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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"I can make a statement - I think you're ugly..."

Dignitas FC

Peter Smith response, "and many might agree with that."

Add to that his pursuit of Jim Traynor the night before and young Peter is shaping up to be one of our top sports journalists. A man of credibility and integrity.

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This farce has been comedy gold for so many of us. And they just keep it coming.

A few thoughts....

Many fans of other teams are taking particular pleasure from this not because a club is in distress, but because of the years of arrogance which those other clubs have suffered at the hands of Rangers and their fans. Were it Celtic which was in a similar predicament, the reaction would be pretty similar. The attitudes of many fans since the meltdown has done nothing to engender sympathy from other clubs. Some humility would have gone a long way - there was some evidence of it for a while, but I'm afraid that many have reverted to type and talk of Rangers' "rightful place" in the top tier just irritates fans of other clubs who see such a place as earned, not granted.

The continuing turmoil at the club is, in my opinion, the fault of the fans. Not directly - but by continuing unswerving support and loyalty with season ticket purchases, there is absolutely nothing to deter the money men from seeing the club as an opportunity to make a fast buck. The best thing that the fans could do would be to get refunds on their season tickets en masse, refuse to go to home games and force another administration. That would give them the opportunity to have a real clear-out at the top and to put in place people who had the interests of the club (not the company) at heart. It would be painful, perhaps returning to the third division or whatever it's called - and this time, it would be with players who were paid at third division wages. Winning SFL3 on £7m a year is a somewhat hollow victory.

The opportunity for radical surgery required to save Rangers was not grasped last year. The cure is now that bit more difficult and that bit more painful. However, I cannot see how RFC can find its way out of this turmoil any time soon.

And having absolute clowns like Traynor and Green involved really does the club no favours at all. McCoist, for all his perceived faults, loves his club. Smith walked away - but, to me, that speaks more of his integrity and love for Rangers than anything else. As chairman, he could do little else if he could not run his Board the way he wanted to.

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This farce has been comedy gold for so many of us. And they just keep it coming.

A few thoughts....

Many fans of other teams are taking particular pleasure from this not because a club is in distress, but because of the years of arrogance which those other clubs have suffered at the hands of Rangers and their fans. Were it Celtic which was in a similar predicament, the reaction would be pretty similar. The attitudes of many fans since the meltdown has done nothing to engender sympathy from other clubs. Some humility would have gone a long way - there was some evidence of it for a while, but I'm afraid that many have reverted to type and talk of Rangers' "rightful place" in the top tier just irritates fans of other clubs who see such a place as earned, not granted.

The continuing turmoil at the club is, in my opinion, the fault of the fans. Not directly - but by continuing unswerving support and loyalty with season ticket purchases, there is absolutely nothing to deter the money men from seeing the club as an opportunity to make a fast buck. The best thing that the fans could do would be to get refunds on their season tickets en masse, refuse to go to home games and force another administration. That would give them the opportunity to have a real clear-out at the top and to put in place people who had the interests of the club (not the company) at heart. It would be painful, perhaps returning to the third division or whatever it's called - and this time, it would be with players who were paid at third division wages. Winning SFL3 on £7m a year is a somewhat hollow victory.

The opportunity for radical surgery required to save Rangers was not grasped last year. The cure is now that bit more difficult and that bit more painful. However, I cannot see how RFC can find its way out of this turmoil any time soon.

And having absolute clowns like Traynor and Green involved really does the club no favours at all. McCoist, for all his perceived faults, loves his club. Smith walked away - but, to me, that speaks more of his integrity and love for Rangers than anything else. As chairman, he could do little else if he could not run his Board the way he wanted to.

That's pretty much it and if they were to lose the 17th Century knuckledraggers along the way, so much the better. :thumsup2

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This farce has been comedy gold for so many of us. And they just keep it coming.

A few thoughts....

Many fans of other teams are taking particular pleasure from this not because a club is in distress, but because of the years of arrogance which those other clubs have suffered at the hands of Rangers and their fans. Were it Celtic which was in a similar predicament, the reaction would be pretty similar. The attitudes of many fans since the meltdown has done nothing to engender sympathy from other clubs. Some humility would have gone a long way - there was some evidence of it for a while, but I'm afraid that many have reverted to type and talk of Rangers' "rightful place" in the top tier just irritates fans of other clubs who see such a place as earned, not granted.

The continuing turmoil at the club is, in my opinion, the fault of the fans. Not directly - but by continuing unswerving support and loyalty with season ticket purchases, there is absolutely nothing to deter the money men from seeing the club as an opportunity to make a fast buck. The best thing that the fans could do would be to get refunds on their season tickets en masse, refuse to go to home games and force another administration. That would give them the opportunity to have a real clear-out at the top and to put in place people who had the interests of the club (not the company) at heart. It would be painful, perhaps returning to the third division or whatever it's called - and this time, it would be with players who were paid at third division wages. Winning SFL3 on £7m a year is a somewhat hollow victory.

The opportunity for radical surgery required to save Rangers was not grasped last year. The cure is now that bit more difficult and that bit more painful. However, I cannot see how RFC can find its way out of this turmoil any time soon.

And having absolute clowns like Traynor and Green involved really does the club no favours at all. McCoist, for all his perceived faults, loves his club. Smith walked away - but, to me, that speaks more of his integrity and love for Rangers than anything else. As chairman, he could do little else if he could not run his Board the way he wanted to.

decent post....(I'd quibble over McCoist's faults beings 'perceived'- shit-stirring wee toad - and Smith's 'integrity' is a bit of a moveable feast)

The continued WATP / No Surrender arrogance are pretty reminiscent of the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail movie.

Their impotent seethe is a never-ending Diddy Delight.

Roll on Chucky ripping the remaining finacial heart out of them, admin 2 / liquidation 2 and 'hello, we are The The Rangers FC'

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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decent post....(I'd quibble over McCoist's faults beings 'perceived'- shit-stirring wee toad - and Smith's 'integrity' is a bit of a moveable feast)

The continued WATP / No Surrender arrogance are pretty reminiscent of the Black Knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail movie.

Their impotent seethe is a never-ending Diddy Delight.

Roll on Chucky ripping the remaining finacial heart out of them, admin 2 / liquidation 2 and 'hello, we are The The Rangers FC'


A little too kind to Smith and McCoist, but otherwise pretty much how I see things too.

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Still almost everywhere I go The Rangers fans are as arrogant as ever and as crass about their predicament as could possibly be. It's so unfair is all they ever crow about playing the victim card and apart from the couple on here who are quite well informed have absolutely the most most minimal grasp on what has went on and believe it to be some massive ***** conspiracy. It's hard to feel any sympathy whatsoever for anybody connected with the club right from the top to the knuckle dragging we arra peepul. It's sad, bewildering, hilarious, unbelievable and a scandal all at the same time but it frankly couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

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  1. Charles Green conducting his press business in the McGills bus depot. As if he could get more ridiculous since returning.

  2. @ChrisGraham76 Is this a pisstake, Chris..? If it isn't that's lacking in class, quality & dignity. #onthebuses

  3. @Gordon_Watson Sadly not. I genuinely wish it was.


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Buffoon really doesn't cover it does it?

Conniving, lying, money grabbing, carpetbagger, arsewipe maybe???

Fucksake "fans" of what's left of your club..... Do something you gutless fucktards!!

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Looking forward to genuine thoughts from Rangers fans on here today. It is impossible to put a positive spin on anything going on at Ibrox (except for your astonishing result against Newcastle-kudos btw) and you would all do yourselves massive credit if you manned up and started discussing potential solutions. The time for point scoring on the BRALT is over. You are all articulate fellows. If you genuinely loved your club you would be on Rangers forums trying to get to the bottom of the latest crisis and take action, not here trying to slag off people's spelling or tediously attempting to win semantic arguments about club and company etc etc ad naseum. Tactics like that are now shown up to be the waste of time they are-despite your stout defence of your club it has continually hung you out to dry and treated all its fans with utter contempt. Your resolute defence and any minor victory on here is now shown up as completely pyrrhic and continuation in this tact will only increase your arrogance before the next inevitable fall. I severely doubt you will listen to me and I only suggest adopting a little humility because you ken as well as I do things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Ps Props to No 8 for giving occasionally heartfelt and genuinely emotional posts. And The Kincardine too, he seems sound.

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Buffoon really doesn't cover it does it?

Conniving, lying, money grabbing, carpetbagger, arsewipe maybe???

Fucksake "fans" of what's left of your club..... Do

something you gutless fucktards!!

Inchhinnan bus depot of all places. Well that is the final straw for the bus boys as well. They will be gone along with Green....more good news Imo

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Looking forward to genuine thoughts from Rangers fans on here today. It is impossible to put a positive spin on anything going on at Ibrox (except for your astonishing result against Newcastle-kudos btw) and you would all do yourselves massive credit if you manned up and started discussing potential solutions. The time for point scoring on the BRALT is over. You are all articulate fellows. If you genuinely loved your club you would be on Rangers forums trying to get to the bottom of the latest crisis and take action, not here trying to slag off people's spelling or tediously attempting to win semantic arguments about club and company etc etc ad naseum. Tactics like that are now shown up to be the waste of time they are-despite your stout defence of your club it has continually hung you out to dry and treated all its fans with utter contempt. Your resolute defence and any minor victory on here is now shown up as completely pyrrhic and continuation in this tact will only increase your arrogance before the next inevitable fall. I severely doubt you will listen to me and I only suggest adopting a little humility because you ken as well as I do things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

Ps Props to No 8 for giving occasionally heartfelt and genuinely emotional posts. And The Kincardine too, he seems sound.

Could bring a tear to a glass eye, that could. If the glass eye was pretty stupid and didn't mind being patronised by a diddy clubber at the madam.


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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

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Fucksake "fans" of what's left of your club..... Do something you gutless fucktards!!

That's the thing coming from Greenock you will remember when Morton was in this situation the fans marched on Cappielow to demand change, the difference here is Rangers fans will only blindly demonstrate when the board tells them who the baddies are for example going after the BBC or the SFA . The fact that Green was in the directors box at Ibrox last night shows the Rangers fans apathy and why they will be his cash cow for a long time to come.

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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

That's a terrible shame. Nice birthday present for you though :) Many happy returns and all that.

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Heard last night that all sub contracts at Ibrox have been cancelled barring one, a contract with one of the directors companies.

Basically no money left to pay them. Strong suggestions that players wages will be the next thing to take the hit as the share money runs out.

Not only is Dave J the Partick Thistle fan a genuine hero, he also has contacts with the uppper echelons at Rangers.

We salute you Dave J the Partick Thistle fan.

Edited by bennett
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