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Paul '67' Brennan. Likes to think of himself as 'something' in the 'celtic internet family', and his fanboys are only to eager to w**k over him. Similar to McMadeupname without the made up name. Really just writes what Peter Lawell tells him and a few of his own crackpot theories.

Had a total meltdown at SMFC during the reconstruction debacle and regularly pleads for Celtic to be 'allowed' to move to England.

Total chunt and a fat mess, imo. (only the chunt bit, his corpulent figure is without question.)


Just another internet bampot so ha. I have seen some of his stuff quoted or copy and pasted on the net but never really paid much attention.. Anyone who pleads for Celtic to Ingurland is a chunt :lol:

Agreed Johnny.

He might be correct sometimes as he seems to have decent sources in The Green Room, but fat chunt all the same! ;)

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:lol: How long have you been lurking to post that drivel. Im in Dublin and it's pissing Becky ;) This magee chap must have really done a number on you lot :thumsup2 I have seen about 20 odd posters been accused of being him. You seem to miss him alot. :o

It was one of those jokes Dougal, you'll get the hang of them one day.

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Oh, they do, they do. He was on of the few posters from any club that came close to their level of sheer bigoted lunacy and outright stupidity. With him gone, they're struggling to connect.

He saw through you quick enough anyway....

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Yes, that's pretty much right.

No8 can only muster his mental side sporadically these days. Youngsy's awful quiet. Bearwithme gives the impression of having one of those life thingies. Kincardine's reasonable and pleasant - that's no use. Bennett appears to have issues. Bendarroch's really just about the Bingo now. Defeating BP/AWRA/Cowan types is like taking candy from babies then punching them.

That just leaves Tedi.

Ah - Mr WKR lite - the fakely offended newbie. And one of the most spineless when it's time to take back what you dished out.

That the plastics and diddies have wallowed in their own shite for days is telling and seems to have emboldened you somewhat.


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Yes, that's pretty much right.


No8 can only muster his mental side sporadically these days.  Youngsy's awful quiet.  Bearwithme gives the impression of having one of those life thingies.  Kincardine's reasonable and pleasant - that's no use.  Bennett appears to have issues.  Bendarroch's really just about the Bingo now.  Defeating BP/AWRA/Cowan types is like taking candy from babies then punching them.


That just leaves Tedi.


Ah - Mr WKR lite - the fakely offended newbie. And one of the most spineless when it's time to take back what you dished out.


That the plastics and diddies have wallowed in their own shite for days is telling and seems to have emboldened you somewhat. 




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Ah - Mr WKR lite - the fakely offended newbie. And one of the most spineless when it's time to take back what you dished out.

That the plastics and diddies have wallowed in their own shite for days is telling and seems to have emboldened you somewhat.



Tell me, what do I dish out, but fail to take back?

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Was just holding out for 'returning the love in kind', so I'm going to take that.

Think you should © BB, ribz. Fabulous idea, cap doffed. ;)

'Cap'? More like a pointy white upside cone..Racist!

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So let me get this right, is it just homosexuals with feminine traits who are poofs? I was under the i impression that the term poof was applied to all males, hetro, homo and bi who emphasised their famale side?

I know that bear is a term used exclusively to describe 'masculine' male homosexuals but was unaware of the poof thing


Ma auld mither has a pouffé (she pronounces it 'poofy') in her living room. She's always had a pouffé, she puts her feet up on it whilst watchin' Eastbenders, Emmerdale Felch, Orgynation Street, Rimmy City etc.

As for Kenneth Williams, he once opined that he was not a homosexualist himself, but that he did admit to "helping them out when they're busy."

So, whit's been happenin' down Sevco Street today ? Just who is Charlotte ? :babe2

And as for Tedi and Bendarroch...................


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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