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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Minds, Son, Minds.

Remember it's a delusional schizophrenic we're dealing with.

Sent from my C5303 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Well, I was trying to give him an easy time of it. His mind (s)must be working overtime to keep inputting top-class wit on here, like he was trying to do with my very obviously inferior posts earlier.

Never have I seen such a slide from being a reasonable poster a good few months ago, to being something that slithers out from under a wet rock these days and basically inputs .....well, nothing of significance really; Bennett only really insults others nowadays, letting him/herself down extremely badly in the process., which is a shame. It's like watching a drunk or a junkie sliding downwards with no light at the end of the tunnel, sadly.

E.T.A -sent from my Living Room from a PC with real Functions buttons and proper keys.

Cue the red dot Cavalry..........

Edited by ThirdrockfromtheSon
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E.T.A -sent from my Living Room from a PC with real Functions buttons and proper keys.

Cue the red dot Cavalry..........

I almost never give a red dot (Is there a way of counting it?) but seeing as you're inviting it then I just gave you one.

Sent from my kitchen while waiting for some Pakora to warm up before I go to bed.

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Remember this you stupid thick moron.


The move brings to an end the period of administration by Duff and Phelps, which began in February this year.

End of Oct 2012.

Makes yer rule change (which you have no idea when it was deleted ) completely irrelevant, bit like you, thick chunt.

ETA, you are one predictable fucker. :lol:

You dopey idiot :lol: your link does not include that the oldco "exited" administration because that would mean the club became solvent again and could continue to trade in football on the other hand the period of administration ended when the oldco went straight into the liquidation process as supplied in your link !.Note how your link says the administration period ended ! there was no exit it just went from administration to compulsory liquidation which is the mandatory process for insolvency when a CVA fails during administration.

OH ! let me see Tedi I don't know when the rules changed do I ? or is it you that is too thick to read the supplied SFA handbooks from 2009/2010 & 2011/2012 and are looking like a right cock arguing the evidence you clearly did not read ! as usual.

Below are two JPG's one from 2009/2010 and the other from 2011/2012 unfortunately I could not find a 2010/2011 version.Both are taken from the SFA's handbook on "SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP" sections where insolvency is mentioned.

A, This 2009/2010 handbook in section 17/7 where you can clearly see it states the member is the club in insolvency ! and NOTICE no mention of this mythical company.The club's licence will be terminated when any kind of liquidation order is given and the club dies from insolvency.And the bit before you paint yourself into another corner which says "bona fide solvent reconstruction" means a successful CVA.


2009/2010 official SFA handbook link for you to actually look at section 17/7 http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/SFAHandbook/09Articles.pdf

B, Now Tedi two years later and 8 months before your beloved club went into administration we have this pish in the 2011/2012 handbook on "SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP" in section 15/1 paragraph "G" removing section 17 completely into something else that does not supply anything other than "DISSOLUTION OF THE SCOTTISH FA".You will also notice in this new insolvency rule they have actually removed from the previous handbook provided "the CLUB entering any kind of liquidation" and notice still no mention of the company to the SFA can do whatever they like now.


2011/2012 official SFA handbook link section 15/1,G also for you to look at http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/SFAPublications/ScottishFApublications2011-12/Scottish%20FA%20Handbook.pdf

Predictably I'll expect you to just ignore this or post some other piece of pish scoring out the whole post even if I proved when the rules were changed 8 months to 20 months maximum before Rangers went into administration even without the 2010/2011 handbook which I cannot find on the internet.Notice how the time line does not reach years ago like you claimed but is a maximum 20 months which meant the SFA knew Rangers were going to die a glorious undignified death and fudged up their rule books to clone your club ?.

This post is not irrelevant you fud because you claim I did not know when the rule changes were applied and it's a new club you follow that has been cloned from the dead clubs assets.

And lastly it is you who is the thick cnut !.

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Done. Seeing as you're a Rangers fan. Are watching WRK?

Rangers fan my arse.

Celtic fan my arse.

Repeat ad infinitum.

The spelling and Grammar Police are out in force tonight .....you missed a word out.

Greenie if you figure it out and get the missing word right, reddie if you get it wrong.

Oh, f**k it, you're getting a reddie anyway.

At least you've sobered up a bit from last night.

Sent from my Vectra Club back seat where I'm riding Sandra Bullock and Katie Perry simultaneously

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(4) Oh look a plastic with a paranoid conspiracy theory.

(4.1) Why does all this matter so much to you? :lol: you are utterly consumed by it.

Teds, I've asked/discussed this a few times on here going back over years. Usually around the 'two cheeks of the same arse' trope.

Were the roles to be reversed my take is that we Rangers fans would never produce a character like HB QC and would never write the kind of blogs etc that he thrives on. Why? Because we like football and our team. For me it is utterly inconceivable that a Bear would be so obsessed about Celtic.

Am I being naive here?

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How many hours did that take you to write :D

and it still equates to;

(1) The rule was and would have been irrelevant.

(2) You still have no idea when they deleted your irrelevant rule, first it was 8 months now its 20 months, next you will be saying the week before.

(3) Yes the administration for the oldco ended in Oct 2012, they exited from this stage into the liquidation stage, which makes your irrelevant rule well irrelevant.

(4) Oh look a plastic with a paranoid conspiracy theory.

(4.1) Why does all this matter so much to you? :lol: you are utterly consumed by it.

Definitive proof that this Rangers supporter is thick.

1, I have always mentioned the 2009/2010 handbook which makes your claim from 8 months to 20 months completely irrelevant you knob as I'm certain the rule changes were implemented in June 2011 because the SFA may never released a 2010/2011 version on the net.This blows into the atmosphere your claim they were in place for years before Rangers went into admin like erm ! in the mid 1990's you keep banging on about.

2, I have never claimed a conspiracy theory and have always said the SFA pulled a blinder by colluding with the SPL in being able to clone clubs at will,this may be of beneficial use to Celtic if they go bust ? :) in your dreams Thicki :lol: .

4.1.1, It appears to matter to you more you idiot by responding and fuelling the debate into claiming I don't know things and make them up according to you to here we have definitive proof when the rules were changed "8 months or 20 months" along with official links proofing this making you look thick and a liar to boot.And what was your response ? deflect and and try to take the pish !.

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Rangers fan my arse.

Celtic fan my arse.

Repeat ad infinitum.

The spelling and Grammar Police are out in force tonight .....you missed a word out.

Greenie if you figure it out and get the missing word right, reddie if you get it wrong.

Oh, f**k it, you're getting a reddie anyway.

At least you've sobered up a bit from last night.

Sent from my Vectra Club back seat where I'm riding Sandra Bullock and Katie Perry simultaneously

Oh 'you'. What a tease 'you' are.

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Teds, I've asked/discussed this a few times on here going back over years. Usually around the 'two cheeks of the same arse' trope.

Were the roles to be reversed my take is that we Rangers fans would never produce a character like HB QC and would never write the kind of blogs etc that he thrives on. Why? Because we like football and our team. For me it is utterly inconceivable that a Bear would be so obsessed about Celtic.

Am I being naive here?

Completely !,and bordering on stupid because if the roles were reversed there would be no end to the shite you would post claiming new club and all that and Tedi in his never ending quest to prove it's a new club and here's my link to prove it :1eye .

edit for grammar police ffs <_<

Edited by hellbhoy
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Really cannot answer that, the obsession on display from some of the Celtic minded about all things Rangers would be worrying even for Rangers fans to exhibit, I have no idea what drives them, guess its always been the way, part of the rearing process no doubt.

^ ^ ^ Fucking hypocritical bigot type post if there ever was one with the obsession this one has to say it's the same club and here's my link to prove it from anyone who will agree with my philosophy :lol:

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Completely !,and bordering on stupid because if the roles were reversed there would be no end to the shite you would post claiming new club and all that and Tedi in his never ending quest to prove it's a new club and here's my link to prove it :1eye .

edit for grammar police ffs <_<

Honestly? Were you a new club I'd not give a f**k. You came close to that until Wee Fergus saved you and loads of us (including many Bears) were happy that he did so.

This is the major difference between our arse-cheek and yours. You are obsessed about us and it isn't reciprocated.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Really cannot answer that, the obsession on display from some of the Celtic minded about all things Rangers would be worrying even for Rangers fans to exhibit, I have no idea what drives them, guess its always been the way, part of the rearing process no doubt.

Teds, you're a Rangers fan same as me. Same as others here like say, No 8, Bandarroch, Youngsy, Bennet et al. How many posts have we made about Celtic over, say, the past year? Almost none. Why? Because we define ourselves by who we support rather than who we hate.

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 ^ ^ ^ Fucking hypocritical bigot type post if there ever was one with the obsession this one has to say it's the same club and here's my link to prove it from anyone who will agree with my philosophy :lol:

Tedi may be many things HB, but I do not believe a bigot is one of them.

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How about you switch the spell check thingy off?

Sent from a laptop using my fingers.

Your fingers or Vicky's fingers? Hard to keep up with multiple accounts.

Haven't been on BRALT for ages, but the last time I was, you had just been caught out masquerading as some bird, and giving yourself and your mates loads of greenies.

What's the current situation? Were you stitched up, or are you totally shameless?

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They colluded but hey its no conspiracy theory? :lol:

Tedi, I've been kind enough to pull a dictionary out for you.



/kənˈspɪrəsi/ Show Spelled [kuhn-spir-uh-see] Show IPA

noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
the act of conspiring.
an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.


As you can see Tedi, secretly colluding or agreeing between two or more parties amounts to conspiracy.

Teds, you're a Rangers fan same as me. Same as others here like say, No 8, Bandarroch, Youngsy, Bennet et al. How many posts have we made about Celtic over, say, the past year? Almost none. Why? Because we define ourselves by who we support rather than who we hate.

With Rangers dying, and Sevco rising from the ashes. Its fair to expect your team is going to get a lot of attention. Funnily enough Dunfermline fans were also using the "obsessed" tag as deflection. When shit began to hit the fan.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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With Rangers dying, and Sevco rising from the ashes. Its fair to expect your team is going to get a lot of attention. Funnily enough Dunfermline fans were also using the "obsessed" tag as deflection. When shit began to hit the fan.

Try and lose the stupid cliches so we can have a proper discussion, no? Do you honestly expect to be taken seriously with your "Dead Rangers", "Sevco" and "Obsession" patter?

This was done to death a year ago or more.

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