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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh jesus f**k BP. Am I to nursemaid you around every conversation? Bud is a decent bloke but supports The Mirren. Please understand that the name AberdeenBud doesn't make him a sheepshagger - just a jakey. :P

Awww naw, Kincardine, don't call him a jakey - that will just re-ignite the acceptable/unacceptable addiction bollox we had to wade through a few days back.

Oh aye, gaunnae ruffle ma herr? Apparently that's all I'm after, according to Bendarroch. Good luck finding most of it, mind. ;)

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Now i can see why Norman and SS18 became so chummy.

a. Not the case.

b. How can you?

If you want to accuse me of something, you sleekit wee creep, then do so. And do so convincingly. Otherwise,

Fúck off, Vicky.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Entering this thread with trepidation, but with a genuine question... Whatever the exact figures of month-to-month losses, and however the consequences of it play out - why has this sort of scenario even loomed on the horizon?

I mean - here you have a club which was able to shed all its debt (via liquidation) and start afresh. It has generated massive income from selling shares from scratch, and securing 30k-40k season ticket sales over 2 seasons, as well as receiving what must be by far and away the 2nd largest income from merchandising, hospitality, etc. in Scottish football.

Over the 2 seasons in question, it has been playing in the part-time levels of the Scottish game.

How on earth can the situation have developed whereby they are losing money, as opposed to banking-it-up?

The biggest long term problem they have is the massive fixed costs. In relation to utilities (which is going to rocket over the next couple of decades), policing and lease/hire costs. Unless they get a big TV or sponsorship deal they'll struggle to cover these costs. Let alone putting a team together that will attract 40-50k fans every other week.

The next admin is unlikely to be controlled by whyte/green/duffnphelps so it's unlikely their spl standard players are going to be around to overcome any points deficit.

Won't they still get to choose their administrators? Obviously it won't be D+P, but they'll still be friendly to them.

Ah you answered it for me, AhbergreenFhud.

So the prediction is we'll get a 25 point deduction? IF and I say IF we did we would still win the league by a considerable distance. It wont happen though and I'm going to bookmark this page.

You'll start to drop points in games you normally wouldn't around new year. As players start to become unsettled when it becomes clear their team can't pay the biils. I don't think you'll overcome the points deduction to win the league, but you'll still get into the play offs. However, there is a risk you might not win them.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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You obviously share the same beliefs as SS18 Norman, remember you claimed he was the best poster on the board.

a. No I didn't.Bennett, rising above the rampant homophobia which nobody seems able to take to the mods, is the best poster on these boards, as your wee claque continue to inform us. Well respected, knowledgable and witty, apparently. :rolleyes:

b. The poster who I claimed had some merit went under the name Itwiznaeme. He was accused of anti-semitism when, as far as I knew,there was no evidence of such. I therefore defended him, as I was unaware of any such sentiment. On being pointed to some of his non-football posts, I swiftly recanted that position. Apparently, he cam back as SS18. Who, if you recall, I consistently referred to as "the rocket". Hardly a mark of respect.

c. Any chance of your opinion re: poor wee Ahmed? Or are you going to drag out the ST "promise", the wedding fiasco and the particularly badly-aimed "dead bigot father" jibe? Or...

Maybe, just maybe, you could stop bringing a knife to a gunfight.

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