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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Maybe Scottish football fans could chip in and help the jambo's here...

A CAR park used by Hearts on match days is to be sold by the council.

The move leaves the cash-strapped club without enough space for its players, disabled supporters, officials and VIP guests.

• Comment: ‘Kick in the teeth for Hearts club and fans’

City chiefs said they had found a prospective buyer for the former Tynecastle High School on McLeod Street, which has been used by the club for more than 30 years, providing space for up to 250 cars.

With the car park outside the club’s ticket office taken up by emergency services on match day, they have been left with no provision.

The site which is costing the council £80,000 a year to maintain, is currently under offer from a prospective buyer.

Former Hearts chairman Lord George Foulkes criticised the council for hitting the club when it was already struggling. He said: “There was no discussion about this, they just came and asked for the keys of the car park. Everyone else is bending over backwards to help the club – fans are doing what they can, the administrators are being helpful, most bodies are going out of their way to help.

“It really is very strange the council should take this attitude. Fans will be disappointed and annoyed. I hope they will think again.”

The crisis-hit club had faced a problem tonight after they were told to hand over the keys to the site just 24 hours ahead of the Scottish League Cup match against Queen of the South – while Dundee United are due at Tynecastle on Saturday for a league game.

Hearts bosses had quickly set about putting contingency plans in place which would have seen players being asked to use a car pool to get to games, while directors were told to leave the car at home if possible.

After being challenged by the News on the matter, however, city chiefs have now agreed a one-week stay of execution – giving Hearts more time to find alternative arrangements ahead of their game against St Mirren on October 5.

Council bosses informed the club of their decision to listen to offers two months ago. The council would not reveal the name of the prospective owner or how much they were expected to pay for the site.

BHAT for this pish.

12,000 posts and you still haven't quite got the hang of this forum malarkey! :lol:

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You asked me to leave it for personal reasons, i obliged until you tried to point score here.

Your relative battered his wife and daughter in law (x2), do not take the moral high ground here.

You should have left it Bennett. I have no idea what is going on between you two but it has gone beyond what is acceptable on a football forum... IMO...If his relative did do as you say that shouldn't be used against him...No matter what he said about a footballer he doesn't know.

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You should have left it Bennett. I have no idea what is going on between you two but it has gone beyond what is acceptable on a football forum... IMO...If his relative did do as you say that shouldn't be used against him...No matter what he said about a footballer he doesn't know.

He brought it up again and twisted one of my posts in the process.

Google it for yourself, articles in the local paper, BBC and Glasgow Herald etc.

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You asked me to leave it for personal reasons, i obliged until you tried to point score here.

Your relative battered his wife and daughter in law (x2), do not take the moral high ground here.

I'm not aiming for any moral high ground, you imbecile. Let's have a look at me asking you to leave it "for personal reasons", shall we?


"At least you're a more practised weasel than your little mate. "Appears" - I agree. The situation isn't quite as simple as first glance, I think you have to agree. And if you don't, then there's no point debating the issue.

Yes, you made a mistake. Not really OK - totally different person. And "charged". Your club was charged with tax evasion. Were they guilty?

Just leave it now, Bennett. If you want to play "look whose fans are the scummiest", your mob might finally get to be Champions of Europe."


"Fair enough i'll let it go Norm, should never have went this far anyway. "


"I know i've had my run ins with Norman but even i'm shocked at him and young Dhensboy defending this 'man'.

I'd say it's a fair possibility that they are related, Normans to agitated about this for my liking."


"Agitated? Not at all. Just pointing out that labelling people without the full facts can lead you to look like a bit of an idiot.

Why would you assume that we're related? That would mean I'm related to the woman as well. In which case I'd want the book thrown at him, surely? Yet the stance I took, and still take, is that the case is nowhere near as black and white as you'd like to make it, as the Judge said in the story you linked to. Your link, yet you seem not to have read it. The possible recurrence* years later seems to me to suggest someone with problems - whether he's a simple misogynist, as you obviously want to believe, or a man who went off the rails when his son was nearly killed.

*I can't find any record of a trial, and the mates I've spoken to in Killie have no recollection either. They're not exactly news-hounds, but I's have thought this might make a dent in their consciousness.

ETA: My last word - posting when you backed off. Now, about those b*****ds at HM/SPL/The Vatican - what are they up to today? "

Looks to me more like your usual cocktail of point-scoring, slander, and deflection, to be perfectly honest. Rather than asking you to back off for personal reasons (that's one of your best yet, btw), I was all set to play a game of "who's got the scummiest fans" with you. Then you backed off.

And "relative"? You're off back into your "special space" with the Voices again, aren't you? One of these days you'll realise that I will pull you up when you lie, and I will go and post the relevant conversation. It will make one of us look like a slimy, mendacious weasel.

It will be you.

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I'm not aiming for any moral high ground, you imbecile. Let's have a look at me asking you to leave it "for personal reasons", shall we?


"At least you're a more practised weasel than your little mate. "Appears" - I agree. The situation isn't quite as simple as first glance, I think you have to agree. And if you don't, then there's no point debating the issue.

Yes, you made a mistake. Not really OK - totally different person. And "charged". Your club was charged with tax evasion. Were they guilty?

Just leave it now, Bennett. If you want to play "look whose fans are the scummiest", your mob might finally get to be Champions of Europe."


"Fair enough i'll let it go Norm, should never have went this far anyway. "


"I know i've had my run ins with Norman but even i'm shocked at him and young Dhensboy defending this 'man'.

I'd say it's a fair possibility that they are related, Normans to agitated about this for my liking."


"Agitated? Not at all. Just pointing out that labelling people without the full facts can lead you to look like a bit of an idiot.

Why would you assume that we're related? That would mean I'm related to the woman as well. In which case I'd want the book thrown at him, surely? Yet the stance I took, and still take, is that the case is nowhere near as black and white as you'd like to make it, as the Judge said in the story you linked to. Your link, yet you seem not to have read it. The possible recurrence* years later seems to me to suggest someone with problems - whether he's a simple misogynist, as you obviously want to believe, or a man who went off the rails when his son was nearly killed.

*I can't find any record of a trial, and the mates I've spoken to in Killie have no recollection either. They're not exactly news-hounds, but I's have thought this might make a dent in their consciousness.

ETA: My last word - posting when you backed off. Now, about those b*****ds at HM/SPL/The Vatican - what are they up to today? "

Looks to me more like your usual cocktail of point-scoring, slander, and deflection, to be perfectly honest. Rather than asking you to back off for personal reasons (that's one of your best yet, btw), I was all set to play a game of "who's got the scummiest fans" with you. Then you backed off.

And "relative"? You're off back into your "special space" with the Voices again, aren't you? One of these days you'll realise that I will pull you up when you lie, and I will go and post the relevant conversation. It will make one of us look like a slimy, mendacious weasel.

It will be you.

Typed that out with tears streaming down his face. You sad chunt. :lol::lol:

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Cherry picking Norman, how unlike you.

"*I can't find any record of a trial, and the mates I've spoken to in Killie have no recollection either. They're not exactly news-hounds, but I's have thought this might make a dent in their consciousness."

What a liar you are Norman, a simple google search brings up a different tale.

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Deary me, tax dodgers and charity pilfers pretending to support the armed forces.

“RANGERS and the Rangers Charity Foundation are proud to be welcoming over 400 armed services personnel to Ibrox on Saturday as part of a special event to honour the brave men and women of our armed forces …”

After the last shambles as well. :(

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Cherry picking Norman, how unlike you.

"*I can't find any record of a trial, and the mates I've spoken to in Killie have no recollection either. They're not exactly news-hounds, but I's have thought this might make a dent in their consciousness."

What a liar you are Norman, a simple google search brings up a different tale.

Not at all, Bennett. The conversation is at around the 108000 post mark - I simply re-posted the part where it ended "for personal reasons" (still making me chuckle, that, btw).

Now you've made the accusation, I've pointed any interested parties to the relevant area. Where it's not only you that makes a rip-roaring hypocritical cúnt of yourself, by the way.

That "simple google search", by the way, also gives the date of the trial. You fucking idiot.

I won't ask for an apology from you for accusing me of lying, as you're not the kind of person to admit he's wrong. In fact, you're just a weasely little shitebag.

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Deary me, tax dodgers and charity pilfers pretending to support the armed forces.

“RANGERS and the Rangers Charity Foundation are proud to be welcoming over 400 armed services personnel to Ibrox on Saturday as part of a special event to honour the brave men and women of our armed forces …”

After the last shambles as well. :(

Thing is, the Horde will continue to turn up to watch ICBINR - after the last shambles, as well. :lol:

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You cherry picked parts of quotes Norman, it's there for all to see.

...and as for no record of a trial you really are a lying toerag.

I re-posted entire quotes, you lying little halfwit. Unlike you, in your very next post. I can't afford many more of these irony meters, you know.

Lying toerag, is it? Try this:

1. Check dates of that original conversation.

2. Do a "simple Google search" and this time check the trial date.

3. Come back on here and accuse me of being a celtic fan, or a secret agent, or whatever the Voices tell you this time, in the hope nobody will notice yet another Vicky moment.

Pathetic. Once again you enter a battle of wits unarmed, and squeal like a pig when your arse gets handed to you.

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You claimed there was no record of a trial minutes ago :lol:

I claimed there had been no trial in January this year. You do understand that lot was quotes, don't you? The attribution and quotation marks were a subtle clue. Oh, and the fact that some of the quotes were of your posts - or did you think I was making them up? :1eye

Knife to a gunfight - every fúcking time

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