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That's a piss-take, surely? It is, isn't it? :lol::lol::lol:

"The only man on this planet who can bring the much-needed unity". Oh, ma achin' sides. :lol::lol::lol:

"Haw, Mr King - here's a Club Tie, gaunnae gie' rangers mullions o' pounds so as we can stop thame winnin' mair titles than us, and stop aw they diddies rippin' the pish?" :lol::lol::lol:

I understand that was the exact text of the one he wrote next - the Open Letter to Mr S Claus

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How come King' s "commitment to the club is without question"?


Seriously, what's he done that merits others putting such faith in him?

put in a shit load of money and got most of it back?? The others put in no money and got shit loads back
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WKR managed to straddle both sides of the fence.

As is his way.

Hmmm... Thought I was a die-hard something or other.

It's surely not just sinking in after a year and a half that it is actually possible for people to despise both BigotMagnets, is it?

Nope, it's just Vicky trying to be clever again.

And (unless measured against his/her/its/their Amigos) failing miserably.


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Oh FFS - ma sides are splittin'.............................just read this from the brave D'Artagnan (a Vanguard Bear member & self-styleed voice of ra peepul). You can envision the tear stained cheeks and quivering lip........I wonder what his letter to Santa said tho?!

An Open Letter to Dave King


Dear Mr King,

This is a particularly difficult letter to write, despite it being penned from one Bear to another. It is difficult because I don’t necessarily believe the model of ownership you would bring to our club – a sole owner – has been particularly successful for Rangers, and if I’m honest I would much rather see the transparency and clarity which I would hope could be afforded by some measure of fan representation on our board. In short, in writing such a letter I am foregoing many of the dreams and aspirations I hoped would be achieved in my lifetime for our club.

I mention the foregoing for one reason – to highlight how desperate and concerned I am and the circumstances which gave rise to this letter. Our support is literally ripping itself asunder in the current boardroom battle, the very heart and soul of this club aretrading blows with each other and causing rifts, some of which I fear may prove irreparable. For a club such as ours, which attracts so much hatred from others, and whose strength and very survival has often relied upon our unity as a support, this presents a bleak and ominous outlook.

Further more I am not convinced that either side emerging victorious from the AGM on the 19th December, will result in a cessation of hostilities, merely a lull in the fighting, which will be renewed, perhaps with greater vigour and further damage to our already fragmented support in the future.

But I do not write to you as Dave King the financial saviour of our club. I write to you as the only man on this planet who can bring the much needed unity to our support, whose commitment to this club is without question, and who can capture, inspire and unite our support behind our club. As one.

The English writer William Hazlitt once wrote :

“No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history.”

I, and thousands like me, would implore you now to write your page in the history of our club.

Yours in Rangers


Now there is a true Fud.

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Oh FFS - ma sides are splittin'.............................just read this from the brave D'Artagnan (a Vanguard Bear member & self-styleed voice of ra peepul). You can envision the tear stained cheeks and quivering lip........I wonder what his letter to Santa said tho?!

An Open Letter to Dave King


Dear Mr King,

This is a particularly difficult letter to write, despite it being penned from one Bear to another. It is difficult because I don’t necessarily believe the model of ownership you would bring to our club – a sole owner – has been particularly successful for Rangers, and if I’m honest I would much rather see the transparency and clarity which I would hope could be afforded by some measure of fan representation on our board. In short, in writing such a letter I am foregoing many of the dreams and aspirations I hoped would be achieved in my lifetime for our club.

I mention the foregoing for one reason – to highlight how desperate and concerned I am and the circumstances which gave rise to this letter. Our support is literally ripping itself asunder in the current boardroom battle, the very heart and soul of this club aretrading blows with each other and causing rifts, some of which I fear may prove irreparable. For a club such as ours, which attracts so much hatred from others, and whose strength and very survival has often relied upon our unity as a support, this presents a bleak and ominous outlook.

Further more I am not convinced that either side emerging victorious from the AGM on the 19th December, will result in a cessation of hostilities, merely a lull in the fighting, which will be renewed, perhaps with greater vigour and further damage to our already fragmented support in the future.

But I do not write to you as Dave King the financial saviour of our club. I write to you as the only man on this planet who can bring the much needed unity to our support, whose commitment to this club is without question, and who can capture, inspire and unite our support behind our club. As one.

The English writer William Hazlitt once wrote :

“No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history.”

I, and thousands like me, would implore you now to write your page in the history of our club.

Yours in Rangers


An Orc acting like a Bheggar, who stole his dignity?

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These people are working hard to shut the mouths of all football supporters. Not least by demanding that outlandish reinventions of language are accepted as the norm. It is a crucial part of the work for the suitably motivated. And they are not easily distracted.

For example, when Haggerty recently refused to answer questions on anti-Dutch racism from 'RA sulk fans - she countered by asking what that had to do with 'well documented' anti-Irish racism in Scotland.

Drip, drip, drip...

And this campaign to silence football supporters voices has been going particularly well for the goon brigade lately. Hasn't it? Not quite the intended outcome I expect. But, in a tat-for-tit race to the bottom it was almost the most likely.

Are congratulations due to those who are terrified of offensive language? I wont be applauding them as they work to further empower the controls this state already enjoys over its people.

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Oh FFS - ma sides are splittin'.............................just read this from the brave D'Artagnan (a Vanguard Bear member & self-styleed voice of ra peepul).  You can envision the tear stained cheeks and quivering lip........I wonder what his letter to Santa said tho?!


An Open Letter to Dave King


Dear Mr King,

This is a particularly difficult letter to write, despite it being penned from one Bear to another. It is difficult because I don’t necessarily believe the model of ownership you would bring to our club – a sole owner – has been particularly successful for Rangers, and if I’m honest I would much rather see the transparency and clarity which I would hope could be afforded by some measure of fan representation on our board. In short, in writing such a letter I am foregoing many of the dreams and aspirations I hoped would be achieved in my lifetime for our club.


I mention the foregoing for one reason – to highlight how desperate and concerned I am and the circumstances which gave rise to this letter. Our support is literally ripping itself asunder in the current boardroom battle, the very heart and soul of this club aretrading blows with each other and causing rifts, some of which I fear may prove irreparable. For a club such as ours, which attracts so much hatred from others, and whose strength and very survival has often relied upon our unity as a support, this presents a bleak and ominous outlook.


Further more I am not convinced that either side emerging victorious from the AGM on the 19th December, will result in a cessation of hostilities, merely a lull in the fighting, which will be renewed, perhaps with greater vigour and further damage to our already fragmented support in the future.


But I do not write to you as Dave King the financial saviour of our club. I write to you as the only man on this planet who can bring the much needed unity to our support, whose commitment to this club is without question, and who can capture, inspire and unite our support behind our club. As one.


The English writer William Hazlitt once wrote :

“No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of history.”


I, and thousands like me, would implore you now to write your page in the history of our club.


Yours in Rangers

I genuinely dislike all that bears talk. From one bear to another etc.

It's cringey as.


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Why do they never include fat Salary in these count-ups? He's about 3% and has openly stated his snout is with the Spivconian Board

Probably because he's not renowned for his reliability. It's high time he met with someone else and pledged his loyalty to them. It must be over a week since he's done so.

If he senses a change in the wind, he'll go in that direction.

He's got a massive salary to protect and must back the winner. He might yet change sides, but I don't think he will because he's currently backing the right horse it seems. His support can be taken for granted by nobody though.

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