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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You must have this pish always ready for a cut & paste when you're flummoxed Mr Angry. :lol:

He really must. It's hilarious.

Whenever it all gets a bit much for him, he just responds by saying Rangers will one day beat teams much smaller than them again.

And he's an adult. :lol::lol:

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The interim accounts to 31/12/2012 show operating costs running at £2.4m per month, let’s say £28m per annum. Is that agreed? Now what evidence is there that this figure has significantly reduced since 31/12? Everybody who has gone seems to be replaced by other people on similar wages. Traynor has arrived since then, on a big wedge.

The other running costs don’t seem to have reduced- how can they? You’re talking about running Ibrokes and a world class training facility. That doesn’t come cheap.

The only major difference between the old RFC and this new RIFC in terms of incomings and outgoings is the significant decrease in 'incomings' due to no banks or guarantors funding them with hundreds of millions of pounds, much cheaper season and match day tickets due to playing in lower leagues, a sharp decrease in income from cup competitions due to horrendously bad team management leading them to earlier exits from cup competitions, no big incomings at all from European football and very little income from televised matches or sponsorship for all of the fore-mentioned reasons. The outgoings (operational costs) for Ibrox Stadium and Murray Park have not reduced significantly and they are still paying wages to directors, managers, coaches and players that they can not afford. They are in a very dark place today and the only shining light coming towards them soon is a runaway train. :lol:

P.S. I nearly forgot, and no EBT's or other deceptive practices that benefited old Rangers, due to Big Brother (everyone apart from their own fans) keeping a very close eye on everything that the new RIFC are doing.

Edited by Taxi for Ben
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No8 the sub forum was set up for discussing Rangers topics away from the football field, you know? The company stuff rather than the club stuff.

Only Hearts might be in need of a similar forum in the future, who knows? The rest of us consider our clubs and the companies who run them to be the same thing, then again the rest of us don't need to clutch at straws on a seperate forum.

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On a seperate bit of Rangers dodgery...

There was an article in the Herald today about how the RFC players are baffled by the triallist rules that are preventing them from getting games. They certainly made them sound bizarre, with some players allowed on in this game but not in that. They quoted one - Daly I think, but could be wrong - saying he was frustrated and just wanted to get on the pitch.

I was thinking how weird and ridiculous these rules were, but then I remembered that Rangers have this problem because they are - yet again -attempting to slime their way past the rules by designating their players as triallists.

Basically, the complaint is that the rules make it difficult for them to evade their punishment, even if they invent farcical scenarios explicitly to dodge them.

Most of these players had regular games in far better divisions, but they opted to take a wage hike to play for a shyster team, and are now complaining that they can't get a game.

Maybe, just maybe, it isn't the rules that are at fault here?

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There was no lie. the rangers sub forum was set up to keep trolls , like ypursrlf, out of the main SFL3 Forum.

on phone..sorry for typos.

Why would I stay out of the SFL3 forum? You know that we both support diddy clubs don't you. :P

I think the sub-forum was specifically setup for Bears to post topics such:

Can we go better than 5-0 this season?

New world record today

and other such pish.

Edited by strichener
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Sandy Jardine to unfurl the flag, the Killie fan will be delighted.

Wahey! A c**t with a flag!

Actually, Tedi, I do have a wry grin at the thought of a packed ibrox howling like dogs as the THIRD DIVISION (i.e. fourth in real money) Flag gets unfurled by one of your most dignified Ambassadors. With maybe one or two wee voices to be heard saying, "HOW much did it cost to win that?"

That they'll be doing so in a decrepit stadium whose maintenance (combined with other costs) is likely to kill your new club just makes the image sweeter.

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Aye. It's never been heard before. :lol:

I suppose we'll just have to content ourselves with leathering diddy clubs like yours and racking up the titles when we are back at the top once again.

As if nothing ever happened.

And there we have the reason they're in the shite again. While the likes of this moron are busy convincing themselves that none of the last few years' events ever happened, they haven't got the brainpower to realise that it's still fucking happening.

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On a seperate bit of Rangers dodgery...

There was an article in the Herald today about how the RFC players are baffled by the triallist rules that are preventing them from getting games. They certainly made them sound bizarre, with some players allowed on in this game but not in that. They quoted one - Daly I think, but could be wrong - saying he was frustrated and just wanted to get on the pitch.

I was thinking how weird and ridiculous these rules were, but then I remembered that Rangers have this problem because they are - yet again -attempting to slime their way past the rules by designating their players as triallists.

Basically, the complaint is that the rules make it difficult for them to evade their punishment, even if they invent farcical scenarios explicitly to dodge them.

Most of these players had regular games in far better divisions, but they opted to take a wage hike to play for a shyster team, and are now complaining that they can't get a game.

Maybe, just maybe, it isn't the rules that are at fault here?

Yes, it was highlighted the other week when it was revealed that they could play 2 trialists against Albion Rovers in the first round of the Ramsden's, but wouldn't be able to field any in the second round. It did seem odd and of course that was the spin from Rangers and from the media. I think even the SPFL joined in by claiming they couldn't explain this bizarre SFL rule they'd inherited.

It wasn't until someone on here - I forget who - flagged up the fairly obvious, that I got it myself. These trialist rules were introduced in order to enable teams to look at players with a view to possibly signing them. It makes perfect sense that this is allowed in July, at the very start of the competitive season, but then gets curtailed as we move through August, further into the season and towards the closure of the window.

The rules only appear at all strange if looked at as something which a team can employ as a loophole, to get round a registration ban for breaking the rules.

It's important, but not always easy, to remember that.

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There was no lie. the rangers sub forum was set up to keep trolls , like ypursrlf, out of the main SFL3 Forum.

on phone..sorry for typos.

That's not what it says on the Forum Title, my wee "loyalist". Nor ever has done. I won't call you a liar, because this is your honest opinion, as far as I can tell, and you obviously believe this to be the case. I will, however, say that you are dead wrong.

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On a seperate bit of Rangers dodgery...

There was an article in the Herald today about how the RFC players are baffled by the triallist rules that are preventing them from getting games. They certainly made them sound bizarre, with some players allowed on in this game but not in that. They quoted one - Daly I think, but could be wrong - saying he was frustrated and just wanted to get on the pitch.

I was thinking how weird and ridiculous these rules were, but then I remembered that Rangers have this problem because they are - yet again -attempting to slime their way past the rules by designating their players as triallists.

Basically, the complaint is that the rules make it difficult for them to evade their punishment, even if they invent farcical scenarios explicitly to dodge them.

Most of these players had regular games in far better divisions, but they opted to take a wage hike to play for a shyster team, and are now complaining that they can't get a game.

Maybe, just maybe, it isn't the rules that are at fault here?

That reads to me like the new boys are shitting it that last year's team are going to get them horsed out in the next round and all hopes of any kind of winners' medal will be lost.

That is of course if the SFA ratify their registrations (there's still a chance they wont) and if Chucky actually offers them a contract on the first of next month.

IF, such a big word with so few letters.

Edited by stonedsailor
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He really must. It's hilarious.

Whenever it all gets a bit much for him, he just responds by saying Rangers will one day beat teams much smaller than them again.

And he's an adult. :lol::lol:

Nah, MT, he's a man of advanced years. Adult, in a societal context, would imply someone with an emotional and intellectual capacity that this example - and a few others on here - of ra peepul will never achieve, due partly to their desire to belong to something which they assumed would confer continued superiority to the rest of us, rather than developing as individuals.

Sad, really - at least to us laymen. I imagine there's a few Sociology theses to be got out of this lot. Every cloud, eh? :lol:

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The question and answer laughathon live


CM "I play with a straight bat"

He's just said they've got over 10 million in the bank. Now I take it that means less than 11 million, because I'm a cynical twat at times.

With all those STs they've sold already, PATG income ain't gonna be great. We've already discussed the reduced income from TV, sponsorship, etc. How long can they last on that amount?

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So Mather is on 300k and not 500k what was reported. Still a lot of money but at least it scraps that pathetic rumour.

I know plenty of people on £x per year who can easily make £2x or more when bonuses are taken into account. You carry on believing, though, AWRA - you can always watch Chelski and Hamburg after Christmas.

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