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If you HAD to stake your money life savings on it .. which would you choose .. he included IPO money in his total figure or he omitted it?

Omitted. 100%. I bet you can't work out why either.

This is from the original post:

Now you will notice in the accounts due out that he has probably done some nifty and shifty number crunching like he will use the IPO money in that income generated for the club reducing it down to £44 million thereabout so would be £8.5 million a year and that looks more realistic.

Seriously, WTF?

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yes my logic is flawed. By not wanting to sell a player for less value than we could get for him.


Yes, but you said: "Well why should we sell a player we could get more money for?"

What the Hell do you mean? Do you mean "Well why should we sell a player CHEAPLY we could get more money for?"? If so, it starts to make sense grammatically, but reveals an alarming ignorance of what's been revealed in recent days about Rangers' financial plight.

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Och, I've given up on him.

I was attempting to converse with him on another thread, but he's clearly just a daftie. I'll wait for some of the others.

Bennett was spot on regarding you. More and more like WRK everyday.

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Och, I've given up on him. 


I was attempting to converse with him on another thread, but he's clearly just a daftie.  I'll wait for some of the others.

Bennett was spot on regarding you. More and more like WRK everyday.

I'm starting to think WRK was right about you. Can't remember one sensible post since the Forfar result.

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I'm not talking about that quote. Neither have I stated I am 100% certain of anything.

Of the total figure of 67 million that Imran reckons he raised for the club I'd say he included the cash raised by the IPO.

Feel free to enlighten us as to why your are 100% certain this is not the case.

I never said for a second I was 100% certain that was not the case.

Edited by Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo
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The real reason for the Tedious trolls mock outrage is this book! :lol:


I somewhat doubt it. I read it a few months ago and it's utter dross. Basically Phil Mac Made Up Name talking about how bloody wonderful he is. Apparently Rangers wouldn't have gone bust if the fans had listened to him but they didn't because of who he is.

EDIT: Forgot I wrote a review of it on Amazon. See I've been accused of being a zombie in the comments :lol:http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R2QIBUTW0VC2P3/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1904684262&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=

Edited by Stu
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I did not make an objection.

Perhaps I was not clear enough, I hope the c**t (with the made up name) gets bitten by a rabid animal and dies a painful horrible slow death.

/\ /\ /\ /\

This is the same guy who got "fake offended" when someone called sandy jardine a "c**t with cancer".

Yer Pathetic tedi.

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Aye right you are WKR Mk II

Nah, you see, dear old WRK doesn't seem to much care for you chaps.

I do though. Indeed, Ds are often having a go at me for being too nice to you, No8 and Bennett. I can't help it though - it's my generous nature.

I've enjoyed many an argument with you on the issues - they used to all be pretty good natured exchanges. Seeing you reduced to this shell that lashes out indiscrimnately is therefore troubling for me.

Come on Ted. We can beat this. I'll be there for you.

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