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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So, some key points from the meeting tonight

BS - Trying to bring audited results forward to end of August. Can't give exact figures due to stock market rules.

BS - Carrying extra costs to maintain infrastructure.

BS - No separate pots for money. Don't distinguish between IPO money and income. No answer to how much IPO money left.

BS - Over £10 million in bank today.

BS - Gets 200k a year. I get a bonus when Ally wins league. Happy to discuss changing bonus to finance results. Won't resign.

Confirmation that executive bonuses were not linked to return to top league but year on year promotion.

Murray Park has been neglected, now repaired roof for indoor pitch. Going through process to install 4G pitch.

CM - My salary on the BBC was totally wrong. I get paid 300k.

CM - Delighted with signings. Believe all will have residual value. Daly helping younger players.

CM - Done a lot of wheeling and dealing to get best value on new player contracts. Much better than last year.

CM - Club looking at membership scheme. Wants fans to have a voice.

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Ooof, some desperate, tear stained stuff from ra peepul today.

Delicious viewing popcorn.gif

Haw Karl, the official phrase is actually, "Pish stained tears" © HBQC.


Anything else may find you the subject of a citation for breach of his copyright, IP and marketing rights. Do you really want your day in court?

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So 10 million plus in the bank. 38000 season tickets at 300 quid approx = 11 mill 400 thousand. So they've spent all the IPO plus some of the ST money. Or am I being as naive as a Rangers supporter?

Do they still have to pay the trialists a signing on fee on the 1st of next month? When is payday at Ibrox? Weekly? Monthly? Will there be a wedge coming out tomorrow?

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I'd be furious if i was a Rangers fan when seeing how much money these guys are taking form the club. Let's remember they are playing in a part time league still. No excuses for this sort of money to be spunked about

Almost as bad as Martin Bain :lol:

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Holy fucksticks Batman it's better than we thought. 10M left, including the IPO money and the season ticket money and this season's season ticket money.

Are there any bears out there who want to hand these guys some more money?

Don't forget you've still to fix up the delapidated Ibrox Sports Direct Arena and Murray (did the fans never get that renamed? or the number 12 jersey retired in their honour?) Park.

OMG, OMFG, this is priceless. They've pocketed all your money, every penny.



Greenie for the sheer exhuberance of this post

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You've spunked £50 million in a year!!!!!!

Brilliant. How much in a year would you like to spunk? A fiver? I'd be running around like a dug with 2 dicks if I could spunk £50M of other people's money. How can you possibly object to this?

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This is beyond delicious. I seriously cannot wait until the get-along gang try and put a positive spin on that horror show.

If Hellbhoy had come up with figures anything like what we can extrapolate from information given (and more tellingly, withheld) tonight, Tedi would burn through three or four keyboards posting links, quotes and documents to debunk him. Yet here we have it from Larceny Central. "Over 10 million in the bank today" , then "no separate pots for money".

"Over 10 million" it is, then. Or, to put it another way, less than 11 million. With 20million plus from the shares, and TWO years worth of ST sales. And the club valued at less than 60% of what the shares were issued at. Jesus, Mary and all the Saints! This lot have gone through cash faster than the Ark Royal on shore leave. :lol::lol:

But every cloud, berrz, every cloud. Those b*****ds at the BBC are still banned. Remember them? The ones that tried to warn you about Craigie Boy way back when? :lol::lol::lol:

Any other club, Hell any other company, and those snake-oil peddlers wouldn't have got out of that room alive. Ra peepul? As long as the beeb are still banned, and Ally thinks they've got a fighting chance of winning the second-bottom tier*, they'll troop out and go for a wee sing at their local, telling their mates how they "grilled" the high heid yins, and "made sure they know what's expected at our club".

*And with him in charge, I wouldn't put it higher than that. Admin 2 could bring some difficult choices re: continuity... ;)

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Brilliant. How much in a year would you like to spunk? A fiver? I'd be running around like a dug with 2 dicks if I could spunk £50M of other people's money. How can you possibly object to this?

Totally bealling......... your own club have just confirmed they are fucked

Emelda Marcos couldn't spend like this and have f**k all to show for it

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Greenie for the sheer exhuberance of this post

I am still fucking laughing. After all the shite we've seen posted in this thread in response to our warnings this is defuckinglicious. I've never laughed so much in my life not even on a Hindu kush, mushy and entonox cocktail.

Right back to where they belong right enough Bendaroch, the insolvency courts await.

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Brilliant. How much in a year would you like to spunk? A fiver? I'd be running around like a dug with 2 dicks if I could spunk £50M of other people's money. How can you possibly object to this?

Kincardine, I salute you. Horrible crusty old bloonose you may be, but alone amongst the berrz, you've shown up tonight for what you rightly expect will be a P&D gigglefest. And you start off with a couple of gags. Brilliant. I for one shall respect your indefategability and leave well alone tonight. Chin up, old fella, and brace yourself. It could be a long night....

Oh, and BTW, I hope you found that nutcase who hijacked your account at the weekend - Protestant Northern Europe, indeed. That would be Scandinavia, then. Where the Vikings came from. Oh, hang on a minute... ;)

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The remarkable bit is that the only things, the only things, the Rangers fans have been able to cling to of late have been the ST sales and the share issue. It turns out of course that they're the very things that have enabled them to be ripped off again.

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Brilliant. How much in a year would you like to spunk? A fiver? I'd be running around like a dug with 2 dicks if I could spunk £50M of other people's money. How can you possibly object to this?

Totally bealling......... your own club have just confirmed they are fucked

Emelda Marcos couldn't spend like this and have f**k all to show for it

I see you ignored my question. You know what? I prefer to talk to people who can actually hold a conversation and you seem unable to do so.

Now I'll give you a second chance: " How much in a year would you like to spunk?"

Have you any notion of answering this?

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Do they still have to pay the trialists a signing on fee on the 1st of next month? When is payday at Ibrox? Weekly? Monthly? Will there be a wedge coming out tomorrow?

depends on the terms of their contracts. But IMO the can't sign contracts yet due to the signing ban so I suppose they could"consult" Chucky and he could advise them on employment law, cos, as we all remember from last year, he's an expert on that. He might say "feckem, they ain't got a contract , so don't pay 'em".

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Kincardine, I salute you. Horrible crusty old bloonose you may be, but alone amongst the berrz, you've shown up tonight for what you rightly expect will be a P&D gigglefest. And you start off with a couple of gags. Brilliant. I for one shall respect your indefategability and leave well alone tonight. Chin up, old fella, and brace yourself. It could be a long night....

Oh, and BTW, I hope you found that nutcase who hijacked your account at the weekend - Protestant Northern Europe, indeed. That would be Scandinavia, then. Where the Vikings came from. Oh, hang on a minute... ;)

Haw, stop it with the George Galloway patter! I am hardly Saddam.

Also there is, to use Francis Schaeffer's phrase, "True truth" about the idea that "Protestant Northern Europe" figures low on the international corruption charts.

How can anyone find this questionable?

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Tha Protest


Now that's the picture that assured the top table they were safe tonight.

"Look at them, Craig, 500 million fans worldwide and that's how many can STAND AROUND AFTER FULL TIME as a protest."

"Nae bother, we'll tell them Puma are throwin' money at us. They'll maybe think there's one of those tangerine away tops coming out."

"Sound. Don't forget, now. Your pay is your pay. Not your pay, bonuses and expenses. They'll never pick up on it."

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