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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not really

HBQC dragged a post across threads and I just replied to it, blame him not me, cya.

What aren't you going to delete this pile of tear stained pish then ?.

You viewed a thread and knew which thread you went into before replying my post and then have the bare faced cheek to blame me for your stupidity ?,fucking brilliant strategy there Tedi just brilliant do keep it up ffs :lol: .Even the content of the post you replied to had your on the BRALT thread typed all over it dopey :1eye .

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AH the fucknugget returns :lol: welcome back ya dobber rm-1345589954-U54519.gif

I knew you'd fall for the baiting and just couldn't resist the juicy worm.

HB You may add Medium to your skill-set. You managed to make contact and communicate with The thread Polterfud. The spectre of the one who called himself 'Tedi' and was known also as 'Little Grasp'.

It is you who will surely save him, from the hideous fate of endlessly monitoring this thread, dispensing little dots without being able to actively participate in our debates. :lol:

Seriously HB Good un. :thumsup2

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Tell me Ted didn't sneak back in two days after his resignation, make a pointless post, then delete it within moments.  Tell me that didn't happen.


I still had some respect for the daft bugger too. :lol:  :lol:


He walked away

He walked back in

He walked away again

You cannot accuse him of just walking away....

He walked away twice.

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For the attention of Tedi. Private and confidential.


Problems demonstrating P&B addiction.

Spending hours in front of a computer screen reading through forums. Afraid so Tedi. A major problem for you.

Overreacting to anyone who disagrees with his or her given opinion. Yes Tedi. A very serious problem for you.

Loss of proper spelling and grammar skills when typing. Not so bad, but degenerates when you get excited or angry. Especially when anyone claims Walter or Ally are less than blue nose legends and in it for the money.

Innate ability to recall virtually every Internet meme and viral video. Another big one you suffer from Tedi. Pretending otherwise by "show me the evidence" we know is just a smokescreen and attempt at denial.

You are obviously experiencing withdrawal symptoms, finding it difficult to give up. Unfortunately anyone associated with Rangers has similar addictions but in different forms so no point in asking them for help.

It's cold turkey time Tedi. :green:bairn:geekhttp://getcoldturkey.com/


Edited by thelegendthatis
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A good example of how bad the communications have been coming out of Ibrox over the last year was brought up again on Sportsound yesterday afternoon. This was where Rangers complained to anyone who would take any notice "why did we get fined and Hearts and Dunfermline didn't ?"

The SFA were quick to reply "because you asked for it"

Now is that not ridiculous?. Ooops !! :1eye:lol:

That is a major cock-up in the communications department right there for Rangers. But not surprising given the policy of singing to the gallery regardless if the communication/outburst lacks any form of accuracy and verification. It also shows an obvious lack of intelligence in communicating.

Now I wonder which posters on here tried to back up that arguement on why Rangers were fined and the other two were not?.

There you will see which of them believes everything that comes out of that asylum of a club, the gullible, the sheep, the zealots. ;)

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Is the registration ban for the same length of time?...after all we must have all clubs treated in the same way.

What we really have now is absolute conclusive proof that Rangers were harshly treated by the footballing authorities in our hour of need. This should never be forgotten by the supporters of the club,the players or the management!!

Mather is 100% correct to ask the question, Rangers were treated differently like it or not.

The fans have every right to be angry based on the fact the club was treated differently.

Fining clubs who go into administration is counter productive IMO.


The 50K fine was purely for breaching rule 14.1, the overall fine was much larger, Rangers were treated differently in this Regard, the fans have every right to be angry and Mather has every right to ask the question.

I might excuse No8 as that was breaking news at the time, but Tedi what were you thinking?

I would have expected this from AWRA, or Chris 1 Title but not from you. :lol:

Edited by CityDave
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For the attention of Tedi. Private and confidential.

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How to Win An Argument on the Internet

The comments section is your war zone. You can be the hero.

Welcome to the world of internet comments. Its like the Great Land Run of 1893; anyone can make a name for themselves, claim their territory if they work hard enough at it. The power of anonymity is insurmountable. Behind your computer, you can be a distinguished professor and expert at any topic. You can speak for all groups and peoples. Its actually quite magical. If theres one thing to know about how to being good at internet-ing, its about winning the argument. Forget learning anything, forget dialogue- leave that to the weak. You want to have the last word, the perfect retort that no one can top. If your comment is the most nested on the right, you win the internet. Below are the best tricks of the trade.

Get a hobby!

If someone is passionate about something, they obviously are weordps who are obsessing over something. They need to be told to get a life and stop wasting their time talking about it. Whether its a love for a television show, an analysis of a video game, knitting, politics; the important thing is to make them feel like they are abnormal for caring about this thing. You may want to tell someone that they should care about the real issues. Who cares about this one guy on The Walking Dead when there are people being politically oppressed every day around the world? Why are they so concerned about being vegan to support animals when there are humans suffering?

The Oppression Olympics

Everybody knows that literally anything is a contest, even human suffering. And everyone know that ethic and social identities can always be ranked by who has it the worst. Anyone who claims Antisemitism needs to be schooled about slavery in the deep South to be put in their place. Someone complaining about their home repairs needs to be reminded that hey, some people dont have a home at all. This is especially effective when you are commenting on a thread that is actually not about sociology or social issues- you can throw around some impressive buzzwords that will make the others feel incredibly stupid and make you feel educated.

In fact, anytime you can remind someone that they are whining about First World Problems, jump right in there. Because privileged people are not allowed to express any emotions except straightforward gratefulness while also remaining humble. If they earn a decent living, they should not be able to afford any material objects without being made to feel incredibly shamed. Sometimes your opponent may beat you to the punch by writing haha, #firstworldproblems after their comment, therefore stealing your thunder.

Your experience is the only one that matters.

Any argument about the institutional oppression of a social group can be singularly undone with an example from your life that is contrary to the argument. And I mean any experience. Talking about how girls are socialized to avoid conflict? Make sure you mention how you were a spitfire when you were a kid. Discussing the need for affirmative action? Mention how you are pissed because you couldnt get into Harvard and had to settle for Dartmouth. Every woman you meet turns you down? Women must be using the friendzone to manipulate men.

Close the deal

Some people may just decide to ignore you, perhaps deciding not to spend time on the argument and doing other things. On the internet, no one is more than a few clicks away. Find their Facebook, twitter, hell, even their LinkedIn. Continue to engage them on any of these you can find; this is a conversation they started, they are under obligation to see this through. Its not stalking, its winning.

Share loaded messages and sub-tweets

Even if you didnt put the person in their place in that very moment, all hope is not lost! You have the power of your own voice and you can carry it over to all social media and even other posts. Be vague enough, but also be specific enough so they really know what you mean. Tweet something about how some people just dont get it. Some people would benefit from a good lay. Some people really need to grow up.

Shame Those Bodies

If you are really struggling, body-shaming is always a good go-to. Even if what you are talking about has nothing to do with appearance, calling someone fat, unrapeable, even virgin is good way to really show how passionate you are about your stance. After all, someone that doesnt agree with you is also probably not as good -looking as you.

Animated Gifs!

If you are at a loss for words, just post a lot of animated gifs of shallow reality stars rolling their eyes. Preferable of a sassy black woman.

First Words Are Everything

If your argument is not that strong, start your comment with things like ummmmmmm; Honey, and even the simple Wrong!. Since the written word is hard to convey tone, you need some more dynamic ways of addressing people.

Claim Reverse Racism.

Claim that some events that marginalized people hold are the ultimate inequity. Wheres your straight pride? When is White History Month? Why cant you major in Mens Studies? WHEN WILL THE WORLD GET WHITE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION? [All caps at your discretion.] Its a zero sum game, obviously. Others getting rights means some of yours may be taken away. And thats just not fair!

Being Misunderstood Means Being Cyber-Bullied

You are expressing an opinion, and since the opinion comes from you, it is an extension of you. Therefore, when someone attacks it, they are attacking you. This is bullying, and its a real hot topic right now. Never mind that kids at schools are killing themselves at schools because of bullying, someone else on the internet has challenged you!

The Great Departure Announcement

So maybe you cant win all arguments. If you cant win, run away, and make sure everyone knows it. Write a sensational comment or social status update about how you are leaving the site/Facebook/internet, etc. Claim that you need to focus on more positive things in life, and are sick of the haters and the drama. Perhaps hint at some sort of personal mental health problem, blaming this on the haters and the critics. True, it would be easier just for you to literally leave, but you want to be sure people know what they have done.

But, dont delete your account right away. You want to check back often to see those that beg you to stay. Then delete. Then come back a month later, claiming to have turned over a new leaf. Then leave again. Repeat several times.

You cant go wrong when employing these techniques- in fact, they are guaranteed ways to ensure that you are never wrong, guaranteed to derail conversations, and guaranteed to shut everyone else down. In other words, you win!

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"A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: Inquiries into the incident at Bruces Coaches are ongoing. There have been no arrests. There was no sectarian or football related motivation.

So, inside job maybe ?

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