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So what?

My team was also born of a merger between three clubs in 1919, the year we were founded. Does anyone claim that Aberdeen FC as we know them, pre-date the merger they were involved in?

Really? So what?

You just ripped into me for inventions on Abhergreen when the information regarding their foundation, their merger and shutting the doors was provided by dholly fans. I'm amazed I had to repeat that for you.

A tawdry low for you, MT. I expect that kind of moronic input from, say, the Fhud. Perhaps Bennett was correct after all...

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Really? So what?

You just ripped into me for inventions on Abhergreen when the information regarding their foundation, their merger and shutting the doors was provided by dholly fans. I'm amazed I had to repeat that for you.

A tawdry low for you, MT. I expect that kind of moronic input from, say, the Fhud. Perhaps Bennett was correct after all...

Oh bugger - I guess that means Aberdeenbud wins the Bendy daily bigot today :(

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So I said that Rangers got off on a mere technicality, and you're quibbling about the word "mere".

No, I mocked it. It was puerile.

And despite your stricken and continued attempts at digression - we arrived here because you decided that another salvo of P&B amateur psychology nonsense was the appropriate response to discussions on the very great LNS ruling; that no titles could be stripped. Because no sporting advantage was gained.

And why is it upsetting you at all we ask - because they could not then be handed on a plate to 'RA sulk of course. That, after all, was the plan - hence Liewell's publicly declared disappointment on behalf of rasulk.


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Only intellectually challenged cretins such as Bendy could present being found guilty of a sustained and systematic campaign of cheating as a victory. :lol:

It almost makes you long for AWRA to return. Fwiw, I don't really think he actually believes half the pish he comes away with, no-one's actually that demented in real life.

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Only intellectually challenged cretins such as Bendy could present being found guilty of a sustained and systematic campaign of cheating as a victory. :lol:

It almost makes you long for AWRA to return. Fwiw, I don't really think he actually believes half the pish he comes away with, no-one's actually that demented in real life.

Are you a glutton for punishment :o

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Really? So what?

You just ripped into me for inventions on Abhergreen when the information regarding their foundation, their merger and shutting the doors was provided by dholly fans. I'm amazed I had to repeat that for you.

A tawdry low for you, MT. I expect that kind of moronic input from, say, the Fhud. Perhaps Bennett was correct after all...


I don't even...

Does the current Aberdeen club claim a foundation date that is earlier than that of the merger?

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This is, for me, one of the most important statements on there,

“None of them speak for a very significant number of people. It surprised me to find how relatively few supporters are represented by the various supporters’ bodies.

The vast majority of supporters DO NOT belong to supporters organisations, and yet the clowns that front them are given a platform to air THEIR opinions.

Supporters organisations are NOT representative of the support as a whole. In fact some of them are not even representative of their members.

This going to hurt The Lips but i have to agree with him here . I am repeatedly asked why i am so against fan ownership. The people that head our supporters groups are not the people i want running my club..many i wouldn't trust to wash my motor! Somebody else mentioned Mark Dingwall and the way he is willing to use his influence as head of the RST and owner of Follow Follow to help anybody hoodwink the support as long as there is a chance he might one day get the official tie and blazer

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Sorry. I'm calling 'House'.

All I had left was 'Liewell' and he duly obliged.

Bugger :( Right, next one I'm going long odds as we haven't had a rant about "DundeeHivs" for a while.

Mon the Bendster - I know you're an equal opportunities bigot so can fit my winning card in.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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I showed up for at least a third of the tutorials*, so I know a mentalist when I see one.

*they were on at 10am and frankly, who fancies Freud's mum at that time of the day?

How do you know a mentalist when you see one if you do not know what a mentalist is? I very much doubt that Bendy has the intellegence or the guile to be a mentalist.

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This going to hurt The Lips but i have to agree with him here . I am repeatedly asked why i am so against fan ownership. The people that head our supporters groups are not the people i want running my club..many i wouldn't trust to wash my motor! Somebody else mentioned Mark Dingwall and the way he is willing to use his influence as head of the RST and owner of Follow Follow to help anybody hoodwink the support as long as there is a chance he might one day get the official tie and blazer

One of the more sensible Orcs on my SevcoMedja site observed that fan ownership would be a nightmare for an organisation such as the rangers as you'd have calls to make da Billy Boys and other such sh1t as no Kafflicks policy and orange away strips brought back/made compulsory.

Not sure if the Vanguard Bears would demand no jigaboos too.

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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So what?

My team was also born of a merger between three clubs in 1919, the year we were founded. Does anyone claim that Aberdeen FC as we know them, pre-date the merger they were involved in?

In other rather ancient events, Hibs were out of commission for a spell (put there in no small measure by Celtic), the company that used to run Hearts was liquidated, the company that used to run Dundee was liquidated. All three clubs date their history from the original founding.

Edited by Bearwithme
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