post Believing The Sun again Quote: Originally Posted by apollo View Post Likewise , Anyone feel free to check my previous posts, I've never commented on anything he has said but why is he giving ammo to our enemies with this 'Paki' talk especially Quote: Originally Posted by fbear View Post Jesus. Just STFU, Charlie.

That is real cringe material. Awful. Quote: Originally Posted by DjurgardenBear View Post Well I'm sure Green will be happy to take them up if they've misquoted him, because it is quotes throughout that article. Quote: Originally Posted by Village Bluenose View Post Its so refreshing to hear someone say what they think rather than dancing round issues with politically correct garbage that is getting completely beyond a joke in this country. Totally agree with CG, on Di Canio, the worst Rangers team ever, backgrounds,religion and on political correctness that is seriously limiting free speech, as there are far too many drama queens/offended, as well as brainwashed out there nowadays and not enough characters. There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling someone a Paki either, Its no different to calling someone an Aussie or Pole imo, (although it probably wont be long before we hear the handwringers say you cant say that either,. Quote: Originally Posted by glasgowrangersno1 View Post He's aswell writing a column for them. Quote: Originally Posted by SvenE View Post If its in quotes, he said it Quote: Originally Posted by JohnDarwinsCanoe View Post The man is an idiot who is embarrassing our club at every opportunity. Quote: Originally Posted by True Blue 1972 View Post Charles Brownmouth spouting some controversial bollocks in the hope it will distract everyone ftom the recent dramas?

Maybe hoping that his "paki" patter or Di Canio references will create new headlines? Quote: Originally Posted by d505 View Post Papers can turn comments around to suit their agenda. Quote: Originally Posted by devsy View Post 'Hows my paki friend'... Wow just wow. Quote: Originally Posted by Rangers_Loyal_10 View Post I would be shocked if Imran doesn't mind being called someones paki friend.

Green needs to stfu. Quote: Originally Posted by True Blue 1972 View Post People can also talk pish to suit their own agendas! Quote: Originally Posted by AA View Post ....and the drama Queens go in to overdrive. Quote: Originally Posted by SvenE View Post And subsequently get sued up the arris, CG is a loose cannon, no question Quote: Originally Posted by JMac8 View Post He need's to shut the **** up. Quote: Originally Posted by SJP1873 View Post Fookin hell ....... He really said paki in mainstream media?

Regardless of your thoughts on Green that will be us cast as racist forever. Quote: Originally Posted by ian-rfc View Post We already are! Quote: Originally Posted by Mattl View Post Jesus Christ.... Quote: Originally Posted by MasterC View Post If that is genuine I find it absolutely astonishing. Quote: Originally Posted by d505 View Post I tell my weans it is a streamy can't be doing with ned talk in my house Quote: Originally Posted by hamiltonbear7 View Post Cringed my way reading through that Quote: Originally Posted by Bear. View Post Embarrassment, total embarrassment. Quote: Originally Posted by Jani-Kaupilla View Post If this is genuine, then Green is by all means finished. Like it or not, you just can't get away with that in today's society.

You'd expect the CEO of Rangers to have at least some common sense as to that regard. Quote: Originally Posted by CM Punk View Post Did you hear that?

It was the sound if a mask hitting the floor.. Quote: Originally Posted by maidencity View Post do you think he's working his ticket and will soon be making a quick exit? Quote: Originally Posted by DjurgardenBear View Post Here's hoping.

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If Whyte thinks he has a claim let him take it to court. Of course, he has talked about going to court various times before and not done it. Time will tell in this instance....

From the Daily Record,



From The Sun


Interested in what this is - BBC Scotland has obtained documents, text messages and secret recordings which may cast doubt on Green's claim that Whyte had nothing to do with the deal to acquire the assets.

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but the further unravelling of the impenetrable transactions and dodgy dealing that went on during the disposal of the Old Rangers corpse will be something to savour as Green and White fight like 2 rats in a bag.

I think you'll find like big tax case...the title stripping i am right again...you just keep putting your faith in people like Whyte.. the failed social worker...the corrupt lawyer(have the miners got their money)..and the discredited journalists

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Jesus fucking Christ no thanks. I think that's what they call taking things to far. Good to see you taking your latest embarrassing gaffe well though :lol:

Your whole "Stirling Albion have no ambition even though I can't articulate how they get ambitious without referring to other clubs" argument is laughably superficial. I am well aware of where my club sits in Scottish football, but we are trying to better ourselves in every way we can. Alas this isn't the thread for it.

As for the latest revelations, Whyte is a seriously deluded man (possibly mentally ill in some capacity, given how many lies he has told), and even though Green is shady, if I were a Rangers fan, I would not be concerning myself with anything Whyte says.

You shouldn't get wound up about a massive club fan (in the Scottish sense) being unable to understand a small club, they can't get their head around it. Just remember your club have one win and two draws against his huge club this season, a mighty achievement. Maybe this factor has a influence on his attitude and claims about your club.

As for ambition, wasn't that what got his club into its current situation?.

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Yer team lacks ambition in every regard, live with it :lol::lol::lol:

Well Tedi, I'm perfectly happy to gloss over the Portugese thing. You've used the word 'titles' a bit carelessly as did your source, but hey, that's forgivable.

On 'ambition' though, you've made an absolute foool of yourself. Your complete and utter failure to, in any way, bolster your case is evidence of that.

There is a way forward though. There always is. If you would just admit that maybe 'ambition' wasn't the right word, you could get back to a place where your posts are taken seriously. I, for one, was always keen to regard them that way.

I've certainly got things wrong before. I even made a tit of myself recently by accusing someone of lacking literacy skills with a post containing a spelling error. Hey, it happens. What matters though is admitting when you've been wrong. It doesn't make people think less of you - in fact it's the opposite.

Anyway, must dash. I'm not feeding a child or watching a film - I'm off to the Ramsden's Cup Final. Could have been you Ted, were it not for that bloody linesman.

Best wishes Ted. ;)

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(can't get the quote / reply functions to co-operate for some reason)

to No8

ahem (best Tedi voice) show me where I said that I had faith in Whyte?

it's just funny that the clusterfuck continues to roll along in it's bizarre fashion.

anyway - why shouldn'd I have faith in Whyte? You lot did.

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Love this chat on ambition, given that ambition isn't something tangible how is it that some roaster suddenly knows about the ambition or otherwise of another team? Or is ambition just another word for not living within your means?

Its a deflection tactic to change the subject to one that is more comfortable. But there's plenty of time to discuss the current car crash episode at Ibrox and these current developments are not going away.

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Paolo Di Canio as The Rangers/Sevco 5088 manager...........how feckin wonderful would that be???? Have to say what a bizarre interview with Chuck and one that could see him in trouble with regard to some of its content!


Edited by Sting777
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You are of course welcome to your opinion, you are however misguided in your defence of everything diddy, you may support a diddy club but that does not mean your club has no ambition, this season proves that indeed does have ambition, well done on your promotion, cup final and achievments against several clubs in higher division, you even narrowly avoided the slip up against a team in a lower division.

My point still stands though, Stirling Albion are a club with no ambition, sorry if this upsets you.

Enjoy your day ;)

I find your viewpoint on this objectionable I'm afraid Tedster. Smaller clubs know where they are, know the economics and don't try to spend 10p for every tenner that the Rangers throw at problems.

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