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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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After the complaints were made, Rangers said in its statement to the ASA that the “panel of the London Stock Exchange” agreed that Rangers was the most successful Scottish club despite liquidation in 2012, leading to suggestions that the new club was only recently formed and therefore could not use previous successes.

However, the Stock Exchange has now said that it did not endorse Rangers, and has asked the statement to be removed.

'Rangers' in making stuff up shocker !!

and that there was also the risk of a substantial flaw of adjudication in the distinction that had been made between ‘club’ and ‘company’, especially in the light of previous ASA decisions about companies that change hands and the circumstances in which the new company could or could not trade off the reputation of the old company.

How very interesting - I'm guessing that's the sphincter twitching line that had 'Rangers' pulling the plug on yon advertising campaign ;)

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

You originally said no one has used the term Sevco in conversation with you. That's a lie isn't it?

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

Do you wear your colours while driving your taxi? If you were actually stupid enough to do that and someone offended you, what would you do, give your m8 Grugg a call to order one of his gophers to send your offender some bullets in the post? You wee sleekit timorous beastie No.8!

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As this term as 'most successful club' was used for the season ticket promotion, does that mean that anyone who has bought a season ticket could now demand a full refund as the offer was based on misrepretation.

If the members of the various supporters clubs hate the current board enough it should be worth a try. And of course if anyone used a credit card the credit card company club should pay up. :)

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'Rangers' in making stuff up shocker !!

How very interesting - I'm guessing that's the sphincter twitching line that had 'Rangers' pulling the plug on yon advertising campaign ;)

And it isn't strange that none of those at the meeting last night asked questions as to why "Rangers" backed off (shit their pants) when the London Stock Exchange stepped in to set the record straight.

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

"club" Ffs

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I do like the idea that Traynor's just waiting for snazzy new equipment so he can unleash his forces of PR darkness, when it's common knowledge that he was one of the few hacks in Scotland who still regarded the internet as basically Teletext for retards.

Yeah, surfing the wave of the future, is Oor Jabba...


Jabba's equipment has arrived. Diddies are doomed!!!!

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I do like the idea that Traynor's just waiting for snazzy new equipment so he can unleash his forces of PR darkness, when it's common knowledge that he was one of the few hacks in Scotland who still regarded the internet as basically Teletext for retards.

Yeah, surfing the wave of the future, is Oor Jabba...

How much of it is down to Traynor I don't know but Rangers' online output has certainly been improving recently.

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You originally said no one has used the term Sevco in conversation with you. That's a lie isn't it?

No lie. Never heard that term except on here.

Oh and i have worn a 'founding father' zipper while working and nobody has remarked pn that either.

I wonder how many really do use that term except on here. I suspect very few.

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not quite

When I first arrived, a few folk invited me to go back and read through the thread - I acted on the invitation and on the very first page it wandered off topic and has been helter-skeltering in and out of the shite ever since. It's a piss take - and not a very good one at that. Despite the WKR's preening insistence to the contrary.

The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.

It might roll on for a while yet - it can be mildly entertaining from time to time - until we are indeed back at the very top of what's left of Scottish fitba. Then, as a diddy clubber above noted, we'll be intolerable.


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Funnily enough nobody has ever called me a sevco w****r...nobody has ever used the term sevco in any conversation with me.

You must just have been lucky. If someone tells me they support Rangers I usually respond with:

"Who do you support these days then?"

Sevconian: "Still Rangers mate"

Me "Ah, the old Sevco?"

Childish at best, petty at worst but it makes me happy.

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No lie. Never heard that term except on here.

Oh and i have worn a 'founding father' zipper while working and nobody has remarked pn that either.

I wonder how many really do use that term except on here. I suspect very few.


Even Richard Nixon gave up eventually...

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Clubs are always at their healthiest in August, due to the influx of STs and sponsorship. However, that will all begin to run out around Christmas time where we'll either see admin 2 in February/March or another share issue. Rich Sevco fans is most likely bluster from the succulent lamb brigade. Don't for a moment believe they'll ever put in the money that moonbeams put in during his time. Prepare for many years of mediocrity ahead.

There is no way they can raise any amount of money from a further share issue. The institutional investors will not go anywhere near Rangers. They have already lost half the money they put in on account of the current share price. The only people likely to invest would be the ordinary Joe Public. If he accounted for only 11% of the previous share issue, then you can bet that only half of that amount would be able to be raised from a further issue.

So based on figures beign flung about, the ordinary public accounted for £20m x 11% = £2.2m of the previous share issue. Therefore Rangers would be lucky to raise £1m from a further issue and once you account for the costs of an issue, it would hardly be worth it.

That is why IMO, I don't think there will be any further share issues.

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Sevco, The Rangers Inter, Charity Thieves, Tax-Dodgers, The Zombies are the names that I use most often (offline) when discussing the new club with anyone. Most people do. :lol: The only people who call the new club "Rangers" (offline) are the two-faced twats who used to support the old club.

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The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.

It might roll on for a while yet - it can be mildly entertaining from time to time - until we are indeed back at the very top of what's left of Scottish fitba. Then, as a diddy clubber above noted, we'll be intolerable.

Yes, good. You've ticked all the main boxes there. Another decent shift.

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