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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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We can absolutely count on you not knowing - that's a given. Hellish is on the money more often than you and he's a fucking rocket.

Dhensest by name...

If I'm a rocket according to you then what are these chumps then ?


With an endless line of thick fannies ready and willing to throw more cash at the spivs on a second share issue no wonder they are fighting to control the cash cow in Govan :lol: .

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I like this wild west analogy for some reason.

Please excuse the following (apologies to Leapy Lee)

Flaming arrows in your clothing

Flaming arrows in your hair

If your a hvn you'll find those flaming arrows everywhere

Flaming arrows that will hit you once, then hit you once again

If you're a hvn you'll feel those arrows, every now and then.

OH!OH!OH! The pain.

I know exactly where my coat is.......................... :)

Flaming arrows reigning down on Ibrox

this Sevco saga is a farce

Do take care, you silly bears

or an arrow might hit you in the buttocks

Never been one for poetry...

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Well im no accountant and obviously not versed in the intricacies of the balance sheet, so perhaps someone on here who does grasp such things can point to the part on these accounts which show the purchase of the club and its historical achievements.

Ah, you'd be looking for the fabled 'Much Grasp', I'm afraid he is but a myth. Sorry.

The one they call 'Little Grasp' however, will no doubt have a quite hilarious, though thoroughly ridiculous explanation. Alas, he doesn't post on this thread anymore (apparently ;) )

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As someone who cares very little on how many French horses or castles the new club spend their IPO money on, the question thats uppermost in my mind is what in the blue f**k is Chuckie Cheese wearing????

Is it a circus clown outfit? Is it some take on Rupert The Bear (see what I did there)? Is it his pyjamas cos retired hustlers dont have to get dressed anymore? Is it the latest Normandy fashion? Is he trying to do the aristocratic "dont give a f**k what im wearing cos im loaded" thing? Or does he genuinely believe that this is a smart look?

What the f**k is going on there?

By the way, that's not a yellow vest he has on - that's where his fake tan stops.

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Fat Mustang Sally is now taking a pay cut a year too late and this from the Beeb had me in stitches with the many lies from the horses mouth ffs :lol: .


Rangers manager Ally McCoist acknowledges wage cut

Rangers boss Ally McCoist claims he agreed to a wage cut because it was "the right thing to do" and not for the benefit of the annual report.

Financial figures published this week showed an operating loss of £14.4m at Ibrox over a 13-month period until the end of June.

"I would like to point out that my decision to take a wage cut has nothing to do with the accounts," said McCoist.

"The negotiations started well before the accounts came out."

The results revealed McCoist's salary to be £825,000 before agreeing to a wage cut, which the manager says is now closer to a 50% reduction reported in one newspaper on Friday and not, as some have suggested, a 15% cut.

McCoist insists that wages were not a motivating factor in his decision to remain as manager of the team, following a turbulent 19-month period in which the Ibrox outfit experienced a major insolvency event and was required to play in the lowest professional league in Scotland.

In recent weeks, a fraught period of boardroom in-fighting has cast a shadow over football matters at Ibrox, but McCoist says he agreed to a reduction in wages due to strains on income, which became apparent ahead of the publication of the annual report.

"The only thing I ever wanted was an opportunity to manage the club," said McCoist.

"There was a contract put down which I can tell you in all honesty was not negotiated at all.

"The finances were not important to us and that's the truth - we just wanted an opportunity to manage the football club.

"I signed the contract and we couldn't foresee what was going to happen in the next 18 months, two years, which was obviously a massive blow to the club. We are where we are at the moment.

"We just feel that where we are in terms of our league status - and the income and turnover is down - that it's the right thing to do.

"We are not looking for a pat on the back for it because any Rangers supporter in our position would do the same."

Meanwhile, a legal battle over a bid to appoint new directors to the board of The Rangers International Football Club Plc will go to court on 14 October.

The Court of Session in Edinburgh chaired by Lord Kinclaven heard concerns had been raised over the requisite notice period for issues to be raised at the company's AGM.

This week, Rangers announced plans for a 24 October AGM, saying a proposal to have four new directors appointed could not be heard because it had not met the deadline for resolutions.

Fat Mustang Sally is a fucking hilarious man and I'm sure the bears will lap it up like the fat cunt is a hero :lol: .

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.............wait a minute, he signed the contract without looking at how much it was worth, but has been in negotiations for ages on a reduction? Seriously?? No really seriously?? Surely even the bears aren't that stupid.....oh wait!

I thought exactly this.

How he retains a shred of credibility with fans is one of life' s great mysteries, until you meet some of them, of course.

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.............wait a minute, he signed the contract without looking at how much it was worth, but has been in negotiations for ages on a reduction? Seriously?? No really seriously?? Surely even the bears aren't that stupid.....oh wait!

But the former Rangers striker says he never took stepping into the chair for granted until he was formally approached by chief executive Martin Bain. Now safe in the knowledge he will be his own man for the 2010/11 season, McCoist has allowed himself time to reflect on how important landing the job is to him.

“I'm thrilled to bits, it's as exciting a time as I can think of,” said the Rangers boss-in-waiting. “I was lucky enough to play for the club for 15 years but this is an absolute dream and a privilege.

Martin and I had a few discussions, and Walter was heavily involved, and once I was offered the job, my automatic reaction was to say yes.

Must have discussed the horses............

Edited by Bloomogganners
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They genuinely believe the Scottish press, or at least a large percentage of it, is against them :blink:

WTF !!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

How the f'ck can anyone who has even the slightest notion of what's covered by the sporting, and often the mainstream press in Scotland decide that the they do anything other than pander to the Old Firm - it's totally and utterly baffling !!

When their team gets a free ride for such a long time. It becomes a huge shock to the system when even the mildest of criticism comes their way. Personally, I see SMSM as largely an irrelevance now, and they will become increasingly more so over the coming years. Especially when you see sports journalist on high 5-figure salaries being made to look sheepish by internet bloggers who do it out of nothing more than the love of it.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Swally on STV news trying to justify financially crippling the club with his wages by saying no other Rangers manager has had do deal with all the off-the-park issues he has.

Off th efield issues are just that, nowt he can do about it except worry, like every other poor sod that has had to deal with the threat of redundancy over the last few years... That doesn't justify that huge slary.

On the field he surely has had the easiest ride of a Rangers manager. Any one on this message could win the league with the squad he has.

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