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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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seems to be the Singaporeans by default, as the "Blue Knights" haven't the cash without ticketus and Bill Miller wants to liquidate and start again, presumably having received quiet assurances that the SPL will roll over, and parachute a newco straight back in.

This seems to leave Murray and the BKs in the same position as that rugby weirdo ("I'm not a Rangers fan but I don't want them to go bust") from Stockport, not bidding for now but will step in to stave off liquidation if needed. At least the Stockport boy actually had the money.

Does the Singaporean have £134 million to waste though if Rangers are sunk in the tax cases?

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Not aware we used them or are being investigated for using them, did we use them?

Juninho was supposedly paid via one.

Brian Quinn decided it was too risky and settled with HMRC.

Not sure how it was lodged with SFA/SPL with regards to the contracts.

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Juhninio I think.

Think they took over his contract from Middlesborough, which had an EBT element to it. John Reid didnae like the look of it, went to see the taxman and sorted a deal - paid the tax due on it, as far as I'm aware.

As stated by a poster above, it was indeed Brian Quinn, not John Reid

Edited by TheTaxMan
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Juhninio I think.

I honestly don't know the ins and outs of this, but read that when he came to Celtic we took over his contract which did have a EBT element, my understanding is that Quinn stopped it immediately and we paid tax on all his earnings.

If someone knows different, lets hear it...and to answer the Captain's question, if he did recieve a side contract then any game he played in should be forfeited by 3 goals imo. I'm pretty sure Quinn gave no truck to EBT's

Edited by LordHawHaw
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Can't wait till Rangers are in the Third Division say I can have the following short conversation with some guys in my work.

Me: So which team do you support?

Workie: Rangers, you know that!

Me: Ah Rangers? That team in the Third Division? (Knowing wink) But who do you really support? Who's your... 'big' team?

For as all Rangers fans will find out when you support a diddy team, diddy meaning team outwith SPL, you are automatically assigned one of the 'big two' to support. Unfortunately for Gers fans their is only 'one big' team which means Celtic will become their other team.

Bottom line, all Rangers fans will soon be Celtic fans too, really. cool.gif

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Maybe these alleged psychologists and even psychiatrists could turn their attention to the highlighted portion. ;)

Well coming from someone who actually has studied behavioural psychology, quick pauses in speech is always most likely linked to the conjouring up of excuses and fallacies. Liars will most often have disjointed speech, unless they actually believe their own lies I.e. pathalogical liars.

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