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So let me get this right, is it just homosexuals with feminine traits who are poofs? I was under the i impression that the term poof was applied to all males, hetro, homo and bi who emphasised their famale side?

I know that bear is a term used exclusively to describe 'masculine' male homosexuals but was unaware of the poof thing


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Hey Bendarroch.

Feel free to join in mate, if you've anything worth saying.

Bendy is always good for a laugh. The level of self deception required to post as he does must be some kind of world record. He used to annoy me as most of the time he just clutters up the page with utter bollocks, but really, from a psychological standpoint, it's absolutely fascinating. Look at his last post for example:

Plastics and diddies continuing the mutual wankathon I see.

Aye, yawn...

What sort of thought process do you need to go through to post something like that? If PTFC were falling to bit's I'd be worried, asking questions and looking for real answers, not being childish. All Bendy is interested in is pretending to be superior. He obviously has no interest at all in Rangers beyond their ability to make him feel better about himself. Sad really, if he's an average example of TRIFC "support" then it's no wonder they are screwed.

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You would be wrong.

Bear is mainly used to describe a group of wild animals, however is also has other meanings, Rangers fans often refer to themselves as bears, It has nothing at all to do with sexuality.


We were discussing gay culture were we not?

Edited by stonedsailor
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what a fantastic couple of days on here: insults, easily offended, homophobia, bigotry, grammer, religion, spelling... just some of the topics being "discussed" in an attempt to deflect from the shit hitting the fan.

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Except you used the word exclusively which of course means solely.



There is nothing exclusive about the word or the term bear.

I used the word exclusive to show that, within the context of the discussion sexual traits and words used to describe them, that I belived 'poof' to be a non-exclusive to the male homosexual group but bear is exclusive to the male homosexual group.

I wanted to save on writing that whole paragraph and thought it would be safe to do so as everyone participating in the thread would be intelligent enough to follow, I can only apologise for misjudging you.

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Then you should word your posts more carefully.

'I know that bear is a term used exclusively to describe 'masculine' male homosexuals but was unaware of the poof thing.'

Is simply wrong no matter how you dress it up.


It's okay my big cuddly bear, I bear you no malice.

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There's been f**k all worth reading about on here for days far less for me to comment on so I've got f**k all to offer either.

Hello Ben :)

And Tedi

I know that bear is a term used exclusively to describe 'masculine' male homosexuals but was unaware of the poof thing.

Bear is a gay slang term. It describes a hairy, heavy-set (sometimes muscular) gay or bisexual man. A bear typically projects an image of rugged masculinity. Some bears present a very masculine, over-the-top image of a ruggedly masculine man. These men may disdain or even shun hanging out with men who exhibit any trace of effeminacy (womanliness).[1] Bears often form clubs modeled on biker clubs. Clubs are formed for bears to hang out with their own kind. These clubs may have bylaws, membership requirements, and charities the clubs support. They may host bear-related events such as "Mr. Bear" male beauty contests.

A younger (or younger looking) version of a bear is called a cub. A cub can be hairy or not. He typically has (but not always) a smaller frame. The term is sometimes used to imply the passive partner in a relationship.[2] An "otter" is a slimmer or less hairy bear regardless of age.[3]

Bears have scrapped within their communities from time to time. Discrimination has increased. Some bears and "muscle bears" do not welcome higher-bodyfat men at their events. Some bears do not want to associate with men who do not fit their notion of what a "real bear" should be. Fat (or lack of it) has become an issue. Some men regard their overweight condition as a form of self-acceptance. There is a lack of racial diversity in the bear community. Hairiness is regarded as a standard of physical attractiveness that genetically favors white men aesthetically, socially, and sexually. -


Bye Ben and Tedi. :unsure2:


Edited by Taxi for Ben
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I know stoney, but when I 1st joined you practised pedantry on me relentlessly, looks like some of it wore off.

I was being a pedant, I knew what you meant.

It is okay Padawan, master has noted your progress, I had hope for you but you still feel the need to seek recognition as your post here shows. I am sorry but you are still a long way off.

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Poofy has nothing to do with sexuality! It means, soft, sensual and a bit girly. Everybody knew what he meant when he said cricket was poofy.

But you feckern sevconians will drag any percieved unpoltically correct word and spin it until a'body is distracted from their cultural shame.

I believe the forum term is deflection.

My best friend is queer and there is feck a' poofy about him!

And I love cricket.

He didnt say cricket was 'poofy' he said cricket was for 'poofs'

Totally different.

Edited by TheLip69
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Who was calling Dunfermline fans 'rent boys'?

I have no idea, presumably the guy who wrote the article.

However, it does raise a point.

Did Chuckie not do the same with Sheffield Utd?

Went as a saviour, initally got a great reception then sold the ground and any other assets, before having to be escorted out under police protection from the Sheffield United fans?

Deja vu anyone?

Just trying to bring this back onto some form of topic other than gay cricketers and the like.

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