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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers Supporters @rangersfctrust

Association, Assembly and Trust encourage fans to participate in the debate.

Potential questions for the fans meeting with Craig Mather and Ally McCoist

A meeting will be held on Thursday evening for fans groups, RSCs and some season ticket holders chosen at random with Craig Mather, Ally McCoist and Jim Traynor.

A meeting between Mr Mather and the Assembly, Association and Trust had originally been planned but pressure of business meant it had to be postponed.

Prior to that an extensive list of questions had been compiled (and would obviously have been filtered down to a reasonable number) from queries and comments members and supporters had contributed over the last few months as part of the process we normally conduct before a formal meeting with the club.

In light of this now open meeting we feel it might be helpful for supporters attending to view the list and perhaps select or adapt some of the questions should they feel like doing so.

We are aware events may have overtaken some of the questions and some may be repetition of ideas expressed in other contributions but we include them for information.

Questions for Craig Mather

1.What is the criteria for gaining a seat on the Rangers Board? – Please outline the skills/expertise each member of the board brings to Rangers.

2. Why did Walter Smith Support the removal of two Directors - Phil Cartmel and Malcolm Murray?

3. Charles Green called for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting to remove Cenkos and two Directors. Why has this been approve by the Rangers Board?

4. Since the previous boardroom significant value has been wiped from the company. What answer does the Board have to the Shareholders to explain this?

5. Have Charles Green’s shares been sold? If so, why as there is a lock in Period?

6. There are directors on the board with shareholdings amounting to less than 1%, when supporters combined own up to 12%. Please explain.

7. Did the club purchase Edmiston House as stated in the IPO prospectus?

8. If so, what is the progress on development?

9. Similarly, what is the progress of the proposed relocation of the ticket office.

10. Do you think it prudent that Brian Stockbridge holds the position of Financial Director and Company Secretary?

11. Will this be reviewed, and a Company Secretary appointed in an open employment process to get the best personnel aligned to remuneration for this position?

12. Are all the main institutional investors aware of directors remuneration and are they comfortable will the levels?

13. How does directors remuneration at Rangers compare with other clubs at a similar level?

14. What bonuses were paid to Charles Green and Brian Stockbridge or other Board or Management on winning promotion from Division 3?

15. Executive bonuses should be aligned with shareholders and measured on Financial Performance. What is the Board view on this?

16. Why are Rangers still in a negative monthly trading position well over a year since the appointment of Brian Stockbridge?

17. What is the exact monthly trading loss April, May and June 2013?

18. Of the 22 Million raised in the floatation how much exactly remains?

19. How much of the 22 Million has been spent on fees?

20. Where exactly has the money gone and what was it spent on?

21. Can we see the contract between Rangers Retail and Sports Division from a Shareholders perspective?

22. How much per unit do Rangers make on the sale of a football shirt?

23. What are the details of the Sponsorship with Puma?

24.What are the details of the Sponsorship with Blackthorn?

25. What are the figures on Catering and what is the expected revenue return 2013/2014?

26. What other sources of Income will Rangers have in 2013/3014?

27. Why has the Board sanctioned the addition of 8 players to the playing staff as a League One Club while the business is sustaining ongoing monthly losses?

28. Why did the Board not go to the market with a view to appointing the best available qualified talent or invite larger existing investors to join the Board?

29. Why did the Rangers Board remove Cenkos as their NOMAD/Broker?

30. Was this performance related if so what were the issues?

31. What Board members proposed and seconded the removal of Cenkos?

32. Please explain why this change of NOMAD/Broker was in the best interest of Rangers and confirm why there was no consultation with Rangers shareholders on such an important decision.

33. What Board members proposed and seconded the appointment of Strand Hanson?

34. What will Strand Hanson offer of value to Rangers that Cenkos could not deliver, and what is the comparative cost from each for their services?

35. Why was the position of CEO not advertised?

36. Is the job description of CEO performance related?

37. Do Rangers have a business plan going forward year one two and three?

38. What is the expected turnover and profit and loss?

39. Is the Business Plan in hard copy that supporters have sight of?

40. Do the Rangers Board stand by the decision to appoint Craig Mather as Chief Executive and do the Board believe this will deliver the best return to the Shareholders?

41. What is the job description and remit of Brian Smart as part of the Rangers Board?

42. Who proposed and seconded Brian Smart to be a Director of Rangers?

43. Was this position put out to the market?

44. What is the CV of Brian Smart both business and football that qualifies his position on the Board?

45. What in detail has Brian Smart contributed and what achievement has Brian Smart delivered to Rangers since his appointment?

46. Is it the view of the Rangers Board that Brian Smart represents the highest calibre of personnel that can deliver what Rangers need to return results to the shareholders?

47. Ditto Questions 41-46 for Iain Hart.

48. Please confirm the remit and job description of Charles Green

49. Please confirm the remuneration for Charles Green.

50. Please explain the timing of Charles Green’s appointment as a consultant.

They're starting to ask questions now! Finally. :lol:

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What the f**k are you blethering about now?

I don't know one Rangers fan who doesn't want us to live within our means and conentrate on home grown talent, while improving our scoutign and coaching systems.

Get a grip of yourself Norman.

So long as they're winning all the time though.

As said, if such a measured, sensible approach were to delay Rangers' 'Return to their rightful place,' there are genuine questions over whether that would be acceptable to the fans.

I don't see this desire to live within their means as a dominant feature in the thinking of the fans at all. They've grumbled about pretty much everything else, but I've not seen any banners insisting that outgoings get reduced.

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I think your team don't have a single player worthy of our side. No not one.


Get aff the drugs Bendyboy

Newco - 3rd tier

Thistle - Top Tier

Newco - out the cup

Thistle - in the cup

Newco - Crap football

Thistle - we score when we want

Newco - Bankrupt within their 1st 2 seasons

Thistle - Paying taxes and staying in business for 137 years and aiming to for another 137

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No one asked you for an opinion on Rangers - hasn't stopped you bumping those most idiotic of gums has it petal?

Are you upset because none of your players were even worth having for nothing?

No one asked you either, same back at you.

The players at his club are worth more than the players at TRIFC, our club.

Other than you being stupid, what are your reasons for attempting (and failing badly) to wind up supporters of clubs that play two leagues above our new club? Especially after all the clubs in Scotland that have humped us during our first 18 months as a club. You support the newest diddy club in Scotland, the sooner you accept that the better for all of us including yourself.

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Ally would struggle on a Gretna budget, f**k knows what he would do on a normal budget.


Get rid of Sally, get Dick Campbell in and win the leagues on 400K a season, including his wage won't be pretty but you'll be in profit & have a club to follow in a year

This. Not necessarily Dick, but a proven lower league or an ambitious young manager with a management team on a salaries of around 25% of what Sally & Co are on.

And you know, maybe even try a few more of your young players that you can develop at your luxury facilities, or sign up some seasoned lower league players on frugal short term contracts.

Instead you've been doubling the wages of journeymen to get them to play in the wilderness against part-timers. Can't think of any signings apart from possibly Templeton who might have a resale value.

But these ideas don't seem to be too popular down Govan way. They are 'Rangers'. They 'deserve better'. :rolleyes:

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But he was your Savior or he was the only one that actually came up with cash (not his own mind but cash) unlike the Mccoll or Murray or Smith etc etc

You will ofcourse be able to point out where i've called Green a saviour?

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So long as they're winning all the time though.

As said, if such a measured, sensible approach were to delay Rangers' 'Return to their rightful place,' there are genuine questions over whether that would be acceptable to the fans.

I don't see this desire to live within their means as a dominant feature in the thinking of the fans at all. They've grumbled about pretty much everything else, but I've not seen any banners insisting that outgoings get reduced.

Lets remember the BlueOrders protests against Murray when he couldn't swindle any more money for the club to spunk and put the club for sale, he mentioned they were skint (maybe underestimated it a bit) but no the bears demanded more money, more Flo's, more £10K a week players, more excessive spending, just like your fans are wanting now, "lets buy the best from the SPL"........ why these guys will want a significant pay rise to drop down from SPL (SPFL) so are now on more than they were with Hearts or Motherwell etc......... playing against the plumbers and brickies from Forfar and Elgin etc but the bears need big name signings they won't buy season tickets otherwise........ Gloryhunters, were you there in the Gregg era when the jags fans outnumbered you's at ibrox in 1980??? or were you a new bear with Souness's "revolution"

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What the f**k are you blethering about now?

I don't know one Rangers fan who doesn't want us to live within our means and conentrate on home grown talent, while improving our scoutign and coaching systems.

Get a grip of yourself Norman.

And if you live within your means ie paying players less than what you are bringing lesser quality players the knuckle-dragging support will buy ST's on the premise they may not win as many games or struggle to win the division :1eye although paying less for management and directors will actually make the support happy BUT ! NAW ! signing pish players will cripple the club as they will not stand to watch pish or the thought of watching pish because they have been used to cheating oops dominating the opposition into a pulp for 3 decades and don't know anything else like not winning or struggling each week.

No marquee signings = no big ST sales = damned if you do and damned if you don't.

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So long as they're winning all the time though.

As said, if such a measured, sensible approach were to delay Rangers' 'Return to their rightful place,' there are genuine questions over whether that would be acceptable to the fans.

I don't see this desire to live within their means as a dominant feature in the thinking of the fans at all. They've grumbled about pretty much everything else, but I've not seen any banners insisting that outgoings get reduced.

What is the point of trying to discuss things when you have to put up with shlte like this. It's the same old nonsense trotted out time after time....

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You will ofcourse be able to point out where i've called Green a saviour?

Well if he never bought you who would???? The blueknights :lol::lol::lol: with their fantasy money, some off the radar rich investor.......... or some gangster fro Port Glasgow??????

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And if you live within your means ie paying players less than what you are bringing lesser quality players the knuckle-dragging support will buy ST's on the premise they may not win as many games or struggle to win the division :1eye although paying less for management and directors will actually make the support happy BUT ! NAW ! signing pish players will cripple the club as they will not stand to watch pish or the thought of watching pish because they have been used to cheating oops dominating the opposition into a pulp for 3 decades and don't know anything else like not winning or struggling each week.

No marquee signings = no big ST sales = damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Sure, great point as always.

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Well if he never bought you who would???? The blueknights :lol::lol::lol: with their fantasy money, some off the radar rich investor.......... or some gangster fro Port Glasgow??????

You claimed he was my saviour, just interested why you'd tell such a blatant lie.

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