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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rule E5:

"Company not club" get-outs are covered by opening sentence of the rule ("member" referred to = SPFL shareholder).

Excellent - and so well delivered HJ.

So, the revised target for the rest of League 1 is to restrict them gathering this cushion in the early part of the season until Admin2 and the great sell-off ?

They were right you know...............


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Ah you answered it for me, AhbergreenFhud.

So the prediction is we'll get a 25 point deduction? IF and I say IF we did we would still win the league by a considerable distance. It wont happen though and I'm going to bookmark this page.

What if the original owner of your laptop tracks you down before Christmas? :lol:

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How long, exactly, does 'impending' mean? I've only just gotten over the shock of Bhairnforever's insistence that the end was to be in Sept. 2012.

I've heard about a dozen different dates this summer alone - someone even took a note to remind me of my dismissiveness next spring if it turns out I'm wrong and we do indeed hit admin V2 at that time.

There's a thing - if we do it another admin (and of course I hope we don't) - we'll just have to dust ourselves down from that blow and get on with it.

The end was in July 2012. That you don't accept it doesn't change the fact.

And "the end" wasn't administration - it was liquidation. I would have thought a fan of rangers and the rangers would have a better understanding of the difference than most.

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Excellent - and so well delivered HJ.

So, the revised target for the rest of League 1 is to restrict them gathering this cushion in the early part of the season until Admin2 and the great sell-off ?

They were right you know...............



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Are you now being very careful to avoid homophobic attacks lest T_K refuses to ruffle your hair any more?

Sad fūck that you are :lol:

Why would I have to "be very careful" to avoid something that simply isn't in my nature?

Sad wee bigot, grasping at any perceived or invented reason to throw the vitriol.

Are you going for your third meltdown in 24 hours? It's just, I've got a lovely wee Chilean CS on the go, and I'm debating whether to crack another bottle.

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Why would I have to "be very careful" to avoid something that simply isn't in my nature?

Sad wee bigot, grasping at any perceived or invented reason to throw the vitriol.

Are you going for your third meltdown in 24 hours? It's just, I've got a lovely wee Chilean CS on the go, and I'm debating whether to crack another bottle.

You hate a football team due to religious reasons and yet you've got the cheek to accuse others of being bigots.

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Why would I have to "be very careful" to avoid something that simply isn't in my nature?

Sad wee bigot, grasping at any perceived or invented reason to throw the vitriol.

Are you going for your third meltdown in 24 hours? It's just, I've got a lovely wee Chilean CS on the go, and I'm debating whether to crack another bottle.

It's not in your 'nature' now? Where can it be this week, WKR? Just how absent-minded are you?


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You hate a football team due to religious reasons and yet you've got the cheek to accuse others of being bigots.

Proper flailing now, Bennett - possibly because your only remaining acolyte is here to back you up. Now, I'm going to type this very slowly, because I know you are not only bigoted but extremely thick:

Ahmed has a small farm. In the last few years:

An Israeli rocket landed in his fields, destroying not only that year's profits, but also crops his family needed for food.

Ahmed's son, protesting at Israeli expansion, is killed by an Israeli soldier.

Ahmed's daughter marries a young man who is identified as a suicide bomber and shot at a checkpoint. He is simply overweight and nervous. Ahmed's daughter has to bring up her children alone.

1. How do you think Ahmed feels about Israel?

2. Would you describe him as anti-semitic?

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Ask a mod to do an IP check on you if you haven't got anything to hide.

Oh jesus f**k BP. Am I to nursemaid you around every conversation? Bud is a decent bloke but supports The Mirren. Please understand that the name AberdeenBud doesn't make him a sheepshagger - just a jakey. :P

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Ask a mod to do an IP check on you if you haven't got anything to hide.

Batshit, we get it. You've mastered the art of not having a static IP address. Or, more likely, your carer has HideMyAss installed on the PC you get to use.

Fortunately we have your own inimitable style to identify you by. Not to mention your pride in those oh-so special signatures that you can't bear to leave behind with your last identity.

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