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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

Rangers have money in the bank. There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

All this while vastly improving the playing squad.

And you know why these Rangers men are extemely wealthy?

They never have and never will put money into Rangers. Especially when it is in the hands of the current bunch of crooks, wideboys and chancers.

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Nothing to do with shite security, a reputable brand name was used though a different brand from laptops which were using norton 360 and remained untouched. It's being looked into and maybe i'll find out if there's a connection or not, maybe just a conincidence

No it has everything to do with shite security. Installing some third parties firewall basically gives you (unfounded) piece of mind and little else.

If the set up is like you said (wireless router) then an attacker shouldn't even be able to see your machine let alone get into it unless massive security holes have been left open on the router as that IP posted earlier is the IP of your router not your machine (your machine will have an internal IP, something like

Basically you need to make sure all ports are locked down apart from 80 (http) 443 (https) 25 (smtp) and 110 or 143 (pop or imap). If you do just this you'll dissuade most drive by attackers from even trying.

Most important is that you change ALL your passwords. If you have been attacked you should assume a list of all your stuff is now being circulated in the darker parts of the web - passwords included. DON'T USE RANGERS1690 ETC. AS YOUR PASSWORD. Most attacks are against people - not systems, people are fairly predictable and many passwords are easily guessed. Also don't use the same password for multiple logins. Eg if P&B got it's password list hacked all the users and passwords in that list would then be tested against a whole host of other places to see if they work.

Also if you have been compromised no anti-virus in the world can guarantee your system is now clean, a keylogger may be installed which would record all your password changes. Reinstall your system from scratch, you'll lose your history but at least your machine will survive.

ETA If you are using a wireless router make sure it has the best encryption available (WPA2), while this has actually been cracked and makes your system vulnerable it's not easy to do and takes a lot longer to achieve than with the other methods. TBH though you should switch the wi-fi off and use a direct cable link instead.

Edited by aofjays
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Ben 1 on autopilot

Sent from my HTC One using Pie & Bovril mobile app

Is he ever on anything else? Apart from perhaps Class A pharmaceuticals.

He reminds me of those Japanese soldiers that were still fighting WW2 in the 1970's.

His single purpose and default setting is preposterous triumphalism and superiority towards other clubs and fawning deference towards his clumpany, whether the circumstance are fitting for these approaches is an irrelevance to him.

Quite sad really. :(

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From Campbell Ogilvie, President SFA, ex Secretary of Rangers and Hearts. (Glasgow Herald)

He said the SFA was "monitoring" events at Rangers, where a boardroom power struggle continues. "Any football club that is going through these trials and tribulations is going to cause concerns," Ogilvie added. "The first people you feel for are the supporters and people working at the club. Nobody wants to see these issues coming up. We are looking forward to the start of the [lower] league season this week and focusing on the game moving forward. The media interest in the last few days has taken away from that but again you feel for the supporters."

Ogilvie also avoided commenting on any return by Paul Murray to the Ibrox board. "I am not going to deal with hypothetical questions but there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations. The board will deal with these as they come up," he said.

"there are articles in place - not always in black and white - that deal with these situations."

What does he mean by not always in black and white? Does he know the articles in place are not watertight, and do not have loopholes?

If he is aware there are loopholes, what is he doing about it? :angry:

Please get rid of this useless :whistle clown.

He means that if The Rangers want Paul Murray on the board, regardless of any articles in place that may potentially thwart this, The SFA will be more than happy to accommodate. ;)

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Rangers withdraw their claim to be Scotland's most succesful club


It's being suggested that this is not to do with the "Scotland's most successful club" ads but is about an internet promotion making some claim about a certain percentage of Scotland's population supporting Rangers.

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Not you you vain b@stard, question number 8.

:lol::lol: Magnificent!

The 'We Deserve Better' campaign has been usurped as my favourite part of the entire saga, by the guy who asked whether they were going to sign Novo.

It's wonderful, wonderful stuff. None of us could have made up such a perfect illustration of why that club lurches between crises.

I know we already have phrases in the language like "Fiddling while Rome burns" and "Re-arranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic", but there really should be room for "It's like asking Mather about Novo". I'm going to start using it in the fervent hope that it can get a foothold. I urge you to do the same.

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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

Rangers have money in the bank. There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

All this while vastly improving the playing squad.

Will The Rabble Rouser in-chief be going with the rest of the leeches?

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:lol: another blow for Sevco fans claiming to be the same club

As this term as 'most successful club' was used for the season ticket promotion, does that mean that anyone who has bought a season ticket could now demand a full refund as the offer was based on misrepretation.

If the members of the various supporters clubs hate the current board enough it should be worth a try. And of course if anyone used a credit card the credit card company should pay up. :)

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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

(1)Rangers have money in the bank. (2)There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. (3)Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

(4)All this while vastly improving the playing squad.

(1) Aye but your spending it quicker than earning it

(2) So we keep hearing but none of these wealthy Rangers men want involved, only charlatans and crooks

(3) Lets see just how easy that is, and how much he still controls, voting him off the board may be more damaging for you as he lets its collapse from the background

(4) Easiest way to do that is fire McCoist, or you can keep spunking money like its going out of fashion

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And you know why these Rangers men are extemely wealthy?

They never have and never will put money into Rangers. Especially when it is in the hands of the current bunch of crooks, wideboys and chancers.

King invested millions during the DM years and received nothing back and he will do the same again. Only reason he didn't get involved last year was the fact his assets were frozen, when in dispute with tax authorities in S Africa.

He won't do so until the 'crooks, wideboys and chancers' are gone though but that is looking likely to be fairly soon. Green's survival is essential to the continued decline of the blue puke. I'm not going to get excited until I hear that McColls bid to force boardroom change has failed.

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I don't believe it will happen for a second but if administration did take place against the new company, would the authority, as it is now, mete out a more heavy punishment as a second event? And would the new company contest that is the previous one had nothing to do with them?

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I don't believe it will happen for a second but if administration did take place against the new company, would the authority, as it is now, mete out a more heavy punishment as a second event? And would the new company contest that is the previous one had nothing to do with them?

What did Dundee get second time around, and did Livi not get relegated 2nd time?

Ogilvie will probably seek to promote Rangers if it happens again

Edit to add, Dundee got 25 pts second time

and Livingstone were relegated to the 3rd with a bond of £720000 to be paid

Edited by thenolly
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Seems a few Ps & Ds got a wee bit carried away last night. Shame they seem to miss a very important point which has only just been raised.

Rangers have money in the bank. There are extremely wealthy Rangers men just waiting to invest into the club. Green will be voted off the board alo.g with the other leeches.

All this while vastly improving the playing squad.


I think even you are missing the most important thing that was stated to be honest.

BS - The club is not loss making on a month to month basis.

Taken at face value this should mean that the club are at least breaking even. However I think that there may be a little playing with words here as the club are most likely not losing money every month (season ticket income) but are over the course of 12. Lets wait and see what the accounts show at the end of August and more importantly the 6 month update after that.

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I don't believe it will happen for a second but if administration did take place against the new company, would the authority, as it is now, mete out a more heavy punishment as a second event? And would the new company contest that is the previous one had nothing to do with them?

I'm quite convinced that if there were to be a second admin. it would be treated as though it were the first, as a company that has been liquidated has ceased to exist and therefore cannot fall into administration. It will be the newco's first admin and therefore they would receive no more than a 15pt deduction and so, should still win the league.

Basically, if Green is ousted/sells up and McColl gets the boardroom changes he seeks, there will be another share issue, King will pump millions in and the fun will be over. :(

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No it has everything to do with shite security. Installing some third parties firewall basically gives you (unfounded) piece of mind and little else.

If the set up is like you said (wireless router) then an attacker shouldn't even be able to see your machine let alone get into it unless massive security holes have been left open on the router as that IP posted earlier is the IP of your router not your machine (your machine will have an internal IP, something like

Basically you need to make sure all ports are locked down apart from 80 (http) 443 (https) 25 (smtp) and 110 or 143 (pop or imap). If you do just this you'll dissuade most drive by attackers from even trying.

Most important is that you change ALL your passwords. If you have been attacked you should assume a list of all your stuff is now being circulated in the darker parts of the web - passwords included. DON'T USE RANGERS1690 ETC. AS YOUR PASSWORD. Most attacks are against people - not systems, people are fairly predictable and many passwords are easily guessed. Also don't use the same password for multiple logins. Eg if P&B got it's password list hacked all the users and passwords in that list would then be tested against a whole host of other places to see if they work.

Also if you have been compromised no anti-virus in the world can guarantee your system is now clean, a keylogger may be installed which would record all your password changes. Reinstall your system from scratch, you'll lose your history but at least your machine will survive.

ETA If you are using a wireless router make sure it has the best encryption available (WPA2), while this has actually been cracked and makes your system vulnerable it's not easy to do and takes a lot longer to achieve than with the other methods. TBH though you should switch the wi-fi off and use a direct cable link instead.

The set up was a computer through a cable and laptops on wifi through the same modem (i think thats the right terminloogy). Thanks for the advice anyway, appreciated (thumbs up smiley).

It's been fixed and cleaned at a local place and seems ok now.

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