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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'd say Rangers fans in general hope the boardroom changes go through. However I doubt if anyone (certainly not anyone outwith the main protagonists) knows what percentage of shares either side will be able to call on.

How can you possibly comment? The only information you have is what is punted by the likes of Green, Mather, fat Ally, Paul Murray, Dave King and such.

Is this not the time when Rangers fans need to get grown up, and base their decisions on facts rather than what the front pages of the Sun and Daily Record tells you?

For the sake of your club, please get it right this time. And clutching at straws never works.

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Pretty soon The BRALT will have more views than The Rangers International Tribute Clone Act (2013) will have funds.... :thumsup2

Aye we should adopt a PAY for VIEW scheme for the BRALT with proceeds split between Div and The Rangers Charity Trust. :)

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Having read the blurb on the Red & Black site.
Why didn't the Newco decide to call themselves Govan Swifts (after their record breaking reserve or 'A' team)?
Did they fear the fans deserting them, or were they worried any potential sponsors would drop them like a ton of bricks?

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However painful the current pantomime is for Rangers fans they know they'll come through this and the journey back to the *promised land* of the SPL Premiership will continue apace.

Their problems, though, will really just start then though.

Celtic, despite falling season ticket sales and/or reduced income because of cut-price season tickets, seem to have stumbled upon The Goose.

Their adventure in the UCL last season brought in, what? £20 million? They are going into the groups again this season; another £20 million? They've just sold players for how much? £20 million? Celtic's biggest problem for the next couple of years will be corporation tax avoidance.

If it continues, if Celtic keep on making the UCL groups, by the time Rangers get back the green meanies will be awash with money, floating in a sea of Her Majesty's legal tender, it'll be at least a decade before Rangers can mount a challenge. At least.

The existing situation is actually easy to handle for the fans, defiance and a big old show of loyalty on the road back to *our rightful place* ...once you're there though and Celtic are breezing the title year after year, making the UCL groups year after year, raking in stupid money and the ridicule has almost become pity...

Maybe going ABC (Administration Before Christmas) wouldn't be such a bad thing, eh? Perpetual sedition and the eternal threat of *what we'll do when our billionaire arrives*

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Sevco wankers !! ^_^

Former Rangers star Nacho Novo caught up in fascist charity scandal, amid claims it's a front for the BNP
NOVO says he's trying to do a good thing by publicly backing Soldiers off the Street, run by an ex-BNP candidate.

The registered charity are run in ­Scotland by ex-BNP parliamentary candidate Walter Hamilton.
SotS were set up in 2009 and were recognised as a ­registered charity in 2010.
They were founded by former high-ranking BNP members including Hugh ­Murray, the party’s Welsh secretary and close associate of leader Nick ­Griffin.
Three other former BNP members – Daniel McDonald, who ran for the BNP in Horsham, West Sussex, the late Christopher Robinson, who ran for the party in Wales before his death in 2010, and BNP ­member, Paul Jones, who was ­dismissed – were also involved in launching the charity.
Prime Minister David Cameron has previously described the BNP as “Nazi thugs”.
He said in 2009: “If you vote for the BNP you are voting for a bunch of ­fascists who want to divide this ­country over the issues of race and the colour of skin. They dress up in a suit and knock on your door in a nice way but they are still Nazi thugs.”
Hamilton, 51, of Larkhall was the BNP’s Westminster candidate in ­Glasgow Central constituency in 2005 and in the Glasgow North East by-election in 2005.
He’s the stadium manager at ­Hamilton Accies and is in charge of security at the Division One club.
Hamilton took charge of SotS in ­Scotland in 2011 and SNP MSP Christina McKelvie gave her support to Hamilton at a campaign launch.
She then withdrew after being told about Hamilton’s political background and the charity’s BNP links.
The mobile number on the side of the SotS van is registered to Hamilton, whose detached home is decorated with Union Flags.
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Former Rangers star Nacho Novo caught up in fascist charity scandal, amid claims it's a front for the BNP
NOVO says he's trying to do a good thing by publicly backing Soldiers off the Street, run by an ex-BNP candidate.

Its no surprise why those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers.

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Remind us all then, you thick bigot, where I was when I first felt uncomfortable with the "extras" which went along with the Ugly Sisters?

When you (modestly) told us you were the most precocious little brat perceptive six year old ever after seeing right through yer Da's determination to raise you as one of 'ra bhigot bhoys??

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However painful the current pantomime is for Rangers fans they know they'll come through this and the journey back to the *promised land* of the SPL Premiership will continue apace.

Their problems, though, will really just start then though.

Celtic, despite falling season ticket sales and/or reduced income because of cut-price season tickets, seem to have stumbled upon The Goose.

Their adventure in the UCL last season brought in, what? £20 million? They are going into the groups again this season; another £20 million? They've just sold players for how much? £20 million? Celtic's biggest problem for the next couple of years will be corporation tax avoidance.

If it continues, if Celtic keep on making the UCL groups, by the time Rangers get back the green meanies will be awash with money, floating in a sea of Her Majesty's legal tender, it'll be at least a decade before Rangers can mount a challenge. At least.

The existing situation is actually easy to handle for the fans, defiance and a big old show of loyalty on the road back to *our rightful place* ...once you're there though and Celtic are breezing the title year after year, making the UCL groups year after year, raking in stupid money and the ridicule has almost become pity...

Maybe going ABC (Administration Before Christmas) wouldn't be such a bad thing, eh? Perpetual sedition and the eternal threat of *what we'll do when our billionaire arrives*

Fuxace Ed. Do you really expect anyone to pick their way through that? I had a go of making sense of it and got this far:

The Rangers pantomime is painful for the fans but we all know they will get back to the top division soon. However, Celtic are so far ahead of them, even if their fans don’t turn up and are utter flanges.

All Celtic need do is crank the CL handle and stack up revenue.

When Rangers return to Scotland’s top division there will be a massive gap in revenue between the two clubs and the most they can hope for is to be perpetually second.

This seems like an OK summary of half your post. I'd have continued but it made my eyes bleed.

You're a good-hearted poster. Carry on and come up with something that we thick Bears can actually read and understand.

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Fuxace Ed. Do you really expect anyone to pick their way through that? I had a go of making sense of it and got this far:

The Rangers pantomime is painful for the fans but we all know they will get back to the top division soon. However, Celtic are so far ahead of them, even if their fans don’t turn up and are utter flanges.

All Celtic need do is crank the CL handle and stack up revenue.

When Rangers return to Scotland’s top division there will be a massive gap in revenue between the two clubs and the most they can hope for is to be perpetually second.

This seems like an OK summary of half your post. I'd have continued but it made my eyes bleed.

You're a good-hearted poster. Carry on and come up with something that we thick Bears can actually read and understand.

Reasonable summary...

you do better when you have smoked and drunk...drank....drinked...whatever...what I have

smoked and drinked

that is

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Its no surprise why those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers.

You know you replied to a many-times-banned fanny? It's ok. I did the same.

What amazes me is this:

those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers.

This is pretty idiotic. I'll give you a moment to reflect how idiotic it is. After that I'll ask you justify it.

You then have 3 choices: 1. Debate the statement, "Those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers."..2. Retract your statement. 3. Don't reply to me.

I won't hold my breath.

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However painful the current pantomime is for Rangers fans they know they'll come through this and the journey back to the *promised land* of the SPL Premiership will continue apace.

Their problems, though, will really just start then though.

Celtic, despite falling season ticket sales and/or reduced income because of cut-price season tickets, seem to have stumbled upon The Goose.

Their adventure in the UCL last season brought in, what? £20 million? They are going into the groups again this season; another £20 million? They've just sold players for how much? £20 million? Celtic's biggest problem for the next couple of years will be corporation tax avoidance.

If it continues, if Celtic keep on making the UCL groups, by the time Rangers get back the green meanies will be awash with money, floating in a sea of Her Majesty's legal tender, it'll be at least a decade before Rangers can mount a challenge. At least.

The existing situation is actually easy to handle for the fans, defiance and a big old show of loyalty on the road back to *our rightful place* ...once you're there though and Celtic are breezing the title year after year, making the UCL groups year after year, raking in stupid money and the ridicule has almost become pity...

Maybe going ABC (Administration Before Christmas) wouldn't be such a bad thing, eh? Perpetual sedition and the eternal threat of *what we'll do when our billionaire arrives*

You could have tidied it up a bit after copying before posting and made it readable ffs! Where did you copy it from - link?

The £20million was from UEFA and doesn't include income of other £millions via home match ticket sales, sponsorship and television?

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Reasonable summary...

you do better when you have smoked and drunk...drank....drinked...whatever...what I have

smoked and drinked

that is

Ed, I always smoke like a lum. Drink? As much as I can - except on school days.

I agree with much of what you posted regarding the financial gulf and for sure it's going to be a problem for us. it could be much more than a 3 year recovery.

Right now I am pursuing the wee fanny who said, " those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers."

Unlike you, a decent poster, I'm wagering I'll get nothing sensible back in response.

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You could have tidied it up a bit after copying before posting and made it readable ffs! Where did you copy it from - link?

The £20million was from UEFA and doesn't include income of other £millions via home match ticket sales, sponsorship and television?

Well excuse me, I writ it myself

However I am sitting in the dark, wearing a fedora and flicking dry roasted peanuts at the TV because Ed Milliband is a c**t and deserves peanutting and I reserve the right to type shite as and when the mood takes me...

What was the question?

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Well excuse me, I writ it myself

However I am sitting in the dark, wearing a fedora and flicking dry roasted peanuts at the TV because Ed Milliband is a c**t and deserves peanutting and I reserve the right to type shite as and when the mood takes me...

What was the question?

Ed, don't. He's the regularly-banned zoomer, as was pointed out to me the other day.

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Ed, I always smoke like a lum. Drink? As much as I can - except on school days.

I agree with much of what you posted regarding the financial gulf and for sure it's going to be a problem for us. it could be much more than a 3 year recovery.

Right now I am pursuing the wee fanny who said, " those of extreme right preference in their politics choose to support Rangers."

Unlike you, a decent poster, I'm wagering I'll get nothing sensible back in response.

Right wing, of course, has become a byword for racist...

QED Novo is a racist?

Or a meringue?

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