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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's early days, but so far Hearts fans seem to responding much more reasonably and rationally than the RFC fans did when their club was on the way down.

Yeh they are doing a grand job of sitting on their hands....'They'll have had their football then'

I cannot believe that there is not a queue the length of the Gorgie Road to buy season tickets!!

If they were doing all they could to save their club i might be more sympathetic.

As for being more rational and reasonable than the Rangers posters...I said after it emerged we hadn't paid tax/NI we deserved SFL3 and many Rangers posters agreed. How many Jambos believe they deserve to be demoted to the lowest league?

From the little i have read and seen on TV they have just lay down and accepted they are gone.

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Yeh they are doing a grand job of sitting on their hands....'They'll have had their football then'

I cannot believe that there is not a queue the length of the Gorgie Road to buy season tickets!!

If they were doing all they could to save their club i might be more sympathetic.

As for being more rational and reasonable than the Rangers posters...I said after it emerged we hadn't paid tax/NI we deserved SFL3 and many Rangers posters agreed. How many Jambos believe they deserve to be demoted to the lowest league?

From the little i have read and seen on TV they have just lay down and accepted they are gone.

You werent demoted.

How hard is this to understand.

Your team entered the league setup from the bottom.

Even this was wrong and the authorities bent over backwards to ensure it happened.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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I never said anything was worng :D

anyway there was nothing wrong in Rangers entering SFL3, no rules were broken or even bent.

So why didn't other eligible teams get a look in ?

Why was it this team were shoehorned in ?

The authorities couldn't face the prospect of their being no form of 'Rangers' in the league setup so they fastracked you into the league.

Why did you not start again right from the bottom like Gretna or Clydebank ?

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So no rules were bent or broken then, glad we agree.

The SFL board had a meeting and opted to hold a vote, they voted 29/1 not to exclude and grant Rangers SFL associate membership, this process was carried out as per SFL rules (7 and 9) by the clubs not the authorities.

I didn't say rules were broken I said it was wrong that your team was cherry picked.

You were shown favouritism by the authorities in this country.

You should have started at the bottom of the pyramid.

This is what would have happened to Hearts had they gone down the pan first.

Luckily for them the authoties have now set a precedent and Hearts will probably be shoehorned in aswell if they land up liquidated.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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It's embarrassing for you to so very publicly not have grasped such a simple idea. Although, asking for an explanation was a complete riddy for you.

As I said - dont worry about it, son.

Lol. As I said I'm not worried - except for your mental health of course. Keep taking the pills old man.

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It was not wrong at all, it was in the rules, you cannot saying something is wrong with conviction if it did not break any rules, you are merely stating an opinion here.

Another opinion.

Wrong, just your opinion.

If the same thing happens to hears then I fully expect the same situation to occur and if they have a stadium and a set-up which allows them to play football then I would imagine that the clubs would vote in exactly the same way, all within the rules that existed before the situation with Rangers.

So why did the other teams eligible not get put up for a vote ?

Why was it just your team ?

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You want proof that other teams did not apply?

The lack of applications is all the proof you need I think. ;)


Do you think they would have had a chance of winning the vote ?

Your team got a helping hand mate and the attitude of some of your fellow supporters on here is astonishing.

I'd be thankful every day that I still had a football team to watch instead of claiming paranoid nonsense about being 'held back' and 'kicked while we were down'.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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Yeh they are doing a grand job of sitting on their hands....'They'll have had their football then'

I cannot believe that there is not a queue the length of the Gorgie Road to buy season tickets!!

If they were doing all they could to save their club i might be more sympathetic.

As for being more rational and reasonable than the Rangers posters...I said after it emerged we hadn't paid tax/NI we deserved SFL3 and many Rangers posters agreed. How many Jambos believe they deserve to be demoted to the lowest league?

From the little i have read and seen on TV they have just lay down and accepted they are gone.

Feck me, you're on a slippery slope now.

For a start, despite the wishes of many Bears, Liquidation and Administration are not the same thing. Hearts financial problems are not the same. If and when Hearts face Liquidation and deliberately withhold tax to benefit the club and placate a few morons, then we can asses the appetite of the Jambos for starting from the bottom in comparison to the Bears. for all the cry's of 'we wanted SFL3', most Bears only wanted this as a GIRUY to the 5 or 6 SPL teams who they had been told would enter Administration.

I know, I for one can't believe the Hearts fans have not made a huge list of enemies and people to Boycott. If they had any sense they would be marching on the BBC and Hampden as we speak. Who are these people?

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Lol. As I said I'm not worried - except for your mental health of course. Keep taking the pills old man.

Awww. It's kind of cute, obviously too young to be able to hold your hand up and confidently say: 'I fucked it up'. I remember the cringing embarrassment and need to be correct about everything once upon a time, too.

Don't worry, son, it passes. Your love of diddy clubs and the associated chip-on-shoulder mentality might not.

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Yer struggling for relevance here, you are the only one showing signs of paranoia here and yer last statement is just made up rubbish, I have never claimed any of those things.

Your team were cherry picked to be in the league mate.

If you read my post I never said you claimed those things.

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You werent demoted.

How hard is this to understand.

Your team entered the league setup from the bottom.

Even this was wrong and the authorities bent over backwards to ensure it happened.

I didn't say we were...How difficult is it to actually read what i posted :rolleyes:

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Yeh they are doing a grand job of sitting on their hands....'They'll have had their football then'

I cannot believe that there is not a queue the length of the Gorgie Road to buy season tickets!!

If they were doing all they could to save their club i might be more sympathetic.

As for being more rational and reasonable than the Rangers posters...I said after it emerged we hadn't paid tax/NI we deserved SFL3 and many Rangers posters agreed. How many Jambos believe they deserve to be demoted to the lowest league?

From the little i have read and seen on TV they have just lay down and accepted they are gone.

I didn't say we were...How difficult is it to actually read what i posted :rolleyes:

Erm you kind of did mate.

You were comparing Hearts' fans attitude to Rangers' fans attitude if the situation was applied to them.

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Your team were cherry picked to be in the league mate.

If you read my post I never said you claimed those things.

Importantly - it would never happen for a true diddy club like Motherwell. You'ld be like Gretna playing in the Western Sahara Isthmian league 3c or the likes.

Something we can all be grateful for.


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