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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ah, the last refuge. I had a wee bet with myself you'd roll that one out at around half eight. Congratulations on your self-control. :lol::lol::lol:

Yep, I think Jardine behaved like a c**t.

Yep, he contracted cancer.

Join the dots, fuckwit.

As for "jibes", I posted it on here once. One particular poster continues to resurrect it on a regular basis when he's trying to deflect from him getting his arse handed to him yet again. Any particular reason? Other than being shown up to be thick as f**k yet again?

Oh dear,is that me a fuckwit now? Listen I know you don't like to be reminded of it but it ain't going away anytime soon....;-)

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WKR is shouted at by some Rangers supporters.

Compares it to Israeli military occupation.


Then he's forced to flee the country to escape the oppression and starts a resistance network up in Yorkshire (land of the free).

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WKR is shouted at by some Rangers supporters.

Compares it to Israeli military occupation.


Give No. 8 a bell and ask him to recommend a clever grown-up. Then ask said grown-up to explain the difference between "analogy" and "comparison". While one is based on the mechanics of the other, the two are not synonymous.

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Yes i was forgetting how about tolerant that particular church is when it comes to gay rights, silly me.

It was his granny and aunts who actually reported him to the priest for being gay, unf**king believable.

A wee bit less draconian than some religions, mind.

"Islamic Shari'ah law is extracted from both the Qur'an and Muhammad's Sunnah (found in the Hadith and Sira). Islamic jurisprudence are expansion of the laws contained within them by Islamic jurists. Therefore, they are seen as the laws of Allah. You need only look to the rulings under Shari'ah to see the accepted mainstream interpretation of Islam and its commandments to its followers. Homosexuality under this law, is not only a sin, but a punishable crime against God.

In the case of homosexuality, how it is dealt with differs between the four mainline schools of Sunni jurisprudence today, but what they all agree upon is that homosexuality is worthy of a severe penalty.

In the Hanafi school of thought, the homosexual is first punished through harsh beating, and if he/she repeats the act, the death penalty is to be applied.

As for the Shafi`i school of thought, the homosexual receives the same punishment as adultery (if he/she is married) or fornication (if not married). This means, that if the homosexual is married, he/she is stoned to death, while if single, he/she is whipped 100 times. Hence, the Shafi`i compares the punishment applied in the case of homosexuality with that of adultery and fornication.

The Hanafi differentiates between the two acts because in homosexuality, anal sex [something that is prohibited, regardless of orientation] may also be involved, while in adultery [and fornication], the penis/vagina (which are reproductive parts) are involved.

Some scholars, based on the Qur'an and various ahadith, hold the opinion that the homosexual should be thrown from a high building or stoned to death[1] as a punishment for their crime, but other scholars maintain that they should be imprisoned until death. [2]

Another view is that between two males, the active partner is to be lashed a hundred times if he is unmarried, and killed if he is married; whereas the passive partner is to be killed regardless of his marital status.[3]"

Makes the threat of not getting into God's happy playground and feeding imaginary furnaces pretty tame, from where I'm standing.

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Give No. 8 a bell and ask him to recommend a clever grown-up. Then ask said grown-up to explain the difference between "analogy" and "comparison". While one is based on the mechanics of the other, the two are not synonymous.

WKR - now suitably embarrassed by his latest ridiculous claim - seeks to muddy waters and engage in semantics.

Likely outcome - semantics comparable to napalm attack on Yorkshire.

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WKR - now suitably embarrassed by his latest ridiculous claim - seeks to muddy waters and engage in semantics.

Likely outcome - semantics comparable to napalm attack on Yorkshire.

Embarrassed? Ridiculous claim? You'll have to be more specific. There's only one team's "supporters" who seem to have any trouble understanding clear and concise English on here tonight. Want to take a guess?

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Either do you.

? Looks like somebody else has got the berr-English translator for the evening then, I take it.

Another five-star performance. Actually Tedi, you're a wee bit late this evening. The get-along gang have all been on and then fucked off again. Please don't get into another bollox-fest with HB if he shows up - I thought there had been something happening when I saw the number of posts the other morning. ;)

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How does the game go? I remember, work it out for yourself was what I was told..

Work it out for yourself.

It's not a game, Tedi, it's a language - brilliant concept for clear communication, I've always thought. One shouldn't need to have crossword-solving skills to decode a three-word riposte. It's a shame you capitalised it, thereby removing the easy "typo" excuse.

I reckon you should be getting off to kip - yesterday's trauma is obviously affecting you.

Before you go, though:

McCoist or Green? Legend or Shyster?

What can rangers do about that pesky Mhedia upsetting the poor bairns?

What can rangers do to combat the effects of the whind next time out?

Can we expect to see the ibrox giants ( :lol:) make a sensational swoop for Swankie?

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BBC reporting that Walter Smith is ready to walk away.

Can't see it on the site, Rico, but I like this mangling of the language from the "Green's no ma' mate anymore" page:

"Rangers had been unable to field eight summer signings against Forfar's part-timers because a signing embargo imposed a year ago does not end until 1 September."

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My grasp of the English language is strong enough to know that you do not half talk some shite.

I am well over yesterdays events, I have made my thoughts well known on the match thread.

So, you grasp of the English language is strong enough that you can only respond with abuse. OK.

Or, your grasp of the language is so weak that you cannot comprehend reasoned statements. Alternatively, your "loyalty" is such that you are incapable of responding to an alternative viewpoint with anything other than the same tired old deflection.

FFS, all you had to do was say "oops!", and that would have been it. Instead, you've got two people ripping the pish. Well played, Tedi. Well played indeed.

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