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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aww, wee petal, are some of those nasty Rangers supporters not to your liking? Did some of them stick chewing gum in your hair on the way home from school? Mibbe even shouted at you?

WKR has a support group for those who can't cope with Rangers baddies. He called it the Yorkshire CSC.


Shockingly you manage to miss the point once again. It has nothing to do with your support for Rangers or TRIFC. It's just that you (and Vicky) are twats. If you supported the spiders you would still be twats. If you supported celtic you'd still be twats. Even if you supported the oldest professional football club in Glasgow, guess what? You'd still be twats.

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Fair point, AD, but allow me to put a counter-argument.

How special do you think the wee header on the "rangers in the SPFL" sub-forum made them feel? "Haw, it's aw aboot ra gers, so it is. Wu've goat wur oan wee forum 'n evraethin'. It'll be a speshul place whaur we cin aw sherr stories abot ra JOURNEY".

Now, imagine how it must feel for them when that "special place" becomes the go-to forum for those of those delighting in the downfall of their "institution" and the continuing embarrassment of the new club? It just makes the pointing and laughing all the sweeter.

Nah, this is the proper place for the daily giggle.

I see what you're saying but take the most recent Ibrox shenanigans, lots of good material for mature reasoned discussion, right? Take a look back over the posts of last few days and count the posts of any relevance from the blue cheese against their overall input. I would guess (as I know there's no need to count), the result would confirm my argument, as would any other random snapshot of the thread. Look at the pish 'thenolly' just got from their mascot for example. Pages of total irrelevant drivel. It's like sitting in on a teacher training session at a remedial school.

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Lets be honest there are many who follow a club but have a preference in the big glasgow derby...that doesnt make them Rangers or celtic supporters.

Absolute bull I have never met a non OF fan who has such leanings.

The " big " :1eye Glasgow derby is a matter of supreme indifference to me!

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Shockingly you manage to miss the point once again. It has nothing to do with your support for Rangers or TRIFC.

Well thank f**k for that - you'll obviously know that we all know you are a complete p***k. Not as bad as Rico I'd say (yet) and not even close to the state of fuckery that WKR displays - but an unpleasant, unwelcome presence who contributes nothing of worth.

Mibbe your more like Rico than I first thought...

So, right back at ya sweet-cheeks :D

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Is this legal ?

Going with what you say, and Watty returns triumphantly to Ibrokes arm in arm with a brand new shiney board of directors, whom have managed to gain control through engineered moves to oust the controlling members.

It seems a rather dirty way to do business if it is within the law.

Have you paid any attention to the manner in which they have conducted business for at least the last 20 years? It's the norm down Ibrox way.

The only transfers you'll see are your players getting sold.

Not strictly accurate, we may see some further use of the TUPE legislation, that's kind of like transfers isn't it?

edited for minor typo. Would hate to see somebody jump all over it.

Edited by Mybitchunderprotest
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Posted by whiterosekillie :rolleyes:

posted on a football forum, as a username appropriate to both location and affiliation. Posts on music, books, and general interest also have associated usernames. Your point, caller?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Off the top of my head we had ...


£5.5m plus interest paid back to greens consortium.

A similar amount being spent paying fines and footbal debts

The Albion car park cost a few million.

Buying the edmiston house back? again not cheap.

Greens jet setting

Wages and bonuses for board members

consultants fees

Probabaly more stuff which i'll remember later.

Estimated value of all this?

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Ok let me re-word it for you, don't want you to get all in a tizz

But he was your CLUBS' Savior or he was the only one that actually came up with cash (not his own mind but cash) unlike the Mccoll or Murray or Smith etc etc

Better now???

I think we all understood you were referring to Green as the clubs saviour, but poor old Bennett believes everything posted is about him so you have to specify.

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I never read this either...can you or somebody else link to it. FWIW i think you probably are a Killie fan but has a leaning towards celtic. Lets be honest there are many who follow a club but have a preference in the big glasgow derby...that doesnt make them Rangers or celtic supporters.

Eh, no - because Bennett's version didn't actually happen, and the truth is frankly too boring to merit the effort.

As for a leaning towards celtic - while I know it comforts both blue and green sides to think that everybody that dislikes their team must have a soft spot for their opposite numbers, in my experience that simply isn't true.

sent from my tablet - criticism of spelling invalid for the duration of this contribution...

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Absolute bull I have never met a non OF fan who has such leanings.

The " big " :1eye Glasgow derby is a matter of supreme indifference to me!

You have never been to Airdrie? Coatbridge? I have a pm from a Raith Rovers supporter agreeing on the amount Rovers fans who most certainly prefer Rangers....and so on. Maybe you dont and fair enough.

Just for the record WRK. himself admitted to his preference of celtic iver Rangers.

any link yet?

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Shockingly you manage to miss the point once again. It has nothing to do with your support for Rangers or TRIFC. It's just that you (and Vicky) are twats. If you supported the spiders you would still be twats. If you supported celtic you'd still be twats. Even if you supported the oldest professional football club in Glasgow, guess what? You'd still be twats.

In all fairness, if they followed the oldest professional team in Scotland they'd still be twats.

(Cue Spiders fan in one-upmanship escalation)

sent from my tablet - criticism of spelling invalid for the duration of this contribution...

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Well thank f**k for that - you'll obviously know that we all know you are a complete p***k. Not as bad as Rico I'd say (yet) and not even close to the state of fuckery that WKR displays - but an unpleasant, unwelcome presence who contributes nothing of worth.

Mibbe your more like Rico than I first thought...

So, right back at ya sweet-cheeks :D

Excellent, not being liked by twats is a definite plus.

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Well thank f**k for that - you'll obviously know that we all know you are a complete p***k. Not as bad as Rico I'd say (yet) and not even close to the state of fuckery that WKR displays - but an unpleasant, unwelcome presence who contributes nothing of worth.

Mibbe your more like Rico than I first thought...

So, right back at ya sweet-cheeks :D

^^^^ permarage Diddy club/company supporter

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Well thank f**k for that - you'll obviously know that we all know you are a complete p***k. Not as bad as Rico I'd say (yet) and not even close to the state of fuckery that WKR displays - but an unpleasant, unwelcome presence who contributes nothing of worth.


Mibbe your more like Rico than I first thought...


So, right back at ya sweet-cheeks  :D

"We"? Back under your stone, you.

sent from my tablet - criticism of spelling invalid for the duration of this contribution...

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I think 8 was baiting. I didn't know he had it in him tbh.

So all those Orange Order members who follow Hearts have no leanings? All those motherwell supporters who chanted we hate celtic more than you were lying? All those cheers at Starks park i heard when news came through Rangers were winning are imagined?.. i could go on but i am on phone.

No link WRK? Hmmmmm over to you then Bennett

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